Monday, July 12, 2021


Thank you so much for all the greetings you left on my birthday.  These added to the enjoyment of my special day very much, and I will be thanking you all individually ASAP.  

Today I am sharing an old recipe and I found it particularly good at the time.  I should put the ingredients I need on our next shopping list as it has been too long since I last made it.  All I need to add is the ice cream and the chocolate chips!

It is made for one person but is easy to adjust for for two.

Single-Serving, Deep-Dish Chocolate Chip Cookie

The original recipe was found here at Chocolate Moosey.  Carla's has great photos, and she also has some delicious sounding desserts just like this one.

Makes: 1 deep-dish cookie

2 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 tablespoon granulated sugar
1 tablespoon brown sugar
One or two drops of vanilla extract
Pinch of salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 cup flour
2 tablespoons semi-sweet chocolate chips
Vanilla Ice-Cream for serving.

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.  and take your individual-sized ramekin out of the cupboard.

In a medium microwavable bowl, melt the butter. Whisk in both sugars and vanilla.  Whisk in salt, baking soda and flour.  Blend in the chocolate chips.  Scrape the batter into the ramekin.

Bake 12 to 15 minutes or until the top is firm and light brown.  Let cool for a few minutes before serving with whipped cream or a small scoop of vanilla ice-cream.

When you feel like something sweet but don't want to go overboard this is just the ticket.  I didn't have any ice-cream but there was some whipped cream in the fridge.  I also mixed in a tablespoon of chopped pecans to the batter before putting it into the ramekin. The finished product was very yummy.

Thanks for looking and...


  1. Decadent and delicious. I hope your birthday was wonderful.

  2. Replies
    1. Obrigada :) Um abraço e uma boa semana para vocês também :)

  3. It looks and sounds tasty.
    No ice cream, oh no but yes cream will do.

  4. YUM, my hubby would love this treat.
    Thanks for sharing the recipe!
    Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. You are very welcome Eileen, and you take care and enjoy your day also :)

  5. I'm definitely saving this one for those craving times! Thanks for sharing Denise. :)

    1. You are very welcome Martha, and I hope you enjoy it when you get that craving :)

  6. Belated happy Birthday. This dish looks very yummy but while we are trying to drop some weight off I think it will have to wait for a while!!
    Cheers Diane

    1. Thank you Diane, yes there are times when it is best not to downslide even with small portions :)

  7. yum, i did not read the ingredients because i am leading the life of sugar free, but if not i would have been in the kitchen trying this

  8. Bon appetit indeed! Looking good.

  9. Hoping you had the best birthday ever! Thank you so much for posting this recipe. My husband loves chocolate chips and ice-cream. Perfect dessert for him tonight.

    1. That's great Betsy, I hope your husband enjoys :) Thank you also for my birthday greetings, it was a great day!

  10. I love me some chocolate that's for sure, looks super, I discovered you had commented a lot and I hadn't approved them, well it went back a long time sorry

    1. Me too, there are times I love a piece of chocolate. No problem on the comments, these things happen :)

  11. Thank you Laurie :) Sorry I can't visit you. I can't find a link.

  12. It really does satisfy :) Thanks Linda!

  13. Well...that's fun! Happy Monday!

  14. Happy belated birthday joy to you, Denise! Omg the baked chocolate chips, pecans and whipped cream surely make this the most scrumptious delicious sweet-quenching dessert ever!

    1. Thank you Penelope :) It is pretty darned good, lol!

  15. You do realize that this could be trouble, don't you?!!!

    1. I still can't find a link to visit you Jeanie. Is this because of what blogger did to the addresses, or whatever they did. I hope you read this so that you can leave me an addy in your comments :)

  16. Mouth watering!! Thank you!
    I missed your birthday! Sorry! Happy Birthday! Many Blessings! Big Hugs!

    1. That's great :) and certainly no problem on the birthday. You wished it to me now and that makes me happy. Many blessings and big hugs to you too :)))


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