Friday, February 5, 2021



"One kind word can warm three winter months."

~Japanese Proverb~

You may remember this little guy as I have shared him before in my years of blogging, but not for a while.  

I have had him since I was a year old.  My parents gave him to me on my first birthday.  I named him simply, "Teddy".  He is worse for wear but I still love him dearly, a connection to my special loved ones.  He is carefully stored in a box now, dusted off and cleaned every so often.  

I took Teddy everywhere and as I got older when my parents thought that I was ready to let him go (I certainly didn't tell them that), they coaxed me into giving him to the child of a visiting friend.  I was about eight or nine and I was not happy.  

Before that visit was over I quietly went to said child (while adults were elsewhere no doubt) “Can I have my Teddy back?” and quietly bribed him with one of Mum's chocolate bars.  (I seem to remember my Dad giving me a talking to about that chocolate bar a few days later.  I gave mine up for two weeks to pay Mum back and no pocket money, tried to be extra good, did extra chores, and tried my best to keep my bedroom tidy.  But I looked at Teddy and was happy.)  

I was so thankful said child preferred the chocolate bar.  I would have given ten chocolate bars if one didn't work.  IOU if I had to, no problem.  I was determined and when Teddy reappeared a few days later from out of my special hide-away place, my parents never said a word.  My chat with Dad came later.  

Teddy was my constant companion and would go with me everywhere.  When I was sad or mad, off we would go to my hide-away place upstairs.  I climbed up to the second shelf, which was a big, wooden, slatted rack, where all the linens and towels were kept over the hot water tank.  It seemed high to me, but I was a climber and it was my Mount Everest.  I would hear Mum’s voice saying loudly.  “Hmmm....I wonder where Denise is?”   She had always been in the know about my special hide-away place.  

While I think about it I should tell you about the window cleaner's ladder. What an adventure that was, climbing up to the second floor at three years' old, with several more grey hairs for my Mum, and the window cleaner she told me.  "You were always a climber."  She and the window cleaner would probably have had a strong cup of tea afterwards.  I was a climber, did I mention that already?  My Mum told me that story for years and years.  "You were always a climber" as she shook her head slowly from side to side and smiled.  "You gave me many a grey hair when you were little.  The window cleaner and I had to have an extra strong cup of tea with lots of sugar after that escapade."  Sorry Mum! 

Anyhow, I digress, in my hide-away place I would tell Teddy all my joys and woes.

He has been with me for a lifetime.  At this age I don't really care if people think I am too old for Teddy, or his many companions I have collected over the years.  The circle of life is coming around, and I find other ways to be kind.

A very cute photo that seemed to fit the theme.  I found it at  When I found this photo it reminded me of my own dear Teddy, and I went on a search for the old photo above.  Hence the trip down memory lane.  

Thanks for stopping by friends, and have a great weekend.


  1. Love that proverb.
    I still have 'pink puppy'. I chose him myself before I was two. I was taken to a toy store and suitable toys were lined up for me to choose from. I chose pink puppy. He was neither of my parents favourite toys so they mixed the line up and let me choose again. Pink puppy again. He came home with us and I loved him. He went everywhere with me - including to hospital. I threw up on him after an operation and the nurses steralised him. He was never pink again - but was loved and is loved.
    Sorry for this long comment.

    1. That's a very cute, sweet memory of your pink puppy EC. Thank you for sharing that :)

  2. Oh, what wonderful childhood memories. I do feel rather privilaged to have read them. Teddy was your security and your friend, and they should not have tried to give him away!! But no one is perfect. I am so glad you still have each other.

    1. So happy you enjoyed my memory Ginny, so sweet of you to say. Yes, my parents had second thoughts after that day, and smiling here. Thank you :)

  3. Lovely to hear about your 'teddy'.

    1. Thank you Margaret, it makes me happy that you enjoyed it.

  4. Hello Denise,
    Great quote and lovely memories of your Teddy! Take care, enjoy your day!

  5. This is so sweet and I really love the story. I'm glad that you could buy teddy backs that she loved him so much. My second son was a climber so I can feel your mother's pain. I was always too afraid of everything to do any climbing. but I did get in trouble for talking a lot like in church! So glad you still have your teddy

    1. Oh Sandra, I know my mum could relate to you with your own darling little climber :) Thank you! Funny thing is I get vertigo with heights now, not good at all with heights any more.

  6. Awww, I loved hearing about your adventures with Teddy. This is so sweet Denise.

  7. That Teddy has had a good workout, it seems. I don't think I have ever been so attached to anything.

    1. He certainly had a very good workout but I don't see it, I just see my much beloved Teddy and all the memories and connections to my equally beloved family :)

  8. Aww thanks for sharing your sweet Teddy with us today Denise. Love the quote. I was a bit mad at a friend and decided to wish her a happy birthday recently anyway, she lives far away. I got a thank you in return for my kind words.

    1. Hi Christine, thank you and you are very welcome :) I'm so happy you got in touch with your friend. These quotes inspire me too.

  9. Denise, that is the sweetest story about you and Teddy! I'm so glad you still have him. You were so clever to convince the child with chocolate. Loved hearing you would have given him more if needed. He certainly is well loved. The photo of him at your snowy window is darling. I can see you two have shared many good times together.

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, it makes me happy that you enjoyed :)

  10. My grandparents gave me a pair of pandas when I was born, Somewhere along the line with all the moving house more times than I can think, and country moves (7 I can think of) they have gone AWOL, I am very sad. Stay safe, Diane

    1. I know what you mean Diane, we moved many times over the years and we lost things on the way, but Teddy always made it through thankfully. You stay safe too :)

  11. Good for you for negotiating to get your beloved Teddy back where it belonged! Sweet memories. Oye about the climbing. :)

    1. I didn't know what negotiating was Ellen, I had my first lesson and didn't even know it :) And yes oye about the climbing. Now I get dizzy if I step on a stool!

  12. That's so sweet. I had my teddy from when I was little. It was stuffed with straw. I ended up burning him in the wood stove, as it was the worse for wear, and who knows what was inside!

    1. Thanks Jenn and oh dear on the poor old teddy you had. That's sad!

  13. Replies
    1. Muito obrigado, um abraço e um bom final de semana.

  14. Yes, Denise, we all need a teddy bear. While I don't have any of my childhood toys and really can't recall any favorites, I DO have a few teddy bears collected in adulthood. The collection is admittedly smaller now, but still there are favorites. Some only appear around the tree and others are out year long. I enjoyed this story and thanks for sharing a specoal memory of a special friend.

    1. You are very welcome Dorothy. I put out several of the teddy bears I have around the tree every year, many of them are gifts and have great sentimental value, as they have been given to me my loved ones who are no longer with us. Treasures each and every one.

  15. Thank you all so much for the lovely comments. Always very much appreciated! I have been having issues with my laptop lately. Thinking it is time to back everything up!

  16. You are very welcome Linda, thank you :)

  17. A sweet story - I gave away my Shirley Temple doll and clothes at 17 to prove I was grown up and have regretted it my whole life

    1. Thank you Carol and I am so sorry. I know I would regret it too.

  18. Aww, what a heartwarming story.
    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Great Granny G :) you are very welcome, happy you enjoyed it.

  19. I had not heard this story before and I totally enjoyed it. So wonderful you still have him.

  20. I love the story about your teddy. And yes, you had to bribe the girl to get it back or you would have lost it!!!
    I love you being a climber. I've climbed a lot also. Early in my career when I worked in natural gas processing plants, my favorite hiding spot was to climb to the top of a distillation column. It was about 80 feet tall and I was all by myself. You know what? Those towers sway in high winds! Not much but you can definitely feel it.

    1. Well, you were braver than I would have been, especially with that tower swaying. Bet the view was magnificent in your hiding spot :) Thanks for the story Yogi.

  21. Thanks for giving a chance to read a very heartwarming story.

    1. You are very welcome and thanks so much for reading it :)

  22. What a beautiful trip down memory lane Denise - it warms our heart to do this from time to time and your teddy is a wonderful companion still going strong after all these years - he's a real tropper!
    Happy Sunday
    Wren x

    1. Thank you Wren, so happy you enjoyed my teddy story. And a Happy Sunday to you too :) x


  23. It's great that you have such a childhood friend. My daughter has such a plush snake, she got it when she was 3 years old. She took it when she left home to study and takes it on every trip. Have a nice Sunday :)

    1. Thank you Lucyna, and I enjoyed the story about your daughter's plush snake. It is so nice that she is a kindred spirit. You have a nice Sunday also :)

  24. Denise, to have your 'teddy' with you still today is priceless. I cried tears of joy reading your walk down memory lane.

    1. How sweet of you Anni, and thank you so much for reading it :)

  25. Boa tarde. Parabéns pela excelente matéria.

    1. Muito obrigado pelo seu comentário amável :)

  26. Hello Denise,
    An absolutely delightful read of you with Teddy, climbing on top of the hot water tank, Everest, and you bribing the girl with a bar of your mothers chocolate, things were so much more innocent when we were young, a most enjoyable read. Thank you
    You stay safe and well

    1. Thank you John, so happy you enjoyed it. I agree, so innocent :) You stay safe and well also :)

  27. i do not remember ever seeing your sweet teddy bear, how fortunate you are to still have it with you!! and this story, oh denise, i am so glad you shared it here. such a heartwarming story!!

    and i LOVE the black & white picture, you should recreate it with your teddy bear!!

    1. Thanks Debbie :) That is a very good idea about the black and white picture.

  28. Hi Denise, kind words warm our hearts and add color and joy to our day.
    How comforting it must be to have a longtime friend and companion like Teddy, who was always present in your joys and sorrows. It is very pleasant to take trips for our most precious memories.

  29. I’ve had fun catching up here Denise. This was a lovely story!

    1. Thanks for catching up on my posts Sallie and glad you enjoyed this one :)

  30. Oh, thank God you got him back! My heart skipped a long beat there. 😳

    1. Just catching up with this post. I saw it pop up in my side bar and here I am, finally :) Thank you for your sweet comment.


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