Saturday, February 3, 2024



Checking the birdbath out...

and a fallen leaf.

What next?

She might have heard someone nearby accidentally tapping the glass with a camera lens, trying to get a closer look.

“What was that?”

“I heard it again!”

And with that, she left!

Husband of woman with camera said, “What are you doing?  Don't open the door.  She might dart in.”  Woman with camera was hoping fluffy cat would come over and say hello, but fluffy cat quickly scurried across the deck, squeezed through the ever so narrow opening under the rail and jumped nine feet to the ground, the fluffy cat not the woman with camera. She, meaning the big, fluffy cat with the tiny body under all that fur, obviously had springs on her toes! 

Visiting Carolina Wren said to woman with camera, “With all due respect, you trying to say hello to big fluffy cat, I'm glad she left! Cats and birds do not mix!”  “That is sad!” said woman with camera.  “Why can't we all get along?”

Woman with camera thinks this was the cat that visited a couple of weeks ago. She looks very well taken care of and doesn’t think she is let out of the house often. Her fluffy coat looks immaculately clean. She is perhaps a house cat but occasionally takes a walkabout through an open door without her humans realizing. She may also be a newcomer to the neighborhood. I'm sure she will make her way home. Eyes will be alert just in case.

Thank you for visiting and enjoy your day!


  1. This is an adorable photo of the cute little Wren. And the cat is stunning! Long fluffy fur, and big blue eyes. Does not seem to have a collar on!

    1. I didn't see a collar Ginny. I was hoping that maybe it was under all that fur?

  2. Such a beautiful fluffy cat. Back when I had cats, the intention was to keep them strictly inside. They all seemed to have other idea and in the end it was their downfall.

    1. I don't see many outside cats anymore. When I was young we used to have a Ginger Tom. He was definitely an outside cat. The idea of an inside cat wasn't ever heard of back in those days. He used to roam at night and had a few run-ins but survived to a great old age thankfully.

  3. Cats in a home are adorable pets. Cats permitted to roam at will are vicious, indiscriminate killers.

    1. I remember our old cat bringing home a few 'gifts'. Used to horrify us but mom and dad nor us kids had an inkling that he should be anything but an outside cat. It just wasn't done in those days, it was just the way it was.

  4. She, the cat, is gorgeous! she must be loved because that fur looks well brushed to me. I do hope the foxes or coyotes or big owls don't get her. I say that because our cats are pretty much gone from those critters. I am thinking the birds are glad she moved on, but I for one, am looking forward to another visit. I Love the look over the shoulder pics. what a fab face.

    1. I worried about her outside with the other animals you mentioned. She does have a cute face doesn't she? :)

  5. A beautiful cat but not wanted where the birds get their food, Happy weekend Diane

    1. Exactly my own thoughts Diane :) Thank you and a happy week to you :)

  6. Such a beautiful kitty cat. So glad she came by for a short visit. Though, I'm equally as glad she left your birdies alone. Also glad to hear it was her and not you that jumped the nine feet down! Happy Saturday.

    1. Yes indeed Martha Ellen :) I don't think I could jump down two inches these days, lol! Happy week to you my friend :)

  7. Aww! Woman with camera tells a fun story in words and pictures! I enjoy both cats and birds and yes, wish they could all get along!

    1. That's great and woman with camera thanks you Sallie, lol! And wouldn't that be nice if they could all get along? :)

  8. The visitor was certainly a lovely feline, but not one you would want to encourage to visit when your bird friends are at the feeder. I can understand the Carolina Wren being curious about the "woman with a camera" that was you, Denise.

    1. Definitely not Dorothy :) They are always curious about the woman with the camera. First sight of her they fly up into the trees. She has to try and be sneaky and poke the lens out from around the corner. A lot of times she doesn't succeed but is happy when she isn't seen and can get at least one shot before being spotted.

  9. Good cat detective work! I think you've got the case solved. And that photo of the rain is really extraordinary! I enjoy these visits. Thanks so much! Aloha!

    1. I try my best Cloudia, lol! Now where is good old Hercule when I need him? So glad you enjoy and you are very welcome, Aloha :)

  10. Oh my, even the cats come around your neck of the woods at the bird feeder. These are great photos, Denise, and that cat sure is an attractive fellow.


    1. I used to get flying squirrels before our tree was cut down. Thank you Sheri, he is and I'm happy for his short visit :)

  11. Lovely pictures of the cat and I like the Carolina Wren too.

    All the best Jan

    1. That's great, thank you Jan and all the best to you too :)

  12. Certainly was, I haven't seen her/him since :)


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