Friday, January 5, 2024


and police presence in our area. A man was arrested in a neighborhood about a thousand feet behind us as the crow flies. Not entirely sure what he did but a stolen car was mentioned on the first report (not the police app). 

The nearby high school was on lockdown, and in our locale we were told not to go outside. I have the local police department news on my iPad, and checked with that first thing. Then I checked with the local neighborhood app. The principal of the high school had sent an electronic letter out to parents explaining the situation, and what they had done to keep students safe. He went out of his way to tell parents how very proud he was of the students who explicitly followed instructions, and all the staff who helped made it happen. It must have been an incredibly stressful situation for everyone.  Some called home to make sure their loved ones knew they were okay. At times such as these I am grateful for these apps. (There was a similar incident 30 years ago in our neighborhood, with nothing of note since.) 

I noticed the helicopter circling for quite a while and it was low enough that I could ID it as police. I called Gregg who was driving home after a dental appointment, and when he walked in he said there was a police car at the end of our road, and others in the area. The situation seemed to be winding down as I think the person they were looking for had already been caught. Many thanks to our police officers for resolving the situation peacefully and keeping us all safe. They are a credit to their department.  

What a start to the day! Stay safe everyone.

Still plodding along on my iPad and so grateful that I at least have that. Laptop is still acting a bit squirrelly, it’s a process. I am taking time to assess.


  1. It is scary hearing the helicopter flying low over the neighborhood. I am glad the person was caught and all is well. Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend.

    1. Thank you Eileen, all's back to normal in the neighborhood now, thankfully. I hope you have had a great weekend. Have a wonderful evening and a great week also :)

  2. A helicopter and police activity in your neighbourhood must have been worrying. I'm always thankful for the first responders to such incidents including the police. All the best Denise. I hope you manage to keep going with your laptop.

    1. Very Linda, I started feeling uneasy when the helicopter hovered and didn't go anywhere for a while but it's what they have to do of course. You and I think very alike about all our first responders. All the best to you too and thank you so much, I am keeping my fingers crossed about my laptop. I know you understand having your own computer issues. Hope that's going well also :)

  3. You just never know how the day is going to end...
    Glad all are safe!

    1. You certainly don't Donna. Thank you and sending hugs :)

  4. Glad to hear that the person was captured without incident. I'm sure that was rather scary for a while.

    1. Thank you Ann and it was very much so. Glad it turned out okay for everyone :)

  5. Good to hear that the school lockdown process went smoothly, the perpetrator was caught and no one was hurt.

    1. Thank you Jim and Barb, so glad it turned out well :)

  6. police helipcopters are a common sight here, and when i hear one start to circle, i make sure all the doors are locked. we have a small 2 person that hunts for people and a 6 person one that comes out if its really bad. usually the little one is looking for some one who ran from the police. drives me nuts when I can't figure out what they are looking for. I don't think we have an app. i can check the 911 dispatch calls on line and do that but it is not always there. anytime the police are out and about it is scary these days, we never know which nut is where and why

    1. Interesting Sandra, very wise to check all the doors and windows. I do that automatically every day and especially just before bedtime. If nothing else it makes me feel safer. I have my routine and I rarely deviate :)

  7. Yes, we need the police. They are great people, and I truly appreciate them.

    1. Totally agree with you Gigi. Hope you and David are well. I will pop over soon :)

  8. This is not the excitement anyone needs. We have a lot of auto theft in our area.

    1. Truer words Christine :) Auto theft seems to be a problem everywhere.

  9. Police helicopters above are always indicate a emergency situation, glad everything was taken under control with no incident.

    1. Thank you, I appreciate your comment very much :) I was relieved to say the least.

  10. That's a stressful situation for everybody. It's good that it's over without any injury.

    1. It is indeed Red :) That's always a relief to hear.

  11. Glad things got resolved. I'm thankful for those apps. We get text messages from our Sheriff's department when we need to be vigilant.

    1. Thank you Ellen, me too :) Good you get those messages from the Sheriff's department.

  12. I saw a police response the other night heading home. Guy runs out of a store, chased by a cop. Guy hits him in the head with a wine bottle. Cop tazes him. More cops on site very quickly.

    1. Now that sounds scary William. I hope he didn't have to get stitches. Glad his colleagues arrived to help out in good time.

    2. When I looked the guy's name up, he's been committing crimes since at least 2010 when he was eighteen, but probably as a young offender before that.

      Some people can't be rehabilitated.

    3. A sad state of affairs for everyone involved.

  13. Goodness! A stressful situation for everyone.
    So pleased that the situation ended well.

    All the best Jan

  14. My goodness, Denise I'm so sorry to hear this news. ( We are out of town) I'm so glad to hear everything is okay now. Do take care and stay cozy, my friend.

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, it ended well thankfully. You take care and stay cozy also my friend. I have a throw-rug wrapped around me tonight, and am about to get a hot cup of tea. This house seems on the chilly side tonight :)

  15. I'm glad the police had the situation well under control.
    During the BLM demonstrations a couple years ago there was a march about a half mile from us that turned not quite violent but some windows were broken and tear gas was deployed and several people with shot with rubber bullets by the police including some television news crews. We had lots of helicopters overhead then.

    1. Thank you Yogi, they did a great job! Sounds scary too with your situation. I remember seeing much on the news around that time.

  16. That's very creepy. I'm glad it's OK and no one hurt or anything but still, very stressful!

    1. Thank you Jeanie, it was very disconcerting :)

  17. Hi Linda, they certainly are, totally agree :)


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