Wednesday, December 14, 2022


We only decided to go to National Harbor a few days previously.  Perhaps I should have done more research on our hotel, but as we were within a 30-mile radius, I jumped in.  We were both ready for a trip as it has been a while.  To Gregg I said, "What do you think about going over to National Harbor and stay overnight somewhere?"  
We have talked about it several times over the past year.  He was on his laptop and had booked the hotel, plus tickets for the ice show I had been telling him about.  I was very surprised when we pulled up to the place.  It was a lot larger than any we have stayed at before.  The top photo shows only a small part of it.  I had forgotten it was also a convention center.  Me in the planning stage: "The hotel where the ice show takes place, wouldn't it be a good idea to stay overnight, so that we didn't have to drive home late and in the dark?"  It was also very nice that we didn't have to worry about parking.  It was a hike to the exhibit but mostly inside the hotel, with a short walk from there to the large enclosure (my idea of a hike may be different than yours).  The weather was quite dreary, but all our entertainment was at the hotel for our short stay, so no walking around in the rain.

There are two buildings inside the atrium that look like regular sized homes.  They are shops.In the photo below, halfway down the large atrium window, you can make out the arches supporting the Woodrow Wilson Bridge.  Virginia is on one side of the Potomac River, Maryland is on the other.  We were in Maryland where National Harbor is located.  This is also the view from our room.Just to give you an idea of how big this place is, there are 1,996 rooms and 110 suites, seven restaurants, and a 19-story glass atrium with views of the Potomac River.  As mentioned, it is also a convention center and it has 95 event rooms, 537,430 square feet of meeting space, and a 20,000 square-foot spa.  It also employs 2,000 people. 

We went on a weekday thinking this would be a quieter time.  It was but I can only imagine what it must be like on the weekend.  There were lots of families there for the ice show.  


There is a 55-ft tree suspended from the ceiling.  It comes to life when it gets dark and all the lights are switched on.  There is also a stage and we were treated to Christmas carols later that evening, along with a laser light show when the singing had stopped.  The people above must have been in the preparation stage as that show didn't take place until later.  I took videos of the laser lights and have included short movies of them below.  Here are three photos to be going on with.  This display is free.  My photos and the two short videos don't do it justice.  (If anyone has a problem with flashing lights, I would skip the movies.)

The lights and music are synchronized with a fountain that shoots 60 feet high. 
There is also a nightly indoor snowfall.
It is very pretty at nighttime.
We stopped off at this place.  No tables inside but plenty in front. It is well stocked with beverages and food, and other items.  A coffee for me and a cold drink for Gregg.  Neither of us were feeling that hungry and by that time were a little tired, so we decided not to go to the restaurant for a sit-down meal. Instead we bought chicken salad sandwiches to share, and took them up to our room.  They were excellent!
We walked by a duck pin bowling alley with a bar.
Close-up of the mural.I enjoyed the hotel very much.  There are a lot of hotels in this area.  Within walking distance if you go out the front doors, the MGM National Harbor Resort and Casino is just up the road to the right.  

Now for the videos.
If you go here it will take you to a website called Fun in Fairfax VA where I got some information, and I enjoyed their photos.  
I can see where the flashing lights might be a problem for those who have issues, so please don't play them if you think they would affect you.
On select days, Christmas on the Potomac features two Christmas shows in the Atrium. Both shows are free to watch but guaranteed ticketed seats have the best view, so I read. We were in our hotel room while taking these.  If we come here again next year, we thought we would reserve a room more in the center of the atrium’s back wall looking straight on, and probably not much higher than the fifth floor.  Our room was on that floor but in the corner with an okay view.  We could open the doors which had a rail but no balcony, and decided that we would prefer looking down from a more central position.  The center rooms and those on the side of the atrium have the balconies.  It would be great to sit out and listen to the choir from above, and watch the laser show afterwards.  I expect these rooms would go fast, and booking them well ahead of time would be the way to go. Just something to think about.
I hope you have enjoyed seeing a little bit of our hotel.  This link will take you to the original built in Nashville, Tennessee, with its history. That hotel was built to support the Grand Ole Opry. Similar hotels have been built in Texas and Florida.

(more photos to follow soon)


  1. Wow. That looks incredible. I hope that you both enjoyed your getaway - to the max.

  2. What a treat, andwhat a huge and truly awesome place. I think my favorite is that tree all lit up, and just the enormity of it all! What an adventure!

    1. I have never been in such a huge place Ginny and yes that tree was amazing. It was certainly an adventure and all under one roof.

  3. What a nice outing from home. Yep, those lights are really busy. An amazing complex. Linda in Kansas

    1. Thank you Linda, it certainly was and those lights were fierce but very entertaining :) Not for everyone though I am sure.

  4. What a nice trip that was. That sure is one amazing place. You could get lost in there it's so big.

  5. Woodrow Wilson bridge is awesome! The christmas tree is quite wavy!

    1. Thank you for noticing the bridge roentare, it is an impressive structure. And yes that tree is wavy :)

  6. What a great trip, the Gaylord Resort looks beautiful for the Christmas season. Love the photos! Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. It was Eileen and so glad you loved the photos. You take care and enjoy your day also :)

  7. This reminds me of the Gaylord Opryland in Nashville. I was there once for a conference and got lost and missed my session! Love their decor!

    1. Ah now, I would thoroughly enjoy checking that place out. Gosh, I hope that didn't cause too big a problem you missing your conference :0

  8. Wow, Denise! What a huge venue it is! A lovely way to get in the spirit of Christmas. Thank you for sharing your videos and photos that really gave me the essence of what you experienced. A city within a city all festive and quite unique.

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, that's for sure and you are very welcome. So glad you enjoyed it :) A city withing a city is a perfect description. It really was!

  9. So nice to get away even if for only for a short spell and this looks like you had a great time. Cheers Diane

    1. It was a great getaway Diane, thank you and Cheers! :)

  10. Wow ...that tree mounted in the air!

    1. It was amazing but what was truly amazing was all the lights once it got dark :)

  11. You went to Maryland? Lucky you! I love that bowling alley mural and chuckled. Kind of cute and appropriate for a bowling alley.

    1. It's not too far for us to go into Maryland Gigi. We just don't go there that often but this was a fun trip. I agree, the ducks were fitting, especially as they were duck-pins alleys :)

  12. It looks like a spectacular show. I love hotels with atriums to bring the outside in.

    1. Thank you Carol, I don't think I have been in another hotel with an atrium and it was wonderful! I kept staring up at the glass ceiling :)

  13. I've never heard of National Harbor before let along that *amazing* hotel. Wow -- I loved seeing the still pictures; haven't yet looked at the movies, but I will. It's good you warned about the flashing lights though -- I know that they can really cause problems for some people because our daughter is one of them. I loved learning about this; thanks for sharing you trip!!!

    1. Happy you enjoyed Sallie and you are very welcome :) I had a friend years ago who had such problems and I remember learning from her. Sorry to read about your daughter having such a problem. There was no way my friend could drive herself anywhere, but even when a passenger could not drive at night.

  14. Wow! What an incredible resort.

    All the best Jan

    1. It was, I was surprised how large the place was. All the best to you too Jan :)

  15. Wow. That place is huge. So glad you got to go.

  16. What a great getaway, Denise, and thanks for all the information on the hotel and the ice show. I did skip the video with the lights, so thanks fir the heads up.

    1. It was perfect and you are very welcome to all the information and the heads up :)

  17. Well that's an amazing place to visit and to stay in. Most convenient to enjoy all the glitter when you have a room on site. Glad you could get away and enjoy these beautiful sights and sounds of Christmas.

    1. I don't know why we haven't thought of it before but it was just a perfect time :)

  18. It did and just what we wanted at the time :) We have been to National Harbor before but ages ago, and never went inside any of the hotels. We walked down near the Potomac and along the streets.


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