Thursday, January 11, 2024


Gregg wanted a submarine sandwich yesterday, so we drove over to check Santini’s out. It had been a while. We both ordered the small, Gregg a cold-cut and me steak and cheese.  We gave both our choices a 10 out of 10.  There is a pickle spear on each plate.  Not too keen on pickles, so I gave mine to hubs. He also purchased a (popular brand) packet of plain potato chips. I didn’t like those either so told him he was welcome to my half. 
When we first arrived, a man wanted to get into his car but he very politely waited for me to get out. I was on the passenger side. I said to him, “Thank you!” and Siri answered back in a loud Siri voice, “You are welcome!”  I must have had the sound turned up at its peak as it was loud and she startled both of us. Man looked surprised and initially looked puzzled at the ventriloquist before him. I told him that was my phone talking for me. I had it in my hand and showed him. 
(She is always listening as she has done this before. Gregg will sometimes be saying something and all of a sudden his phone will join in with some information or other on the topic we are talking about.  Hmmm…I still find it a bit freaky-deaky.) I got out of the car, both man and woman (me) rolled our eyes to the skies.  “Modern technology huh?” he said, and we shook our heads as we passed each other. 

All via one of my favorite places to visit, Pinterest. 

Three bunnies are obviously belting out the Hallelujah Chorus! 🎼

I found a couple of copycat recipes.

Hopefully you can enlarge the recipes to read them better. 

I think I would check with a professional before following these, or maybe some of you have had experience?  I know from a family member who swears by ginger tea, oil of cloves my parents used when needed for tooth pain. All natural remedies here. Don’t know about the others though. I would perhaps try them myself, except for the cuts and burns and using turmeric.   Next time I go to the doctors, I am showing them these to see what they say. Always curious about the old remedies.

Thanks for stopping by and enjoy your day!


  1. Psithurism is a new word to me. Thank you.
    I knew about ginger for nausea (but not for headache) and cloves for toothache. I would be interested in what your doctor thinks. Thanks for the beauty and the wisdom.

    1. You are very welcome Sue, it was a new word to me too. I'll be sure to post about any info I get in the future :)

  2. I like the pictorial on healing spices. Very informative.

    1. Thank you Roentare, it sounds interesting doesn't it?

  3. That is too funny about siri answering like that.
    Love all the pictures. I've heard about most of those natural remedies but have never tried any of them. I wouldn't know where to buy most of that stuff unless it's the ground up kind in the bottles you get in the spice section.

    1. We should be getting used to her by now. She still takes me by surprise, as in this case. I just about dropped my phone! :) I like the idea of natural remedies. A lot of them you can see in the spice section. I've bought powdered turmeric there for hot drinks after reading several articles about it. I don't know about fenugreek though. I would like to check with a doctor to see what they say, maybe find one who leans to a combination of traditional medical science and natural remedies perhaps.

  4. Wonderful collection of Pinterest images. I like Wendy's chili. Take care, have a great day!

    1. Happy you enjoyed them Eileen. I have enjoyed Wendy's chili before, and their baked potatoes :) You take care and have a great day also.

  5. I love ginger tea. Just water and fresh ginger root..nothing else.

    1. Thank you Angie, I have tried that and find it very comforting :)

  6. Wonderful photos and information! Thanks!!

  7. I'm in my fuzzy robe with my feet up and just beginning to stir today. Yesterday was really terrible but I'm in Lakeland! Cute photos and wise words to start my day with your blog.

    1. Ah now, that sounds a good start to the day. You certainly deserve it with this move. Hope all goes well today. Thank you Carol :)

  8. every photo/graphic is wonderful. when the bunnies started singing the hallelujah chorus, I burst out laughing. I LOVE THAT. i am a believer in the old spices and ways to treat our bodies naturally, but always check with my doctor to make sure it doesn't cancel out one of my RX meds. like finding out the hard way that peppermint tea is wonderful and healthy but not if you have GERD which I have battled for years. i have just changed my primary doctor back to a DO not an MD.. I have had two female DO doctors in the past and find they lean more to holistic healing than the MD does. I also found they listen more to what I say and seem to care more. great post! loved every word and pic

    1. Thanks Sandra, there are some great graphics out there I am happy to share :) And thank you for your opinions about the old remedies. Interesting, smart and important to check conflicts between natural and rx meds. Agree wholeheartedly!

  9. Thanks for the input Linda and as I have often said, we have only touched the tip of the iceberg with these things. Yes, still finding it all a bit freaky-deaky, lol! I am so glad to be seeing you here again :)

  10. The fact that it's no longer necessary to say "Hey Siri" before using the phone has created unwanted comments fro myself as well, Denise. Your incident was fun to read about. I was really interested in the healing spices list and plan to print it out. I already use some of those listed, others were new to me. Thanks for the info.

    1. That's great Dorothy, thank you and you are very welcome :)

  11. So much to learn and see here today. Like a fabulous naturalist's journal! I have read a lot that oil of cloves placed on a tooth works! I am going to save the soup recipe, enlarge it, and make it! Here is a fact about the chili. I recently read that Wendy's uses the hamburgers they do not sell to put in their chili. Who knew there was even a word for your last entry! I love it, though I will likely never remember it. I am going to look up how to pronounce it. Your Siri story is so funny! Phil's is Alexa. But he has to say her name first before she will talk. although at times she has surprised us.

    1. Hello Ginny, happy you enjoyed and I did not know that about Wendy's Chili, that's very interesting. I think Siri and Alexa will be surprising us even more in the future :) I have so much fun learning new words. I'm glad you do too. I will have the same issue about remembering it I'm sure.

  12. Hey, I learned a new word today about wind blowing through the trees. I spend much time in the forest and like the windy days.

    1. That's wonderful Red, I could spend all my time in the forest on a windy day and be very happy :)

  13. Psithurism, Hey you taught me a new word. Will scrabble approve it? Who knows? My challenge back to word challenges, is "Are you challenging it?"

    Hilarious story about Siri stepping in the middle of a social encounter. I haven't used siri much to tell the truth.

    I love home remedies, even if they don't work. My mother's cough syrup was 1/3 honey, 1/3 lemon juice, and 1/3 bourbon. Seemed to work for me!!

    1. If it ever comes up on my scrabble game and it allows it, I'll let you know Yogi. I've been challenged a few times on the board but never on my iPad :) As for Siri, I'm glad I keep a strap on the phone attached to my wrist, I had a close call that day! I use her quite a lot, every morning I ask her what the outside temperature is. Your mother's home remedy sounds good. My father had something similar but used whisky instead of bourbon.

  14. Love all the sweet things you shared. Especially those singing bunnies!! We often meet our daughter halfway between our houses in a shopping center (to exchange the grand pup!!) and there is a Santini's in that center. Just last night, I was asking my husband if he had ever been to one. Nope. We will have to give it a try. We do enjoy a good sub!

    1. Hi Jennifer, so glad you liked my post :) The singing bunnies made me laugh when I first saw the picture. How nice you meet your daughter to exchange your grand pup. If your Santini has the same quality sandwich, you will not be disappointed. Our subs were outstanding! I hope yours will be too.

  15. So funny about your experience with Siri, Denise. Current technology has come at us so fast. I can hardly keep up. As I tell Grayden, I am still in awe over water out of the faucet and electricity in our homes. Lovely to see all the nice photos and quotes you feature, my friend. I can at least understand those!

    1. It was a bit startling to tell you the truth Martha Ellen, but I quickly saw the funny side :) Those things you mentioned should never be taken for granted. I appreciate them very much. So glad you enjoyed the photos and quotes dear friend. I do too and enjoy sharing them.

  16. Lots to smile about here, Denise. That Siri encounter was funny and freaky. :)

    1. So glad Ellen and yes indeed, I agree about Siri :)

  17. I so enjoyed all your snippets today! And Siri be quiet!

    1. I did just that when I got in the restaurant Christine :) Thank you, happy you enjoyed what I shared.

  18. Technology freaks me out -- sometimes I think it listens way too much!

  19. siri is always listening!! i like wendy's chili and i always get it to go for my mom, she loves it too!!

    1. She sure is! We are going to get Wendy's chili on Wednesday. That is usually our fastfood day :)

  20. Love your Siri story. The bunnies made me chuckle for ages.
    Thanks for the chilli recipe it will be popular in this family.

    1. I'm happy you do, thank you :) That's a great bunny picture isn't it, I smile every time I look at them :) I'm going to be doing that chili recipe also. We like it at Wendys and it would be fun to make it at home.

  21. I haven't had a sub in years. Though I imagine the panini sandwiches I pick up from an Italian deli here qualify


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