Thursday, February 16, 2023


 Bolivan begonia, botanical name Begonia boliviensis.  Other names are Bonfire and Waterfall, to name two.  It blooms from Spring to Autumn and can typically be found in rock crevices of the eastern side of the Andes. Mine were found at the Norfolk Botanical Garden a while back, as were the other plants.

Next is the Pineapple lily, botanical name Eucomis comosa.  Other names are Pineapple flower, Wine eucomis and King's Flower.  Not edible!  It gets its name because its foliage is reminiscent of pineapple leaves that sit atop a spiky stem.  It is very easy to take care of and is resistant to almost all pests and diseases.  Needs full sun to partial shade.

This pretty pink flower is the Garden phlox, botanical name Phlox paniculata.  Also known as Fall phlox, Autumn phlox, Summer phlox,Perennial phlox and Cross-leaved phlox.  It is native to the United States.  The name phlox comes from the Latin for "flame", reflecting its bright colors and is an important food sources for insects and hummingbirds.

Many will recognize the Black-eyed susan, botanical name Rudbeckia hirta.  Other names are Yellow ox-eye daisy, English bull's eye, Brown betty, Golden jerusalem and Gloriosa daisy.  It is often used to attract butterflies to gardens.  I have often wondered how it got its name.  Apparently it comes from a poem by John Gay, who portrayed black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta) and sweet William (Dianthus barbatus) as humans to tell a love story, and the name Black-eyed Susan is still in use today.  Although the stamen is not really black, it is actually brown colored.  It was also declared the state flower of Maryland in 1918.

If your weather is on the colder side, like mine, I hope these have brought some warmth.

Thanks for stopping by 
and enjoy your day!



  1. The begonia is my favorite, it is so beautiful and tropical looking.

  2. Lovely flowers hope they warmed your heart. It is very warm here.

    1. Thank you Diane and they always do, love being around flowers :) I am sure you are enjoying the warm weather over there.

  3. Love them all. Black-eyed susan have always been a favorite of mine.

  4. You are so knowledgeable! I think I have encountered them in day-to-day life here but I never know how to find out their names.

    1. Thank you Roentare, I have a very good plant app called Picture This. You take a photo in that app and it tells you what it is. A lot of times I learn as I go. I do enjoy new things but also reading about old flowers that are familiar. It's a good refresher for me.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you William, I think so too. So many beautiful flowers in the world :)

  6. They all look beautiful...I want to have all of them :-)

    1. I would love a garden full of these flowers :) Thank you Angie :)

  7. Hello, Denise
    The flowers are a lovely sight to see, beautiful blooms and photos. Take care, have a happy day!

    1. Glad you enjoyed them Eileen and thank you, happy day to you also :)

  8. phlox brings back memories from my childhood. the field next to my uncles house that we lived behind, was covereing in 3 different colors of phlox growing wild. i picked them a lot... he mowed them down

    1. Thank you for sharing those memories Sandra :) That field must have been an incredible sight. I wonder if Uncle was planting crops of some kind?

  9. Phlox is a gorgeous flower! I'll be hunting some come Spring!

  10. You are absolutely right about remembering the flowers of summer and especially on days like today! Lovely!

    1. A rainy old day, good to remember the flowers :) thanks Jeanie.

  11. These flowers are such a cheerful reminder of things to come...

  12. Today, we just have to walk aside and even though there are no flowers in bloom, the temperatures will be spring-like and in the 60s!

    1. I hope you enjoyed your walk in the warmer weather Dorothy :)

  13. spring and summer flowers are always cheerful reminders of what's to come!! it has been so warm here, and no snow. i think this will be a winter to remember!!

    1. They certainly are Debbie :) I'm glad you've been having a good winter.

  14. Nothing like a great botanical garden.

  15. Such pretty flowers, Denise. It's still Winter here, and still enjoying it. February is actually one of the coldest months, and it was 18 degrees the other day when I went to the grocery store. That's awesome how you know all the names of the flowers. I'm not so good at identifying them, just the most popular ones, like the rose and tulip and daisy and sunflower. ; )

    I hope February has been good to you.


    1. Thank you Sheri, happy you enjoyed them. Goodness, that's cold! I love to pass on the knowledge I get from using my plant app. It is like having an encyclopedia at my fingertips. February has been good, and I hope the same for you :)

  16. Botanical Gardens always have beautiful plants, trees and flowers.


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