Wednesday, July 19, 2023


A lot of times when I go to take a photo of the birds outside, they will fly away.  I have often told my dear other half that I am going to attach a sheet up at the window, cut a hole and stick the camera lens through.  I believe he thinks I'm joking.  I would also take one of the kitchen chairs and sit down in comfort for a while to see if I can have more success.  
I didn't have to do any of that today.  I noticed the Male Downy Woodpecker perched on one of the rails.  He stayed still for the longest time.  I was wondering if he had spotted a hawk and was hiding.  I have seen them literally under the thickest part of the lower deck raiI, looking up at the sky, and sure enough I saw a hawk circling above.  I stared at this one for quite a while and decided to grab my camera, thinking he was going to fly away.  But I got right up there, took a few photos and he remained motionless.  Meantime a pair of Mourning Doves landed, along with a Blue Jay, and he still stayed until I decided to make sure he was okay.  When I opened the patio door he flew up into the trees, so that was good.
Another thing that happened this past week, we were out on the deck chatting with someone, and I saw movement in my neighbor's garden.  I was pleasantly surprised to see a fox jump over the fence, run across the grass, make a left turn and disappear into another neighbor's garden. Our visitor wasn't as excited as I was, but he lives more out in the country, and I suspect this is a regular occurrence for him.  I mentioned a little while ago that I had looked out the front window one night to see fox kits playing in our front yard.  I have been looking ever since and there has been no sign until I saw this one.  It was very healthy looking, had the most beautiful shiny coat.  No photos but a sweet memory.  I borrowed the fox photo from my go to place -
We ran a few errands and on the way back we went through the drive-thru at our local coffee shop.  When Gregg handed me my coffee I noticed the name and said, "I think Drake may have gotten my coffee."  We were already driving home so no turn around to see.  It was my regular order.  I showed him the side of my cup and said, "I think I am going to call you Drake from now on."  "Thank you for my coffee Drake!"  "You're welcome!" Drake said.
Here's my doggy fix for today.  Doggy's human had just come out of the coffee shop and was getting ready to cross the road.  "Would you like to be called Drake Doggy? I think that name would suit you."  I passed the name on as I think my human is going to get tired of being called Drake."
We followed this truck for a while.  I looked at the words and the design and immediately identified a kindred spirit.  I am ready for the forests and the mountains, to lose my mind and find my soul.  It is one of my favorite quotes.

I am still in the middle of my garden post and thought I would send this to be going on with.  


  1. I love the quote on the back of the truck! Look at the claws on that woodpecker!! No foam? That's the best part! I have my own foamer.

    1. Great and yes, wish I had nails as long as those claws :) My strategy is I get more coffee with no foam, lol! If I had a former at home, I would definitely enjoy it that way.

  2. Great shots of the woodpecker. Birds are hard to capture. They are always so busy. I love the quote too and i might borrow it for my next post on the forest.

    1. Thank you Diane, I really lucked out with this woodpecker being so still :) It would be great if you used this quote for your next trip to the forest.

  3. A beautiful shot of that woodpecker! The quote on the truck is lovely.

  4. How wonderful that the woodpecker agreed to stay still enough for you to take his photo. Love that quote.

    1. I felt blessed and it's a great quote isn't it?

  5. Lovely photos all everything Denise, not always easy taking birds.
    Like what's written on the tyre cover.

    1. Thank you and very true! I love it when these carry such a good message :)

  6. Well I wonder if Drake was satisfied with what he ended up getting.
    That fox is so cute. I like the quote on the back of that truck.

    1. I hope so :) Gregg thinks the barista misheard his name through the speaker when he ordered. There are some brilliant photos on Pixabay. I love looking through them. That quote is a classic:)

  7. Love the quote on the jeep...and the bird shots are awsome!

    1. That’s great, thank you and hugs from me too :)

  8. That fox looks so cosy resting up there

    1. I agree and can only imagine how delighted the photographer was to get this photo :)

  9. Hello Denise,
    Great captures of your Woodpecker. The fox photo is so sweet.
    I love that quote on the truck. Take care, have a great day!

  10. My husband and I enjoy watching "our" birds very much! We have a small patio and a glass door at back of our living room, so we have an open view of many birds! And we have some big trees at side of our property and we see woodpeckers there! (And sometimes we get to see them up close cause they come to our patio for water!). We are crazy about birds!😊

    1. Your patio view sounds wonderful :) We feel the same about our birds and get a nice variety. It is so relaxing to watch them.

  11. that quote is perfect, the forest does that for me too and also a deserted florida beach does the same thing. i wish i still had my canon rebel with the long lens, our golden rain tree has become a bird haven. i have tried to get photos and it doesn't work. the sheet sounds good to me. the tree they can't see me, but my phone will not take a decent photo on zoom. doesn't matter, we both love to sit on the sofa and watch bird tv. they are quite the comedians sometimes, and we try to figure out just what they are doing. the squirrels love the tree too. there is a long dead limb, needs to come off. the thing is it is their highway skyway to the oak tree and if we trim it there will be no way to travel from the raintree to the oak tree. I liked the dead limb against the sky anyway.

    1. I have always loved that quote :) and looking out at the ocean is another favorite thing I like to do, but those times are rare these days. I am content when we visit the mountains and they are closer. Your Golden Rain Tree sounds incredible. I will have to look it up as it’s not familiar to me. It sounds like you have a great view of both birds and squirrels. We love them all, and the occasional chipmunk and other critters. I would keep the long dead limb as long as possible :)

  12. Good capture of the downy woodpecker

    1. Thank you Christine :) He certainly was very cooperative.

  13. Your description of the woodpecker reminds me that I have seen this behavior but didn't connect it to a predator.

    1. I'm just guessing Red, from seeing the previous woodpecker and hawk sighting. I was surprised to see the Dove and Bluejay arrive as usually the birds stay away when there is a hawk around. Maybe they saw it fly away? :)

  14. Good downy pictures! We were once sitting outside side admiring a goldfinch eating on a sunflower when a hawk came and snatched it right before our eyes!

    1. Thank you, glad you liked it :) Oh no, I have not seen that yet and keeping fingers crossed I never will.

  15. You are so lucky to have foxes in your yard, I would love that! Sweet little downy posing for you -- I see birds out in the wild who will sit still for ages until I focus the camera. Then they're off! So when you work on that blind for your picture window, I need to try to adapt it and make it portable for my bird walks!!

    1. We do feel lucky :) They only started appearing a few years ago. Now there you go, that would be nice to take along on your walks ;)

  16. I also love that quote - it is so true about finding your soul in nature. Everything is more real there.

  17. Thank you for your nice little stories... you got the woodpecker wonderfully on your camera... I watched a woodpecker feeding its young in its knothole nest in the spring and yesterday I saw a black woodpecker in the forest. I rarely see foxes, the photo is great.
    Oh yes the forest is my cathedral... he makes my soul shine.
    I wish you a happy week. Many greetings from Viola

    1. Greetings Viola and you are very welcome :) I am happy you enjoyed this. Your own woodpeckers sound a delight. Describing the forest as a cathedral, I like that description tremendously. I feel very much at peace there. I wish you a happy week also.

  18. Love the Drake story, Denise! We get called many different names, but as we say as long as you call us for supper we're okay. Glad it was the proper coffee! I identify with the issue of getting the right shot from inside of our home. Love the sweet downy and so glad to hear he was safe. I often wonder how much our feathered friends have to be on the lookout for predators. I hope you get to go into the forest deep soon. And seeing the fox again must have been thrilling! I haven't seen one in years around here.

    1. The fact that you loved this puts a smile on my face, as did that cute joke about supper. Thank you Martha Ellen :) I have the same thoughts about them and hope they stay safe. I love to see the foxes but it is very rare and I wonder if it will be another year or two before I see them again.

  19. A lovely photograph of the downy woodpecker.

    All the best Jan

    1. So glad you liked it Jan :) Thank you and all the best to you too.

  20. I think it's grand that you get to see foxes in your neck of the woods. Great shots of the woodpecker, Drake. :)

    1. Thank you Ellen, I couldn’t have said it better myself :)

  21. Well done on the woodpecker! That fox photo you found is beautiful. I hope you get your chance to get your own soon! Also, thanks for coming by the GYpsy! Always good to see you there!

    1. Thank you Jeanie, much appreciate that :) Pixabay always has the loveliest royalty free photos they share. I could pour through them for hours. Glad you liked the fox. I love coming to see you over at the Gypsy, you have a lovely blog which I enjoy very much. I would also like to thank you for visiting me and can say I enjoy seeing you very much.


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