Friday, October 29, 2021


 We are walking along looking at the river.  We can see the State of Maryland in the distance.  It is very peaceful, the river on one side of the trail and trees on the other, with their colors turning into Autumn gold...and one of the many reasons to go for a walk at this time of the year and take it all in. We pass small streams, run-offs here and there... and notice that there are fish, what kind I don't know.A favorite quote next by A. A. philosophy basically, especially when on these walks."Rivers know this: there is no hurry.  We shall get there someday.""I don't need very much now," said the boy, "just a quiet place to sit and rest.  I am very tired."  "Well," said the tree, straightening herself up as much as she could, "well, an old stump is good for sitting and resting.  Come, Boy, sit down.  Sit down and rest."  And the boy did.  And the tree was happy.

~Shel Silverstein~

"...the universe...sets out little signposts for us along the way, to confirm that we're on the right path."
~Michelle Maisto~
"I imagined your stick, washing in the waves for hundreds of years, turning to driftwood, smooth and hard like stone.  I imagined a little girl finding it on a beach so many years later.  Saving it on her shelf, where she put the things that made her feel like the world was magical."
~Ava Dellaira~
An old duck blind returning to the water, to become driftwood perhaps?
"Clouds, they make a painting out of the sky."
~Marty Rubin~
We found the loop back to our car.  Neither of us felt like going the whole way round, and took the shorter trail down the middle.
Gregg is in the distance taking his own photos, and I am lollygagging again...and my dear Mum used to complain when Dad was 15-20 paces ahead.  For some reason this photo made me think of Mum with Dad striding ahead.  We used to tease him that he only had three speeds, fast, very fast and faster still, but she was a lollygagger and yes I am smiling. This time I was taking photos of leaves on the path....
and I just remembered who I got my lollygagging from.  Thanks Mum, you taught me to slow down and smell the roses.  Or in this case, take a look at the leaves on the ground. As for Dad, one of his favorite hobbies was taking photos. He also passed on his love for animals and flowers, to respect all things in nature.  Thanks Dad!
One last bench before reaching the car.  It was in front of this area.  All water birds seem to have flown south for now.
I looked nearby and found this interesting plant next to the lily pads.  A new one for me.  It is Floating primrose-willow (botanical name Ludwigia peploides).  Its other names are Creeping water primrose and Water Primrose, and is an herbaceous perennial wetland plant.
Earlier at the side of the path I came across this pretty yellow flower, also a type of Primrose but this one an Evening-primrose (botanical name Oenothera biennis).  Also known as German rampion, Fever plant and Common evening primrose.  It is another herbaceous perennial, recognized by its flowers that open in the evenings and close again at sunrise.  It wasn’t exactly evening but this part of the path was very shady.  
Next we have Lateflowering thoroughwort (botanical name Eupatorium serotinum).  Also known as Late boneset and Fall boneset.  Native Americans and early settlers used the plant for medicinal purposes, and the name thoroughwort is given for this reason.  It has the intrinsic value of being native to the land.  Also, this flower has been part of an ecosystem special to North America for millennia.
I couldn't find the proper name for these grasses, other than it was a fountain grass.  I liked the look of it so took a photo...
and the same for this one, a dried up plant with an interesting oval shape.  When I took a photo of it in my plant app just now, it said it also was an Evening primrose.

And that's about it for our trip to Occoquan Bay National Wildlife Refuge.  I hope you have enjoyed it.

Thank you for stopping by, have a wonderful weekend, and don't forget to do a bit of lollygagging.  You deserve it!


  1. The water is like glass. And the leaves you chose are strong and beautiful. I love the quotes you chose, especially the Silverstein one and the Dellaria one.

    1. I am very happy you enjoyed them Ginny, thank you :)

  2. Wonderful photos! I like the quotes too.

  3. Lovely scenry and the clouds just beautiful, the water so still - how peaceful Denise.

    1. It is very peaceful Margaret, absolutely love it! Thank you :)

  4. Delightful. Thank you.
    I am a confirmed lollygagger - a phrase I haven't heard in years.

    1. Thank you Sue, and from one lollygagger to another, so nice to know a fellow lollygagger, lol!

  5. What a wonderful trip. I've enjoyed going along. The photos of the water are beautiful.

    1. Hi Ann, always happy you enjoy, and thank you :)

  6. Denise, I thoroughly enjoyed hiking with you. I too love to stop and "drink in the beauty" of everything nature puts on our plates!!
    When wildlife begins to quiet down for the season, it makes the solitude & beauty even more tranquil.

    Love the sky/reflections

    1. Hi Anni and that's great and thank you :) Your words definitely speak to me. I agree with everything you say.

  7. Beautiful photos and so evident that fall is slowly creeping in. Love your poetry quotes. Enjoyed this lovely post.

  8. Replies
    1. Muito obrigado por seus muitos comentários ao longo de muitos anos :) Eu os aprecio muito. Um abraço e um bom final de semana!

  9. Hello Denise,
    Beautiful images from the NWR. Lovely images and quotes. I like to stop and smell the roses and take photos. Nice memories of your Mom and Dad. Take care, enjoy your day! Happy weekend!

    1. Hello Eileen, very happy you enjoyed my post. I wish you the same :) Thank you!

  10. Your walks really inspire you, beautiful musings.

  11. Thanks for lollygagging today. We were fortunate as you got great photos. I like A.A. Milne and Shel Silverstein. I always included these two authors with my Middle School language arts classes.

    1. You are very welcome Red :) and thank you! I would have loved to have had you as a teacher, truly!

  12. I've really enjoyed this series, Denise, and these images are as beautiful as the ones before. What a lovely holiday andyes, as Eileen said, beautiful memories.

    1. Hi Jeanie, so glad you enjoyed :) and thank you!

  13. LOVE the eveing primrose and trees trees and more trees. dappled sky and reflecting water. NOTHING could be better

    1. Hi Sandra, I agree and thank you :) Those evening primrose and trees were lovely! And always love being around trees.

  14. Yes, I did enjoy this trip through the park. Very nicely done.

    1. That's great Gigi and much appreciated. Thank you :)

  15. I love to lollygag in places like this, Denise! Your photos reflecting the beauty of the clouds and water are like icing on a cake---so beautiful. Your parents gave you a wonderful gift to stop and smell the roses. Have a lovely weekend.

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, so nice to meet another lollygagger, and happy you enjoyed :) I appreciate my parents for all the gifts they gave, not enough words can say how much.

  16. That's a great spot for lollygagging!

    1. It certainly is Ellen, I could lollygag there for hours :)

  17. That was a lovely adventure! Good to take your time. I loved your memories, too.

    1. It makes me happy you think so Jenn and thank you :)

  18. The yellow flower is especially pretty. This is a summer plant in my area.
    Happy Halloween!

    1. Thank you that is interesting. Happy Halloween to you also :)

  19. I thorough enjoyed this post and the two previous ones, Denise. The Occoquan Bay National Wildlife Reserve was a wonderful place to explore and lolly gagging is a wonderful trait to have inherited because like yourself I am always the one behind while Pat walks ahead. There is always so much to see in the little details, like those leaves on the ground.

    1. I agree 100 percent Dorothy, the little details are what I key in one. I was always told I was a curious child :) Glad you enjoyed!

  20. That's for sure Linda. Happy you enjoyed, thank you :)

  21. What a great place to visit...and what a day with the sky like shown here!

    1. It was perfect Rose, we really lucked out with the weather. Thank you :)


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