Tuesday, April 5, 2022


The Grackles appeared in greater numbers after that.  They cleaned everything out and squirrel did in fact leave in disgust.  I am well trained.  After I inspected the trees later, I put another scoop of birdseed out, and Mr. and Mrs. Squirrel had their dinner before it got dark!

Now I ask, who is the one who has been trained here?  I looked in the mirror later and said, "Yep!"  Also, bird seed is back on the shopping list.

I hope this brought a smile.

Thanks for visiting and may 
your day be happy! 



  1. We have been well trained too - and I am happy about it.

    1. I don't mind at all, in fact I consider them a gift :) It's not a problem is it, especially for the hours of enjoyment they provide us? :) Thanks Sue and many of us are in the same boat and don't mind at all :)))

  2. It brought a BIG smile! I always like reading your amusing captions. And WOW, LOOK at all of them on that feeder! It's a wonder they did not break it! Good thing birds have hollow bones! I'm glad the squirrel finally got a peaceful dinner.

    1. So glad Ginny, thank you :) The Grackles are in even greater numbers. I also have a few crows stop by but the truth is I like all of these birds. I still have the littler ones come by too, and a couple coming in that are making their way through.

  3. Those grackles are greedy for sure. They always show up in large numbers too. Poor Mr Squirrel. Glad he got something to eat later on.

  4. Hello,
    That is a lot of Starlings, they are piggies. The squirrel does not have to worry about food. Take care, have a happy day!

    1. They certainly are, and there are more waiting in the wings, pardon the pun :) You take care and have a happy day also :)

  5. Great post. Love the bubble captions. The yard critters have you well trained. I hope bird seed is in stock (I heard on the news last night that pet food in stores is near gone & restocking is a no-go).

    1. Thank you Anni, happy you enjoyed :) That's troubling about the pet food.

  6. Starlings and their friends are very aggressive around feeders.

    1. They certainly area, very territorial! Thanks Red :)

  7. bob tells me every day that Beau has me well trained, it is not a bad thing haveing a cute animal tell you what to do... i love the one that say we have to wait our turn too.. made me howl with laughter. each one of these is quite amazing to me... Clown/comedian Grackles! what could be better

    1. That's a good thing :) I'm happy you had a good chuckle at this Sandra, thank you!

  8. It really is interesting to learn about all the types of birds and their habits. Some are pretty nasty. Fun post!

    1. It is interesting I agree Ellen :) Thank you!

  9. Love this post and yes it made me smile 😊 I hope all is well, Diane

  10. They love your place for good reason!

    1. Thanks Christine :) In return they bring a lot of smiles around here, from us and from those who visit.

  11. Oddly enough, I don't see grackles at my feeder, though they are plentiful in the neighborhood. Maybe they like the ditch better!

  12. Hi Linda, they only started turning up a couple of months back. I haven't seen any Grackles or Starlings for years.

  13. i am smiling and i also have been trained by the squirrels and birds. those grackles are quite aggressive here too!!

    1. That's great Debbie, and a kindred spirit :) I think those grackles are a bit naughty eveerywhere ;)

  14. More than one smile actually Denise!!! We used to have squirrels who almost knocked on our sliding patio doors if I forgot to fill the feeders. No grackles in Oregon, but we had starlings who mis-behaved the same

    1. Then my job is done :) thank you Sallie. That's funny about the squirrels and starlings are very naughty too, aren't they? :)


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