Thursday, December 15, 2022


Above is the official poster for the movie.  There is now a sequel being streamed on Netflix in the States and probably overseas maybe, of Ralphie (the child actor now a grown man) with his own family.  I am looking forward to that too and will be watching both movies before Christmas.  The exhibition at the resort was opened five days earlier than usual, to coincide with the new film's release.   

Ginny of Let Your Light Shine, asked if this exhibit was open all year round.  It isn't Ginny, it opened on November 25th and will close on December 31st. 

This exhibit was carved by a team of 40 world-class ice artisans from Harbin, China.  They used 2 million pounds of ice.  There are ten scenes from the movie shared.

The slide made totally of ice attracted both children and adults.

Christmas Morning…
and Mom asks Ralphie to try on this year's handmade gift. You can see a YouTube link here of Ralphie's gift from Aunt Clara.  I really felt for Ralphie in this scene.
There's a scene where a pack of dogs invade the house and steal the turkey.
Naughty dogs!
But all is not lost, the local Chinese restaurant comes to the rescue.  They order duck but back then people weren't used to the more exotic presentations.  The staff at the restaurant were endearing as they tried to make a wonderful Christmas experience for Ralphie and his family.  
The Children are in bed...
and Christmas is over in 1983.
I have one more post as we walked past the sign and came across my favorite ice sculptures of the exhibit.

You can click on this link to read all about the production of A Christmas Story.


  1. So good that the exhibition was opened five days earlier than usual, to coincide with the new film's release. The ice sculptures are just amazing.

    All the best Jan

    1. I can only imagine the organizational skills it takes to put these works of art together :) All the besst to you too Jan :)

  2. Ups, so sorry, I think I just accidentally deleted Diane's comment. Sorry Diane :(

  3. I haven't seen the movie but am totally awed by the ice sculptures. Thank you so much for sharing them.

  4. i love ICE, we have gone for so many years. we aren't going/didn't go this year and i enjoyed seeing your pictures!! i will have to look for the sequel on netflix!!

  5. The faces of ice really got my attention, Denise. What beauty these artists have captured from blocks of ice!

    1. Isn’t it amazing Martha Ellen? :) skilled and exceptionally talented :)

  6. Every scene is very attractive. Thanks for sharing.

    1. You are very welcome Roughterrain crane :) so happy you enjoyed.

  7. What a sense of wonder this evokes!! It is really awesome. What a shame they take it down and let it all melt; I would never be able to!

    1. I know Ginny, it is such a tiny window :) and I am curious why it is such a short exhibit.

  8. I got cold just looking through your photos! Linda in Kansas

    1. Not surprised Linda, it was freezing, but it’s a good way to move people along. No dawdling! :) Those parkas helped a lot and I wore my own parka underneath. I was quite toasty :)

  9. Looks so fabulous. Love all the Christmas decorations!

  10. It's been a long time since I've seen the movie. I would love to see the sequel. I'd also like to visit this exhibit

    1. Hi Ann, you would have enjoyed. I hope a similar exhibit will come nearer to you one day :)

  11. Hello,
    What a fun ice exhibit, I do not remember the movie. I will have to check out Netflix.
    Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  12. This followup to the previous images was just as amazing, Denise, and thanks for the info on the team that created these scenes. We were already planning to re-watch A Christmas Story this weekend and now I also read about the sequel, which we will watch too.

    1. You are very welcome Dorothy :) and enjoy your movies again.

  13. This exhibit really is fascinating. Hope the sequel is as good as the original. So many funny scenes in the original.

    1. Hi Ellen, I hope so too and I like the idea of Ralphie growing up and bringing his own family.

  14. Amazing work!!!!


  15. Oh wow, that exhibit is great. A Christmas Story is one of our family's must see's for Christmas. We watched the sequel on Netflix and it definitely worth watching.

    btw, that scene in in the Chinese restaurant is one of my favorites.

    1. Hi Yogi, thank you for the recommend on the sequel. I agree, it is a really cute scene.

  16. I've heard about this show coming out, and I want to see it for sure. I can't imagine Ralphie as a grown man with his own family. Sounds like a good one. The first movie is a classic that we watch every Christmas. : )


    1. Hi Sheri, I haven't seen the new show yet but will soon, the same goes for the original, which we have seen several times since it first came out :)


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