Saturday, November 18, 2023


They revolted!  No, I didn't say they were revolting, I said they revolted, just a tad.

"And don't forget the beret and red eyeglasses. It will be never ending if we don't speak up!  I don't even need eyeglasses!" 

First squirrel was frankly very happy not to be wearing anything today, even though he knew he would be next!  Ms. Dee, aka Woman with Camera, tried to tell him winter’s coming, but she didn't like the way he twitched his Bouffant Twitching Flitbrush at her.  A little bit too twitchy for her liking.

This is what started it all, the Anatomy of a Squirrel that was posted the other day.  It started her mind wandering, up in the clouds again.  "Oh, that's where she gets her ideas from", said the House Finch, as he looked up at the sky.  “That cloud does look a bit like a….???   I have no clue what that looks like.”
But they reached an understanding and everything was settled as she realized Mr. Squirrel, and all the other squirrels, should be allowed to retain their dignity. No more changing the names of cute, fluffy tails, no more knitted things, no more getting the dye pot out, no more getting weighed down with heavy jewelry, nor being expected to wear red eyeglasses or berets, even if they did look darned cute!  They countered they could barely climb up the first ledge of the feeding table and wouldn't be able to climb the tree back to their nests. 

There was a request for more nuts and seeds in recompense, but Woman with Camera answered a quick and snippy "Oh no, no, no, no, no, no! You are getting enough as it is!" Well, they couldn't help themselves, but she was wise to them and that was a bridge too far even for her.  

The Man with Camera told her no more 100 lb. bags of birdseed either. That was very much a bridge too far for him as he could barely carry them home.  

An added note: no, no, no, no, no, there have never been 100 lb. bags of birdseed anywhere near this house. It may have been suggested at one time, on the premise that the more you buy the less it costs, and The Man did enjoy shopping at CostCo!  But that didn't work either.  However, the look Woman with Camera got said she was “way too far over that bridge already, just look at those squirrels!” He told her the Bouffant Twitching Flitbrushes were spoiled enough and even they were revolting.

Sentence of the Day:
"A bridge too far!"

A step or act that is regarded as being too drastic to take, as in "Dressing squirrels in sweaters, plus berets and cute red eyeglasses, dying hair and making them wear heavy jewels would be a bridge too far".  On the edge of throwing their tiny paws up in disgust, they told Woman with Camera, “Nuh-uh, enough is enough!"

Thankfully, all is once again calm in Squirrelville.  So ends the bouffant twitching flitbrush tale for today.

Have a great weekend Everyone, 
and thanks for stopping by.  
The squirrels and I appreciate your support.


  1. No squirrels in Hawaii but there was a mob of them at our chestnut tree when we lived in Illinois. Now that the oak tree is producing acorns, I saw lots and lots of squirrels again when we visited our daughter's family this fall.

    1. We haven't gotten quite so many as we did when we had our old wooden deck. Some find the 'fake' wood a little too hard to climb I think. I saw a couple had figured it out so they will probably teach their family members soon. We have had lots of acorns on the ground, maybe they are rounding those up and don't need the bird seed. We can live in hope says I smiling :)

  2. Interesting to I don't know much about them, what I know is they look cute.

    1. Thank you Margaret :) They do look cute and have such interesting expressions on their faces when I study them in a photo.

  3. LOL...I think those sweaters are really nice :-)

  4. LOL this was a fun read. The squirrels might not like it but I think they look adorable.

    1. I'm happy you had a laugh Ann :) I think they do too :)

  5. Cute post and captions. Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. OMG Denise, this is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE! As you know from my comment on your previous post (The Sun Worshipper) I ADORE squirrels. I love their feistiness and the way they can just keep eating and eating. I will often bring a full bag of peanuts to park, and by the time I leave, the bag is empty. City squirrels are very different that country/suburban squirrels. City squirrels are very people-oriented and will sit right next to me on a bench, and I can hand-feed them.

    I love all the visuals you created for this post. Brilliant!

    Thanks for the morning smiles! Have a great weekend!

    1. That is so sweet of you to say Ron :) You describe a scene I would love to have the experience of. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  7. I think the woman with the camera tellith a lie, as I just don't see her having the willpower not to dress up any more squirrels as the weather gets colder.

    1. I think you know the woman with the camera well :))) Thanks for the smile!

  8. love that pink sweater your are wearing, Ms D.. your squirrels are a little more civilized and smarter than ours. all they do is sit in the avocado tree, dropping zillions of green giblets for beau to scoff up. the do have the flitbrush tails and flick them at us when chattering at us from the tree.

    1. That's funny Sandra :) Shall I send a squirrel broom? lol!

  9. Uwielbiam wiewiórki. :) Miłego dnia :)

    1. Ja też uwielbiam wiewiórki :) Dziękuję bardzo! Życzę wspaniałego weekendu.

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you Ann, I hope you have a lovely weekend also :)

  11. Oh no, Woman with the Camera, making the squirrels revolt is just too much! Just wait until it gets colder and they'll be happy to wear their darling sweaters and berets. Man with Camera, I agree those 40 pound bags of seed feel like 100 pounds!

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, I am going to read your comment to those ungrateful squirrels ;) Man with Camera agrees with you 100 percent :)

  12. This is so much fun! You are creative.

    1. Thank you Jenn, I happy you think so :) I never know where my little vignettes are going to end up.

  13. So cute with all these squirrel facts and cartoons.

    1. I am very happy you like it Roentare, thank you :)

  14. A fun post, we have only ever seen 3 squirrels in all the time we have been here, Have a good Sunday, Diane

    1. That's really interesting Diane. I suppose I am so used to seeing them, I don't realize they are not everywhere. You have a good Sunday also :)

  15. Haha, fun post, Denise!
    While the squirrels might disagree, I find them absolutely adorable 😄🐿️

    Hugs and blessings

    1. Happy you tought so Veronica Lee :) Thank you! Hugs and blessings to you too :)

  16. Replies
    1. Thank you Jan, I am happy you think so :) All the best to you too.


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