Thursday, December 23, 2021


 This is the last of the Winter Walk of Lights from our favorite botanical garden.  

Here we see more views of the blue trees.  I don't normally go for colors other than the usual Christmas ones that I have known my whole life, the reds and the greens, the golds and the silvers.  However, there was something about these blue trees that I truly loved.  The one below shows the gazebo all lit up to the right of center.  It reminds me of a child's spinning top toy, because of its reflection in the lake.
Another follows of a close up I tried of the lake and those reflections.  I used my phone for all photos at the garden.  Sometimes when I try to 'get closer' by using the zoom, they blur considerably, some worse than others.  This one is a little out of focus but I thought it was charming, and it's a memory of how I took to those swans.  Another bird I am enamored with because I get to see them so rarely.
The Heron's beak is pointing in the direction of the gazebo.    
The frog was nearby and you can see the video below of it 'jumping'.
So, next we went onto where the insects hang out!
 I think the spider would be a great decoration for October 31st, but it was doing a great job here too!  
Even the cicadas made it into the mix.
Nature is represented in every way.
The Gnomes were taking care of everyone also.  
You can see more of them at this post, when I was here in November.  
The garden staff had been hard at work putting these lights up.
We stayed away from the skunks and admired them from afar.
Every part of the walk delighted the eyes.
"I 'toadly' love these lights!"  
Yes, that's a bit of a groaner.
But he 'toadly' does love these lights!
You practically needed sunglasses.  No, not really!
Photos don't really give these displays the justice they deserve.  
'Toadly' love it!  Okay I'll stop now.
The flowers and mushrooms glowed beautifully!
Coming to the end of my post, there are only four photos left to share.  
Such a happy atmosphere!  Everyone was glad to be out and about, little kids and big kids. 
There was even a place where you could get a cup of hot chocolate or coffee.  If you wanted a tasty treat there were S'mores, candy, snacks and more.  We didn't stop for those as we were tired and headed back for the car. 
Even the moon was joining in.  It couldn't have been a more perfect evening, and we enjoyed ourselves tremendously. 

For those of us who celebrate Christmas, Merry Christmas!  I wish you the happiest time with your Loved Ones.

To blogging friends who are of other Faiths with your own special celebrations, here in the U.S. and around the world, I wish you the same.  

And may we all experience peace, joy and love in good health and kindness in 2022.

(I will be taking a blogging break but will be back next week sometime.)


  1. Clever and lovely.
    Enjoy your Christmas.

    1. Thank you Sue, they did a wonderful job didn't they :)

  2. What a wonderful and amazing display this is. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas.

  3. Hello,
    Beautiful photos, the Christmas lights are so cute and fun. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year!

    1. Thank you Eileen, happy you enjoyed and I wish you the same :)

  4. I think the skunks are my favourite. Merry Christmas.

    1. Endearing with a powerful prey protection :) Merry Christmas to you too William :)

  5. Hats off to all those at meadowlark who put out all these great lights. Thanks for all your photography! Merry Christmas and merry break to you!

    1. Yes very much so, thank you Ellen :) and you are very welcome. I enjoyed taking the photos very much. Merry Christmas to you too :)

  6. What a wonderful and amazing display this is, I have enjoyed all of your posts from Meadowlark.

    Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan, so glad and I wish the same for you and your family :) All the best to you too.

  7. I really enjoyed these.

    Merry Christmas!

    1. Hi Rose, thank you, I am happy you enjoyed :) Merry Christmas!

  8. enjoy your break, i love the blue trees and agree that I have never in the past used blue but its very festive. bob says his dad loved blue lights at Crhistmas. in the video i can see why your thought the lights look like spinning tops, they do, love the Toad and the skunks, not your average Christmas but the whole place is a mazing. great night video job. Merry Christmas and see you after your break

    1. Thanks Sandra :) I enjoyed reading about Bob’s Dad. This was very different to other light walks I have seen, depicting more nature than others. It’s why I loved it so much. Merry Christmas and I will be stopping by soon. :)

  9. Hi Linda, happy you found it so :) Thank you and Merry Christmas to you and Bob.

  10. Amazing lights! Merry Christmas and enjoy your break.

    1. Glad you enjoyed them Linda and thank you :) Merry Christmas!

  11. Wow wow wow absolutely stunning. Hope you had a great Christmas with family.

    1. Happy you thought so Diane. We had a great Christmas thank you, and looks like you had a wonderful one also :)

  12. Oooooo, so pretty and Christmassy with all the lights. I would love to walk through that. The BIG red flower caught my eye right away. ; )



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