Tuesday, September 13, 2022



I bought this card years ago with the idea of framing it.  Then I popped it into a box for 'must do' things, and forgot about it after it was stored in the basement.  I am rummaging through boxes now, trying to downsize and tidy up.  I found it again and am still thinking of framing it, with renewed enthusiasm.  It needs to be on a wall somewhere, put in a place where that quote can be read by others.  Chief Seattle was a very wise man, very wise indeed.  

You can read more of his words at this link.

Thanks for stopping by and may  
your day be a great one.


  1. The words are good and the card as well.

  2. It is true, absoutely a wonderful quote. Deserves to be in a prominant place. Show us when you get it framed and hung.

  3. He is right. I hope you can get that beautiful card framed.

    1. I hope to get a frame this week sometime Sue :) Thank you!

  4. I like the quote and the card is really cute. It would look good in a frame.

  5. Replies
    1. Muito obrigado :) Um abraço e continuação de boa semana.

  6. Hello,
    I love the quote and the pretty card! It would like nice in a frame. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. So glad you enjoyed Eileen and thank you, you take care and enjoy your day also :)

  7. I like it a lot. Both the quote & art work.

  8. I feel this way for sure and I know many who feel what Chief Seattle did, except of course my dad who felt the oppoisite of the quote. My sister in law feels the opposite. but there are more of us who agree than don't.

    1. That's interesting Sandra, and I agree, there are more of us who agree than not. Thank you :)

  9. You were astute to choose this card.

  10. What a wonderful card, Denise. Yes, you should frame it. I want to frame the painting of the lady at the creek that my blog friend sent me. It's always nice to look at artwork on the walls. It's good to downsize and go through things and organize from time to time.


    1. Thank you Sheri :) I agree about the artwork on the walls and your blog friend’s art would look great in a frame. Such a pretty and cheerful scene. As for the downsizing, we have a long way to go but it felt good getting started.

  11. Thank you Linda :) I am going to take the card for a frame this week sometime.

  12. It's a wonderful card. Yes, you must frame it!

  13. Replies
    1. You are very welcome Linda, happy you enjoyed :)

  14. So lovely and yes so wise. I hope you will frame this very special piece, Denise. I'm so glad you saved it to share with us.

    1. I am happy you enjoyed Martha Ellen, and thank you :)

  15. That would be wonderful framed. It was lovely reading it on your blog post just as it is -- thank you!


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