Friday, February 23, 2024


These are old photos from a vacation in England in 2015. We spent a few days in London and had a great time exploring Saint James Park. It became a favorite place to go as it was a short walk from our hotel. There were many different kinds of feathered friends. Here are a few and I have provided links with more information on each name, including a map of the park here.
I rarely get to see a Graylag Goose. This may have been the last time.

The next two photos show the Ross' Goose. I went here to identify. If any of my ID's are wrong, I would be happy for the correction. I am no expert, always learning.
This goose is slightly larger than a mallard and smaller than a Canada Goose.

Next is the Great-crested Grebe.  

  I had never seen any before my holiday. 
There are more facts at this website.

Sometime I will share more birds from the park.


  1. Thanks for sharing about your vacation and some of the wildlife you encountered. We have a few ducks where I live that love to hang about our doorsteps for shelter and shade and you've inspired me to attempt some photos. I loved my time in London long ago though sadly I was not able to visit St. James Park.

    1. You are very welcome and so glad you enjoyed them. How nice you see them so close to your doorsteps :)

  2. The graylag goose looks so stylish with the way you photograph it!

    1. Thank you so much, the goose was a wonderful subject and posed beautifully. Also quite close so very used to people :)

  3. They are all beautiful birds, great photos! Take care, have a great weekend.

    1. They certainly were, and ones I rarely get to see so it was an exceptionally enjoyable experience. Thank you Eileen, I wish you the same :)

  4. What a lovely blog! Sounds like you had a great vacation, and time really does fly, doesn't it? It's been so many years already. We see the first type of goose you mentioned a lot around here, but not the other one. It's always nice to spot them, oh and of course, we do see the grebe here too. But I've never managed to get a photo of one. Thanks for sharing this blog!

    1. Thank you Aritha, very happy you enjoyed it. It was wonderful and time certainly does fly. How splendid that you get to see the Graylag as often as you do, I would love that :)

  5. The goose looks really petite :-) Great-crested Grebe is really lovely.

  6. I have fond memories, too, of St. James Park. I didn't see the Ruddy Shelduck, which is a new species to me. What a delightful caramel colour they have, contrasting nicely with their black tails.

    1. So nice to know you visited the park also :) The shelduck has a very pretty combination of colors.

  7. Cute Coot. so sweet. I saw a greylag in the park years ago, somewhere i have a photo. pretty sure that is what it was. only one I ever saw.

    1. Yes, the coots were very cute, especially the chicks. That's a nice memory of yours :)

  8. The ruddy shelduck and great crested grebe are especially magnificent. I remember seeing birds in St. James Park I'd never seen before. Love this post, Denise!

    1. So glad Jeanie and thank you :) How nice you saw the birds in the same place. I would love to go again, so many birds, a real joy to be around them.

  9. Thank you for sharing these old photos and reminiscing about your time in England back in 2015!

    READ MY NEW BLOG POST: Melody Jacob Blog

    1. Hello Melody, you are very welcome and thank you. I'll be by to read your latest post.

  10. What lovely photos! I am fond of water birds. Thanks for dropping by my blog, I've enjoyed yours. I'll be

    1. Thank you Snowbird :) I enjoyed my visit and appreciated yours and thanks for coming back xxx

  11. We have some Graylags around here. But they are not as numerous as the Mallards. I have never seen a Coot chick! And I have seen a Grebe only a few times. They look so wacky! Kind of like the punks of the bird world.

    1. I would love to see the Graylags around here but I never have. I haven't seen a Coot here either, or even the Grebe. I think they may be at Huntley Meadows but we haven't managed to get out there for a while and they may have moved on by now. I like your description of them :)

  12. What lovely birds, Denise. I enjoyed seeing them very much and am in awe at the variety!

    1. I agree, they were and a great pleasure to photograph. I have more to share sometime :)

  13. Thanks for sharing these. Love them all.

  14. I loved seeing all the birds on your post today, Denise, especially the white geese. They are beautiful. I used to see the geese all the time in my hometown. Their honk was LOUD! One of my favorite birds though, and I haven't seen them yet here in the mountains. That's an awesome close-up of the Graylag Goose, : )


    1. That makes me very happy Sheri, thank you :) so glad you enjoyed them. Lovely that you got to see them in your hometown. I love nothing better than to hear the geese flying overhead and honking. Those are usually the Canada Goose.

  15. Wonderful photos of the Ruddy Shelduck. I don't think I've ever seen them before. Happy weekend to you.

    1. Happy you enjoyed them Ellen. The weekend is almost over and we had a very nice one thank you. I hope your was too :)

  16. We had a graylag geese on the pond when we lived at Shenandoah River Lakes. A trio of them had a grudge against me, and would attack me! The ringleader bit me. I never knew why those particular geese disliked me so much.

    1. Oh Linda, that doesn't sound very nice at all, you have my sympathy. The only time I have ever been nipped hard was by a white goose when I was about six years' old. I should have dropped my sandwich instead of running with it tightly clenched in my hand and screaming blue-bloody-murder. It chased me all around the lake until I heard my aunty yelling, "Drop the sandwich!", which I eventually did and it gobbled it right up. I still love geese, lol!

  17. It certainly is, totally agree :) Thanks Linda!


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