Tuesday, April 27, 2021


 We are getting ready to plant a few new flowers.  With this in mind we visited one of our local garden centers, our first of the year.  

Bear greeted us inside with a request for all customers to wear their masks.  It's a different world but everyone seems to be very good about it, happy to say.

I checked out all the knickknacks first.  

The bears didn't go home with me but one of these plant pots did, the one in the middle.  I needed a new one and I liked the design.

This prettily painted slate had the garden's name on it, but I decided to replace it with a positive quote.

Thought these were cute little guys.  They said they were all hanging in there.

Liked the wind chimes and the basket.

The cat was looking up at the birds?

There are fairy gardens everywhere, my favorite being the one at Meadowlark Gardens.  I look forward to going there again, hopefully soon.

I get in touch with my inner child around Fairy Gardens.

They appeal to my whimsical side.

These are Foam Flowers.  I saw them as I was leaving the garden center.

Forgot to take note where I read this, but it said: "Foam flowers form clumps  with its lobed, evergreen foliage; it spreads by underground stems or rhizomes, although the eastern American species, T. cordifolia, commonly called the heartleaf foam flower, also expands via above-ground runners (otherwise known as stolons).  The leaves come in an array of colors and patterns thanks to the diverse varietals and hybrids on the market, and in some of these they change color in fall or winter.  In spring Toiarella raises lovely blooming stalks of little white or pinkish flowers.  When in bloom, this otherwise ground-hugging plant commonly stands between one and two feet tall.  It makes a very attractive ground cover."

The next photo shows the Cherry Laurel, Prunus laurocerasus: Common Laurel.  It was growing in front of the building.  It is an evergreen shrub that will tolerate shade and produces dainty white sweet-smelling flowers in the spring.  
It is fast growing and also lures birds with its cherry-like red fruits, which turn black in maturity.  But, one thing to know about it is that though it emits a pleasing fragrance of almonds when its leaves are crushed, it contains hydrogen cyanide, a poison if ingested in large quantities.  I found my information and much more at this website.

Next to the Cherry Laurel was the Japanese Maple.  It still had quite a display of daffodils in front.

How sweet the daffodil, its sunlight hew calls out,
"Notice me, I am joy!"
~Author Unknown~

We came home with the plant pot, two Hellebore plants and a Coneflower.  I am trying to decide where to put them in our garden.  We have a lot of shade for the Hellebores.  Has anyone ever had them in their garden?  Any tips?  I would be very appreciative for any help!  

I also saw a shelf of honey from a local apiary.  I can now scratch that off my shopping list.  

That's all from our trip to the Garden Center.


  1. I have never heard of Foam Flowers or Cherry Laurel. So yet again, I have learned something! I love looking at the knick knacks at Garden Centers. And you WILL NOT BELIEVE this. We went to a garden center today, and I picked up this very pot that you bought!!! I loved it and was going to buy it, but talked myself out of it. It even had the same tray under it. I want this fat cat! It is always so much fun to loom at Fairy Gardens. Kind of like when I was a kid and played with dollhouses.

    1. What a happy coincidence Ginny! I always wanted a doll house but never had one. Maybe that’s the reason I like fairy gardens so much :)

  2. Looks a nice garden centre.
    Happy planting.

  3. Garden centres (and bookshops) are my FAVOURITE shopping venues. I usually succumb too.

    1. Thanks EC, I do get to them as often as I would like :) and love it when I do.

  4. Cool!!! My kinda shopping trip! I would have taken home the cat watching the birds figurine (definitely!), a wind chime or two, and dozens of flowers!! Where's our next stop?!!?!

  5. I remember my family in the Uk all saying how exciting was that first visit to the garden centre - they do say after pets, gardens have had a lot more attention in the past year. I must admit we do enjoy (and are missing!) our Australia garden where we do have hellebores in a shaded area, they tend to do their own thing!
    Have a fun week
    Wren X

    1. Thanks Wren, that’s what I was hoping for about the Hellebores:) you have a fun week also x

  6. Hello,

    I love the knick-knacks and yard art. Your new pot looks pretty. The clover honey is one of my favorites. I think we have some cherry laurel growing along our driveway. Love the daffies. Have a happy day!

    1. Hello Eileen :) thank you and you have a happy day also.

  7. So man beautiful photos but the fairy gardens are my favorites! :)

  8. I love the fairy gardens and all the pretty pots! I guess I will go a little crazy when I start shopping at places like this again! Enjoy your day!

    1. Thank you Diane :) I had not been there in over a year and I had a great time. You enjoy your day also.

  9. So nice to visit a garden centre! Canada is behind in vaccines.

    1. It is, thanks Christine :) I hope Canada is able to catch up real soon.

  10. Not much of plants in garden centers anymore.

    1. Hi Red, fortunately this one has a large variety outside :)

  11. YAY for honey. i love honey and all these flowers are fantastic. I like minature anything, something about them being so small and perfect just like they were full size. love the garden. what a great place to shop

    1. Thank you Sandra, it is high up on my list also :) I feel the same way about miniatures.

  12. Always fun to check out the garden center.

  13. Your garden center looks wonderful, Denise. So many things to tempt! I love your choices. I have hellebores in my perennial shade garden. They do very well in my compost rich soil. You can also save the seeds from the flowers and plant them to fill in other spots of your shade garden. I always cut last years leaves in early spring as the new leaves are forming. Makes them look tidier. I love the pot you chose--very unique. Happy gardening!

    1. I am so happy you think so Martha Ellen :) Thank you so much for all the great tips.

  14. Hope you found some new plantings as well as being able to get out and go shopping.

  15. Thanks Linda :) there was. I really enjoy this place.


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