Sunday, February 18, 2024



Today I wanted to share Ann's latest card she sent out.  I also wanted to show Ann where I placed Mr. Gnome.  He's among some of my treasured photos and nicknacks, slapdab in the center for all to see when they walk into our family room. 

Thank you Ann, for not only making these beautiful cards but for sending them via regular mail. It is so nice to go outside to the mailbox and find one of these inside. Puts a happy step into the day.  

Ann makes her crafted cards and other seasonal items, and she also makes the prettiest decorated cakes, plus more. You can see what I mean if you go to this link. Her blog is "Ann's Snap Edit Scrap".

Thanks again Ann! You really made my day!

Thanks for visiting everyone, and enjoy your Sunday, you too Ann. I hope you all have a great day and week ahead.


  1. Looks like an amazing card. It's so nice to be sent good wishes! Have a beautiful week.

    1. Thank you Katerina, it is. You have a beautiful week also :)

  2. She is so talented and has such a good eye for design. I put mine on the end table.

    1. Couldn't agree more Ginny, and it's so nice to think of Ann's card being on your table :)

  3. These cards are so lovely and beautiful!

  4. That is so lovely. Take care Denise.

  5. I'm so glad that you are enjoying the cards I send. I do enjoy making.

    1. It's very special to get one of your handmade cards Ann, and sweet of you to start sending them out spreading the joy :)

  6. Don't you just Love getting them? FUN!
    I need to get busy and send one back!

  7. So sweet of Ann :-) The card looks very beautiful.

  8. I have gnome Ann since 2009 and agree, she makes gorgeous cards, cakes, crafts. I think I have gnome you for almost that long.. only a handful left from back then,

    1. Cute choice of words Sandra :) I haven't known Ann as long as you, but have you and I known each other that long? How time flies! Yes, there are not many of us left from those early beginnings. I hope everyone is doing well, those who quit blogging. Some sadly are no longer with us and I miss them.

  9. What a pretty Valentines card, Ann is very creative. Take care, have a great day and happy new week!

    1. Yes she is Eileen, very much so. Thank you and I wish you the same :)

  10. I am in awe of the talent that you crafters have. I was sure one problem that results from getting such beautiful cards is that you never want to throw them away and keep them forever!

    1. I have a box of special cards that I will never ever throw away, and Ann's is now added to that special box :)

  11. What a wonderful surprise to find in your mailbox, Denise, a handmade card is the best and Ann's was lovely. I know what you mean about getting a piece of correspondence, card or note in the mail and it's why I continue to send them out despite USPS raising stamp prices 😟 And, as I mentioned in a previous post, I am participating in the Letters Against Isolation project to write letters, cards and notes to seniors. There is no expectation of a reply but knowing that someone's day may be lightened by a piece of mail is a great feeling just as Ann's card made your day!

    1. It was and it is Dorothy :) I must have missed your Letters Against Isolation. I'll make sure to read your post. What a worthy cause! I wrote to my older friends and relatives at least once a week and didn't mind not getting a reply with some as it became difficult for them to put pen to paper. It was enough to know they enjoyed them. They have all passed on now. The gift is also in the giving, not in the receiving and I'm sure Ann feels that way. Her cards are a true gift and certainly brighten my day.

    2. Denise, the website for the organization I mentioned is at lettersagainstisolation(dot)com. It's a comprehensive and well done site and you will find info about how it operates. I found it amusing when I read that you cannot write more than 200 letters per cycle, which run every 2-3 weeks! I have been averaging 5-6 and while it can feel daunting at first to write to an unknown person, there's lots of ideas and helpful tips on the website. As you wisely said, the gift is in the giving and that certainly applies to sending cards and notes.

    3. Wonderful! Thank you Dorothy, I appreciate all the information :) I will check it out.

  12. That is a fun card! A sweet surprise in the mailbox.

    1. Couldn't have put it better myself Ellen, thank you :)

  13. Totally agree Linda, Ann makes the most beautiful cards, and it is such fun to find one the mailbox.

  14. We have pleasure when we receive hand crafted cards and I'm sure the maker if the cards enjoys the whole process.

    1. From Ann’s own words, I know she does :) Thanks Red!

  15. That card is super sweet -- and so is Ann! I love her work and thoughts!

  16. What a lovely card! It's a red letter day when a real card comes in the mail. How sweet of Ann.

    1. Isn’t that the truth :) thank you Martha Ellen.

  17. What a cute card from your blog friend, Denise. Some people are so creative. I also noticed your wooden girl in the background. I have a girl in the same collection as that, only she is carrying a single rose. I would love to have one like yours with the tea pot. Do you know if they still sell these items?


    1. Thank you Sheri, I agree. The angel you mentioned is still available and I sent you an address where you can find it. I do like the sound of yours holding a rose :)

  18. I can imagine the pleasure of opening the mailbox and finding a delightful treasure like that inside. That would make any day a special day.

    1. Hello Pauline, couldn’t have said it better. Very true and thank you :)

  19. That card deserves its pride of place for sure! Your friend is so talented and I'll check out her website.


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