Thursday, December 9, 2021


 The Dear Man putting out birdseed.  Thank you Dear Man!  We moved the hanger pole nearer the camera.  I have to get new bird feeders as it's a double hanger.  The other was getting a bit worse for wear.

It was not 73 degrees Fahrenheit that day.  Our temperature gauge seems to be a bit off.   The House Finches were the first to feed.
Then a Crow.  Two or three usually turn up at a time.  
The Red-bellied Woodpecker appeared and startled the Finch.  Interesting effect on the wings here.
This cheeky little thing was next.  A bit blurry.
A Downy Woodpecker next.
A Cardinal and further along a Grey-slated Junco and a Finch.  The Junco turned up a couple of weeks ago.  They stay in this area until spring.
A closer photo of the Red-bellied Woodpecker.
I am looking forward to a bit more sunshine.  It's been rather gray these last few days.  Even though the photos aren't as sharp as I would like, it feels good to have the bird cam up again.  It is always fun to see what appears when I download the photos, blur or no blur.

Has anyone had a problem downloading videos onto blogger?  I used to go through YouTube but I am wondering if you have to pay a subscription to download videos now as I can't seem to find how to do it.  The icon used to be right there on the page and it was easy. When I put my videos straight onto blogger, they don't seem to work.  I think I am doing it the right way.  I don't think it's operator error but won't rule it out, says I smiling.

I hope your week has been going well. 
Thanks for taking a look.


  1. This is the CUTEST squirrel photo. Just the look on his face. The flying finch photo, it doesn't look like the wing is attached to the body!

    1. Thanks Ginny, they are so expressive aren't they. He is aware of the camera I think as when he hears the click of the shutter he looks directly into the camera, which is great for me. I don't know how loud it is but I'm guessing he has sharp ears as he is sometimes further away. That finch wing is a great trick of the camera.

  2. Thank you for the feathered (and furred) enchantment. I rarely put up videos and go through Youtube when I do. And have to relearn how to do it each and every time. Sigh.

    1. Thank you Sue, that is how I would describe them, a perfect fit. I'm the same way with having to relearn these things, I don't use them often enough.

  3. Fabulous closeups. Haven't tried a video download recently sorry.

    1. Thank you Christine, I'll figure it out one day :) Glad you enjoyed my feathered friends.

  4. It's been quite a while since I put a video on my blog, but when I did it was easy. I will have to check it out. Love, love, LOVE your results with the critter cam!!!

    1. Thank you Anni, so happy you enjoyed. And appreciate you checking on the video how-to. I might have been too tired which makes me a bit impatient :)

  5. This collection is so lovely to see Denise. Love the Cardinals.

    1. So glad you found them so Margaret, the Cardinals are pretty in their red coats aren't they?

  6. These are awesome. A bird cam would be fun.
    I haven't tried to add any videos in a long time so don't know about that.

    1. Hi Ann and thank you and also thank you for responding about the video. I'll figure it out one day, hopefully soon :)

  7. This is such a cool idea!

    Do woodpeckers eat seeds?

    1. Thank you Sandi and thanks for asking. I found a list of things Woodpeckers eat:

      Insects, especially wood-boring insects, grubs, spiders, and ants

      Tree sap



      Berries and fruit, including juice from broken fruit

      Flower nectar

  8. Hello, Denise
    You have some great yard birds, awesome captures from your bird cam. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks Eileen, I enjoy my regular feathered visitors, and furry ones :) You take care and enjoy your day also.

  9. Nice to see the cute creatures fed !

    1. Thank you Ashok, I only feed them in the wintertime when their natural food is scarce.

  10. Lots of bird company. The squirrel is adorable.

  11. i think Elephant says it all. enchanting is what these are and I am so happy to see them return to your blog.. the close ups just amaze me and the crow seems to know how i feel. that disapearing wing is my favorite. thank you to the handy man that helped you. i have not tried you tube in a long time, i don't do video much but my phone video does upload and play. been a while though. I just stopped and went to youtube, now there is a video camera icon, if you click that is gives you the upload prompt. the icon looks like a vido camera and has a plus on it

    1. Thank you Sandra, and I'm glad to have them back also. It's nice to see them up close. It seems like their personalities appear. Yes my handy man is on call all day, and he enjoys them too.

      Thanks for checking up at YouTube. When I went there the other day that icon wasn't there, so am happy I may get another chance. Appreciate the help :)

  12. You have a good number of species at your place that come to visit.

    1. We do Red, and there are a few more that I hope to share soon :)

  13. Glad that Gregg put out that fresh supply of seed because the captures were such fun, Denise, and blurriness didn't really matter. I rarely post videos so am of no help to answer your question. Every time, I've uploaded one "borrowed" from YouTube it's a learning experience.

    1. Thanks Dorothy, and for commenting about the videos. You're right, each time it is a learning experience.

  14. What a feast for the birds -- and for your eyes as well! Gorgeous pix and happy birds, what a wonderful combo!

    1. Yes, one of the reasons I enjoy the colder weather is I know I can put the bird seed out again. The bears and the raccoons - both of which I love but...have gone into hibernation I'm told :)

  15. I love this!! Up close and personal shots with the birds

  16. Your bird cam photos are so joyous, Denise. They almost seem to pose for the camera, especially the squirrel! I'm the wrong person to ask a tech question. Hopefully you will sort it all out soon.

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen :) It is wonderful that you see the joy as I do. And thank you for mentioning video problem. I am hopeful I will be able to figure it out very soon. I should go over there right now and try again, but I have had it for a while. Maybe give it the weekend and try again on Monday ;)

  17. That squirrel. Looks like he stopped to smile for the camera. So cute!

    1. Hi Ellen, I think they hear the shutter noise on the camera. It works to my advantage :) Sure wish I could speak squirrel, lol.

  18. Replies
    1. That’s great, thank you Jan and all the best to you also :)


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