Wednesday, April 27, 2022


 This is an old post when we were near the ocean.  I enjoy watching gulls every bit as much as I enjoy watching our own backyard birds at home.  These flying acrobats are noisy, and can be aggressive if there is food around.  I don't feed them for obvious reasons.All this aside, they are fun to observe, and so entertaining, comical.  "When you are alone, bless the solitude; when you are with someone, bless the togetherness! Think of the seagull: It flies alone happily; it flies with another happily too! Solitude is a food; togetherness is a food; man needs both and he must be happy with both."

~Mehmet Murat IIdan~You do not ask a tame seagull why it needs to disappear from time to time toward the open sea.  It goes, that's all.

~Bernard Moitessier~"You can't understand it until you experience the simple joy of the first time your son points at a seagull and says 'Duck'".

~Russell Crowe~
“As I watched the seagulls, I thought, That’s the road to take; find the absolute rhythm and follow it with absolute trust.” 

~ Nikos Kazantzakis~
There are nails pounded into the posts to prevent birds from getting too comfortable, hoping they prevent them from landing no doubt.  This one  laughs and ignores them. 
I ignore them too!

Officially they are not called 'seagulls', just gulls. I am sure our bird blogging experts know.  I only found this fact out a few years ago. I read informative articles about this subject here, here and here.
Yes, I am very fond of gulls, and just like the birds back home, they speak to me.  I think the word has gotten round even this far south…and that blackbird at the bottom of the picture looks very familiar!
Nope! Sometimes you've got to say nope, for their sake and for ours.  That’s life!

Thanks for flying in and enjoy the rest of your week.


  1. Lovely selection of your seagulls Denise.

    1. Hello Margaret, thank you and so glad you liked them :)

  2. Your Gull photos are really spectacular!! Especially #5. And your captions are priceless! Especially the ones with the nails in the posts. I am laughing along with them laughing! So we are ALL laughing!

    1. Thanks Ginny, so glad these made you laugh :)

  3. Add me to those who are very fond of gulls. I am tickled that they ignore the moves to discourage them too.

  4. I was about to type there is no such thing as a seagull, but you beat me to it...I too love watching them. And listening to their chatter & "laughter". Such a great series Denise .

    1. I sat in on a discussion from a nature expert four years ago, and was really surprised at this information. Thanks Anni, glad you enjoyed :)

  5. Replies
    1. Fico feliz que tenha gostado das minhas fotos. Obrigado e um abraço e continuação de boa semana.

  6. I've always enjoyed watching them. There is a place not far from me that there are a ton of them. Your photos are fantastic.

    1. Fun Ann, I wish we had them closer to us. Thanks Ann :)

  7. Hello Denise, I enjoy watching the gulls too. Great collection of photos and quotes.
    Take care, have a happy day!

    1. Happy you enjoyed Eileen, and I wish you the same :)

  8. Bob and I are both beach lovers, and sitting or walking and watching the sea birds is one of our most favorite things to do at the beach. we used to sit on the beach at Ormond with our backs to the Atlantic Ocean, in order to watch the pelicans and gulls surfing the wind upsweep along the buildings, the glide and glide and glide. that is one cute gull sharing the nail post...

    1. Happy you enjoyed my gull post Sandra, and you and Bob sitting at the beach watching the pelicans and gulls, is definitely something I would do :)

  9. We get gulls, even over us and our forest, quite a bit. There is a lake nearby!

  10. I love gulls -- and look forward to seeing them at the lake this summer!

    1. That's great Jeanie :) I wish I could see them more often.

  11. Must have been such a treat to watch them all the time!

    1. It certainly was, I loved going down to the ocean for many reasons, and this was one of them. Thank you Christine :)

  12. You would certainly enjoy the view from our 5th floor apartment living room windows, Denise. They overlook the Nashua River and we are quite familiar with seeing gulls, especially when a storm is approaching.

    1. That sounds wonderful Dorothy :) I remember my Dad telling me about the gulls coming inland because of the storms.

  13. You saved yourself a rant about using the term seagull which is wrong!!! Some great observations and quotes to go along with gulls.

    1. Now you made me smile Red, but I knew you would know this info. I am always grateful you told me that the American Robin was part of the thrush family. This is how I learn these things, from blogging friends such as yourself.

  14. Denise, your photos are exceptional! I do enjoy when you speak bird or gull. So funny.

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, and I am happy you find my bird conversations amusing. You made my day :)

  15. I did enjoy seeing all of the gulls in your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  16. Such great photos of the seagulls! You have a talent of communicating with birds. :)

    1. Happy you enjoyed them Ellen. I am learning :)

  17. Exactly what I saw when I found out Linda :)


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