Saturday, September 10, 2022


According to The Merriam-Webster online dictionary

Definition of 'anticimax'.

1.  The usually sudden transition in discourse from a significant idea to a trivial or ludicrous idea.

2. An event, period, or outcome that is strikingly less important or dramatic than expected.

Hey birdies, I had a good time!  

We took two big boxes of items that were broken, also to recycle, plus other things that were past their day and couldn't be given away.  

We drove by one kiosk and we paid a small fee.  We went to another where a young man came out of his kiosk to direct us to the appropriate area.  A real sweet guy who didn't look like he was more than 16.  First thing he said was, "This might sound a strange question, but do you have a band aid?" He had asked other people he said and had no luck so far.  His request we weren't expecting.  Gregg said, "I don't think so."  But I said, "Hold on!", preventing Gregg from rolling the car any further, and quickly rummaged through my purse and found a beat-up band aid.  Gregg said quietly, "You've got to be kidding me."  I answered with my usual reply when he is surprised about anything I come up with, "Hey, I wasn't in the Junior Girl Guides six weeks for nothing."  (If it wasn't for the camping thing, I'd have been a Brownie for a lot longer.  I quit as soon as I knew we had to stay in tents for a week.  I was 10 years old and no way was I going to sleep with the creepy-crawlies which, I might add, my mother told me all about.  She told me they would be huge and I believed her! On thinking about this conversation years later, I don’t think Mum wanted me to go either.  But in those six weeks I apparently learned how to pack band aids, and let’s not forget the basket weaving.  I don't have any baskets in my car just in case you're wondering.)  

First, my dear other half said he was impressed I had that band aid, and second, that I actually remembered I had one.  It had been in my wallet, and I was happy it was still there.  Truthfully, I don't know for how long, but it wasn't ripped open at least.  The young man had a sore finger and said it was just what he needed.  He looked as happy as if I had given him a piece of pie, and I was sorry I couldn't give him a piece of pie, but he thanked me two or three times.  We were happy to help and drove on, with me thinking "I really need to replace that band aid, and maybe pack some antiseptic cream."  That six weeks in the Junior Girl Guides left a lasting impression.  

We emptied our boxes and went to a separate place to get rid of old fluorescent lights from our kitchen.  The whole light fixture stopped working too, and we now have a new one installed.  As luck would have it, the lights in the front of our house also stopped working, separate issue, and we got rid of everything.  The electrician was impressed we had had them as long as we had lived in the house, and probably when it was built almost 40 years ago. “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it” or "If it's broken it might take us a while to fix it", that's our motto.  Lately we are on a roll and picking up momentum on the clearing out/fixing things issues.  We dropped our things off and as we were passing by that same kiosk, our new young friend came out and waved us by with a big smile. A smile is good medicine I have always said and yes, we were happier for it.
Not too far from the exit we came across this interesting sight.  Right next to it there were dozens of old bicycles, and I was just thinking what a shame they can't give them away.  
After reading the sign at home on a larger screen and when I cropped my photo, I read these bicycles were being donated by the organization shown at the top of the sculpture.  We know where to tell people to bring their old bikes at least, and kudos to the trash recycling company for offering this.
And, we have made a dent in our effort to downsize all the things we don't need.  That made me happy too.  We recycle as much as we can and there are clothes, shoes, books, pots and pans and the list goes on.  We are going to find an organization that will pass them on to someone who will make use of them. I already have a few places on my list, and if you have any suggestions out there, please let me know in the comments if you could.

And, you can tell those birdies of mine that it wasn’t Disneyland, the mountains or a pretty garden but yes, I had a fun time, we both did.

Have a great weekend everyone.  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. What a very cute, cool, unexpected, and interesting story! We go to our recycling place, but they don't charge. Of course they only take paper, cardboard, and plastic & glass. They would likely not accept the things you brought. And we give more than our fi share to Goodwill. I keep band-aids in the car! The last one I needed had been there for so many years that the glue would not work anymore! I need to remember to replace them. I am clumsy and often need one while out.

    1. Thanks Ginny, those band aids come in useful :) It is always an interesting trip to that place.

  2. Hello Denise,
    I enjoyed your bird images and captions. My hubby often takes trips to our recycle center. It would be nice for some child to receive a recycled bike. I try to keep bandaids in my pocketbook or in our car , they come in handy. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you Eileen, so glad! Agree! You have a great weekend also :)

  3. This was really cute. The birds had an excellent conversation but I think your trip sounds fun. You got to do kind things by helping that poor boy out with a band aid and you saw that cool place with the bikes. I'm sure there are places around here for recycling but I have no idea where they are. I suppose if I ever get motivated enough to start tossing things out I'm going to need to find a place. For clothes I found a drop off box and everything goes to veterans.

    1. Thank you Ann, those birds are always very chatty ;) We have just given a bag of clothes to one of those drop-off boxes. They change areas but going to other places we will generally spot one.

  4. we have a place here called One Stop and it is for the homeless, they feed them breakfast and lunch, and they have a closet for the homeless, they are always looking for clothing. they need all sizes and types. you might check into that. they even take shoes, there are many homeless who have no shoes.
    I just laughed out loud at the bird chat today, love it and the photos and glad the cam is back ON.. I looke forward to the cam pics. enjoyed the entire post.

    1. Thank you Sandra, and such a great idea. I will check into that. Glad you enjoyed the birds. I haven't started my feeding post yet but soon. These were old photos.

  5. I like your stories made with your bird photos. Downsizing is certainly a challenge for me.

    1. Thank you Red, so glad :) It is challenging to us too this downsizing.

  6. There are many charities in suggestion is to call city services in your area to find donation centers.

  7. Thank you Linda, it's a process. Amazing what accumulates over a 30-year period! So good to be starting this downsizing.

  8. Replies
    1. I've always told them that, they keep me going :) Thanks William!

  9. These were great chats at the feeders, as usual, Denise. What a kind deed with having a band aid for that young man, and you reminded me to make sure I have a couple in my purse and car. Patrick always tells folks he carries only 2 so they should not have serious injuries. I liked that you also used the same phrase as myself in a post this week, “if it ain’t broke…”

    Thanks for your comments on my fall decos post, and also for the one about my mother and the queen. I read your post on her passing as well and several other bloggers have posted.

    1. Thank you Dorothy and you are very welcome. Those band aids do come in useful once in every blue moon. Yep, if it ain’t broke. Sweet photo of your Mom :)

  10. You have such a sense of humor and a kind heart as well. That young man will remember you giving him that bandaid for a long time.

    1. Thank you Yogi, I appreciate that :) we will remember him too. He was such a sweet young man.

  11. Made me smile and grin - always handy to carry band aides.

    1. So glad Margaret :) and it certainly is. Thank you :)

  12. Wow! I am also impressed. You are definitely always prepared. You can give the Boy Scouts a run for their merit badges.

    1. Thank you for the vote of confidence Kay but I think the Boy Scouts could wrap rings around me :)

  13. So clever to donate bikes.
    Well done with the bandaid. I hear you about remembering you had one!

    1. I thought so too Jenn and thank you :) Now I have to replace that bandaid as I keep forgetting :0

  14. Hello Denise, Such an entertaining post! Well done remembering about the old band aid It's lovely to help a stranger out and be rewarded with a smile, and returning home with less clutter.

    1. Hello Breathtaking, and I am very happy you enjoyed. Always good to help strangers and I agree, smiles are the best kind of reward :)

  15. This was a great post, thank you for the smiles :)

    All the best Jan

    1. You are very welcome Jan and thank you :) All the best to you too!

  16. You are incredibly productive! What a great share and a motivating one, too! I've been more or less offline for the past couple of weeks. I'll never catch up with you, but hopefully I can keep up!

    1. Thank you Jeanie. Don’t worry about catching up, I am just happy for your visit whenever you can.

  17. This was just the best! Loved everything about your Saturday -- you make the every day a fun event. (and now I'm going off to replace the bandaid I carry in my wallet --just in case!)

    1. Awww thank you Sallie :) and I still have to replace that bandaid. Thanks for the reminder :)


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