Thursday, August 31, 2023


I found this pretty wildflower on a walk at Bull Run Park in the spring.

 Bulbous bittercress (Botanical name Cardamine bulbosa).  Other names are Spring cress, Bulbous cress, Bulb bitterness and Spring bittercress.  This wildflower is native to North America and is widespread in the eastern part, where it is found in the moist soils of forests and swamps. 

Its leaves are edible apparently, and they can add a sharp, peppery flavor to salads (not brave enough to try that any time soon.  I don't know enough about such things but found it interesting).  

It blossoms with white flowers in late spring and early summer.  It's the first time I have seen this particular wildflower, or at least noticed it.

What wildflowers do you have growing in your neck of the woods?


  1. This flower sure has a lot of names. But I have never heard of it. But then I don't frequent swamps or forests!

    1. We were walking along a muddy path in the woods when I found this one Ginny. I had never seen it before either :)

  2. I didn't know the leaves are edible. Thanks for sharing ,Denise.

  3. I used to photograph a lot of wildflowers and showcase in various fora. Then botanists often criticise me for photographing invasive weeds which should be demoted. So I stopped photographing wildflowers

    1. That’s a great pity Roentare. I know your photos would have shown their beauty. I am not as knowledgeable as a trained botanist, but I feel there is a place for all flowers, whether they are weeds or not.

  4. Replies
    1. Muito obrigado. Desejo-lhe um feliz fim de semana :)

  5. So pretty. I must admit that there's many wildflowers I come across but I don't know the names of them, I really should make more of an effort to find out.

    1. Thank you Jo :) It is hard to keep track of all we see.

  6. this sure looks a lot like the weeds that are now blooming in our yard. I need to take a macro and see if they match. they are really pretty, but then I am a lover of weeds. I would not and do not ever eat anything wild. even things people say are edible.

    1. I am interested in all types of weeds and I always enjoy finding ones I have never seen before. Fascinating to find which ones are edible, but like you I wouldn’t eat any of them.

  7. Such a sweet wildflower! I find it so surprising to see Irises growing along the roads here, knowing no one is taking care of them. They just pop up! Happy last day of August to you!

    1. That sounds stunning, they must be a hardy flower. Happy September to you Ellen :)

  8. Oh, that's a pretty one. I think you've already seen my current post but that shows a selection of our area wildflowers here!

    1. Yes, your wildflowers were gorgeous and I enjoyed them very much Jeanie. Thank you!

  9. I've never seen this one before. It' rather pretty. I've heard of a lot of plants that are edible but I'm too chicken to try them.

    1. You and me both Ann. I watch a YouTuber who forages for edible mushrooms. It’s an education but there is no way I would pick them.

  10. A lovely looking flower, interesting that it has a peppery taste.

    All the best Jan

    1. I thought so too Jan :) All the best to you also.

  11. This sure is pretty, Denise. I don't recall ever seeing it. I must pay better attention in the spring. I've seen quite a bit of golden rod lately on our walks. In our yard you can find meadow grass and sour grass (oxalis) blooming to my husband's dismay. It doesn't bother me as long as it's green.

    1. Hello Martha Ellen :) Goldenrods are gorgeous! I will have to look your other wildflowers up. I know how your husband feels. I am going to be getting down to weeding this weekend :) It’s ironic, I love dandelions but I don’t want them in my yard, lol! A field of them in the countryside however, absolutely love them.

  12. It is a pretty plant, I have seen something similar here. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend.

    1. Thank you Eileen, I agree. You take care and have a great weekend :)


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