Friday, July 16, 2021


First of all I would like to thank you for the comments you have been leaving.  I am a bit slow getting back to you, but hope to catch up in the next day or so.

I was about to sit down to dinner yesterday when I walked by the patio door and saw this beauty.  It was not too long after 6.00 p.m.  He was perched on the top of the deck rail.  I was totally mesmerized, so close! 

We stared at each other for a while.  I thought my sudden appearance would have frightened it off, but it seemed as though it stayed for almost 15 minutes and I was rooted in the spot.  

He wasn't the only one with an open mouth.  After I shook myself out of my own open-mouthed stupor, I grabbed the camera and started snapping away. 

Here is a closer view of the above pose.

I kept taking photos because I thought beauty here would be gone.  I have no idea how long it had been there before I walked by.  

I am thinking we have a Cooper's Hawk here, but would really appreciate an ID from an expert.  I read it is hard to tell between a Cooper's and a Sharp-shinned Hawk.  Also I know that a juvenile can be different in markings than the adult, as in other birds.  I looked on line to try and figure it out, one article here and another here.  I want to say a Cooper's Hawk but haven't seen enough sightings to be absolutely sure, so any help will be appreciated.

I didn't want to leave but after dozens of photo opportunities I thanked beauty for this early evening gift.  I had been feeling that because of the loss of our two main trees, wildlife would be sparse but there it was to prove me wrong.  Gorgeous bird!  

Beauty's potential dinner was in hiding.  What I have noticed in the past is that our backyard wildlife is very good making themselves scarce when one of these is around.  They have to survive and long may they do so, but I was glad I didn't have to see it catch its dinner, as much as I like and admire them.  

Eventually the head chef was calling me to dinner, and after we had finished I went back hoping that beauty would still be there, but there was so sign.  A lovely way to end the day wasn't it?

Thanks for looking and I hope your day is a wonderful one.


  1. Wow how lucky can you get, I am so jealous. Fabulous photos well done. Have a good weekend, Diane

    1. I felt very lucky to see this beautiful bird Diane. The last time was about a year ago. Not a frequent visitor. Thank you and hope your weekend was a great one :)

  2. Oh yes, a lovely way to end a day! You were treated to a long gaze---how amazing. Maybe a juvenile. I'm no expert in identifying hawks, but I sure enjoyed seeing your wonderful photos of beauty.

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, no matter the ID it was a lovely opportunity and still consider it a gift :)

  3. Wow, it's like he flew there nd sat and posed just for YOU!!! Of course, wonderful shots.

  4. Wow, totally impressive captures Denise! What a beautiful hawk and such a perfect little model too. I too am glad you didn't have to witness it catching dinner or you may not have been able to eat yours. Thanks so much for sharing these today. Have a fantastic weekend. :)

    1. So true Martha, thank you and have a fantastic week :)

  5. Well you were very lucky to capture photos of this beauty. A great feeling.

    1. Very lucky and yes it was. Thanks Margaret :)

  6. Too bad the tail isn't more visible. One has squared off tail feathers while the other is rounded. Also the head, one is rounded while the other is more "blocked". But, I'm pretty sure it's an immature Coopers GUESSING only.

    1. Thanks Anni, unfortune that I didn't capture the whole tail. I appreciate the info very much :)

  7. Such wonderful pictures of this beautiful hawk. So memorable!

    1. Thank you Bobbieliz, it is a lovely memory :)

  8. I had a similar experience where a Cooper's hawk say on my fence until it pleased him to leave. He was dining on a house sparrow.

    1. Hi Red :) nature's way and they do have to eat, poor unlucky sparrow. I remembered there was a chipmunk on our deck earlier. I wondered if that was the attraction.

  9. I don't know one hawk from another so I'm no help. These are amazing photos though. What a wonderful treat to get to see this one

  10. Replies
    1. You are very welcome Sue, happy you enjoyed :)

  11. I was about to guess that it was a Coopers Hawk too. It looks like the species we see in our Illinois neighborhood.

    1. Thanks Kay! There are no hawks in Hawaii are there or am I mistaken? Glad you got to see them in your neighborhood in Illinois :)

  12. Hello Denise,
    Amazing shots and closeups of the Hawk! It is a beautiful bird.
    Take care, have a happy weekend!

    1. Thank you Eileen and you take care and have a happy week :)

  13. Replies
    1. Muito obrigado. Um abraço e uma boa semana para vocês :)

  14. he is indeed a beauty and your photos are magnificent. bob says when he used to fly his planes, several would come and sit on the foot ball posts and watch his planes. a couple of times they tried to attack it. hope you get to see him again

    1. Thank you Sandra, I hope so too :) and that's very interesting about Bob's planes.

  15. Wow, what amazing shots you got of this lovely bird. So sharp. Great detail.
    Seems like it was posing for you.

    1. Thank you Great-Granny G :) I couldn't believe my good fortune to have him stay so long.

  16. What a wonderful gift! That circle of life.

  17. Wow! These are amazing shots of a predator!

  18. Amazing creature and I'm so happy it waited about and posed for those great photos! Very special visitor!

  19. Wow!
    An amazing visitor to your deck rail, great series of photographs.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan and all the best to you too :)

  20. That must have been amazing for you. Your photos are fabulous so is the bird.

  21. These photos are absolutely stunning, Denise. Crystal clear and oh, what a miraculous and gorgeous sight. He's quite a formidable fellow, isn't it? And a real stunner. Beautiful work and excellent camera, too!

    1. Thank you Jeanie :) couldn't have described my feelings more when I saw him.

    2. Sorry Jeanie, I couldn't find a link to your blog this time. If you see this could you leave an address where I might be able to come visit? Thanks so much :)

  22. That was wonderful Denise! Beautiful photos ... I am with you in that I admire raptors and love to see and photograph them (but never this well) -- but I am also a little leery about actually seeing them eating to surivive. (Especially back when we had bird feeders in our yard.) I loved this post. No need to apologize about being slow getting back to visit. I would be doing nothing but apologizing if I had to do so for being slow getting back to people. I am always behind.

    1. Thank you Sallie, and thank you also for your understanding on me being a bit tardy about visiting. I seem to be getting more and more behind these days. You and I are kindred spirits about raptors then? :)

  23. It certainly felt that way, thank you Linda :)

  24. i'm not sure denise but what a thrill and it sure is a beauty!!!

    1. Thanks Debbie, such an unexpected gift also :)

  25. My heart is smiling!! What a beautiful gift and sign, that was sent for your eyes to see! Wow! Truly amazing! Big Hugs!

    1. Ah you made me happy saying that. Thank you so much and big hugs to you too :)

  26. So lucky! I do wonder if he (she?) might be a young one. Not sure but the fact that the bird stayed so long, and the mouth open like that. Sounds like behavior of a juvenile. I could be wrong.

    1. You may be right Kay, thanks for the input :)


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