Saturday, October 2, 2021


Our son and daughter-in-law often go for walks near their home.  Today he was on his own but he soon had company.  I am calling them The Three Graces.  This is what I usually call any wildlife if there are three of them.
He was walking along and there they were, no more than a few feet away.  He enjoys wildlife and nature like his parents, and always sends us photos soon after.  They posed beautifully for him.  
They were far too near the road and the traffic was heavy, so he gently coaxed them back into the wood, being very careful not to get too close or to startle them.
I feel like camping out in his neighborhood!  Yes I jest but oh my, aren't they just the most beautiful animals.
A few weeks ago he saw this young deer standing near a fire hydrant, again far too near the road.  He made sure he also went back into the woods.  Might have been from the same family.On another day he saw these two.  They have a lot of deer in their area as you can see...

and we are always grateful for the photos he sends us, especially as he doesn't mind me sharing them here.

Enjoy your weekend.


  1. Please thank you son Denise as these photos are delightful to see. Have a great weekend and week ahead

    1. I will Margaret, and thank you. I hope you are having a great weekend also, and that your week equally so :)

  2. They seem kind of used to people. And they look curious. I hope there are no hunters in this area!!

    1. Thanks Ginny :) It doesn't take much to get them going, but I am happy as I don't want any animal to lose their fear of humans. Fortunately there are no hunters as this is a built up area. What I worry about is those heavy traveled roads, for their safety and for humans of course.

  3. It must have been a thrill to have had the opportunity to see your relatives on such a happy occasion. The wedding venue in this historical, elegant place sounds perfect. It looks as if you had sunny weather.

    1. It was, thank you Linda :) The wedding actually was about 40 minutes away at a winery along the James River. Extremely pretty area too.

  4. I was amused when I saw the fire hydrant and the deer so near, thought civilisation was close. Lovely to see these photo.
    Australia has high fences on each side of the road to keep the kangaroos from jumping onto the highway but can only recall one area doing this.

    1. Glad you enjoyed Margaret :) Those high fences sound like a great idea. There are areas here that are fenced off. I have noticed them along the freeways. Not everywhere though and not here.

  5. How absolutely beautiful. Thank you both.

    1. You are very welcome Sue, I will pass on your thanks to our son :)

  6. Wow...they all truly 'grace' the scenes, don't they? Beautiful.

  7. First of all I would like to climb right into that first picture and follow that trail. I bet I would see a few deer myself. These pictures are wonderful. Nice of your son to share them.

    1. I will join you Ann, it is a trail I would love to walk down. Thank you! He is very good at sending the photos for me to share, as is our daughter-in-law :)

  8. There must be a reason such lovely creatures have the name that they do as they are so dear! His caring for their safety shows you raised your son not only to love nature but to be protective of it as well. The mix of traffic and wildlife is a worry in this modern world.

    1. A lovely description Penelope and thank you for your kind words about our son :) And I do so agree about traffic and wildlife.

  9. Replies
    1. Fico feliz que você tenha gostado dessas fotos :) Muito obrigado! Um abraço e um bom fim de semana continuado :)

  10. Hello,
    Love the sweet deer, cute name The Three graces!
    They are beautiful, I worry when I see them so close to the roads.
    Have a happy weekend!

  11. Unfortunately many critters end up as road kill. However one winter I watched a buck making an attempt to cross one of our busy roads. He stood on the snow banked on the roadside. He waited. He watched. He tried and finally came back and didn't cross the road.

    1. Hi Red, I have seen it happen all too often. Interesting about your buck, so glad he understands :)

  12. I agree they are absolutely beautiful and oh so sweet. love the fire plug photo

  13. Replies
    1. Thank you Anne, I will pass on your kind remarks to our son :)

  14. I love deer! I like your sig, too!

    1. Thank you Jenn, me too and so glad you enjoyed my sig :)

  15. Your son got some amazing captures. I love deer, they are so graceful. The three graces is a good name for the trio shot.

    1. Thank you Yogi, he did didn't he? :) I love them too, always have.

  16. Oh deer, such lovely dears to see on a walk and thanks to your son and you for sharing this wildlife, Denise. Glad to read that Brad coaxed them to return to the wooded areas away from traffic.

    1. Hi Dorothy, I will pass that on to our son, thank you :) I just might start calling him the deer whisperer. He shows great kindness in many areas, and does what he can to protect the wildlife that he comes across. Our daughter-in-law is the same.

  17. They certainly were, thanks Linda :)

  18. Isn't it wonderful to have family who share such beautiful photos? They must be able to tell that he is no threat - that's a real blessing. I love all God's creatures and these 3 really are 3 graces.

    1. It certainly is Carol and thank you for these sweet comments :)

  19. adorable deer and lovely pictures of them from your son!! enjoy your sunday!!

  20. Hello Denise,
    You and your family appear to have the magic touch in finding these superb places to visit with superb images of the findings. Well done to your son.
    Have a good week.

    1. Thank you John, I will tell him. You have a good week with all our very best wishes also :)

  21. Your son certainly takes lovely photos just like his parents! How beautiful to see "The Three Graces." How nice to refer to them that way, Denise.

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, how kind of you to say :)

  22. I feel honored when a deer comes close and doesn't spook. Beautiful.

    1. Me too Jeanie, always a great gift :) Thank you!

  23. Such beautiful photographs :)

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan, son took some treasures here. All the best to you too :)

  24. I think deer have the most beautiful eyes!


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