Tuesday, February 9, 2021



Going back in time to 1959.  I am on the left holding Teddy and sitting next to my sister, and that's my Mum standing.  If you missed Teddy's story, you can find it if you click here

Dad often worked on the weekend, but if he had a free day you would find us on a Sunday ride in the English countryside.  A picnic went along with us.  On this day we found a nice shady spot next to a small stream.  For our photo he found an old stone bridge nearby.  

If I haven't mentioned it before, my Dad enjoyed taking photos and I am thankful he passed down that love of capturing moments to me.  His parents gave him a camera on his 21st birthday. You can see it in the photo below.  I still have it along with its old canvas carrying case, complete with Dad's hand written name and address on the inside.

My parents gave me mine on my 13th birthday, an old Brownie.  Unfortunately I don't have that any more, but it is similar to this one.  

I framed our photo years ago and it has been on the bookshelf near where I sit in the family room, along with several other precious mementos.  Our old family photos are the true treasures in life.

I hope you are having a good start to the week.  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. What a wonderful photo, and how awesome that you have your dad's camera! A real keepsake to be passed down in the family. I had the exact same Brownie.

    1. Thank you Ginny, I absolutely treasure it and his old military medals, which I have tucked away for our son to get eventually :)

  2. That is a lovely photo - and I am so glad that you still have your father's camera. A treasure.

  3. Yes Denise, I totally agree with you. They are wonderful

  4. Photos are a treasure. How wonderful you have your dad's camera. The box brownie for you, how lucky you were...lovely memories.
    I didn't get a camera for many years after I was married.

    1. Thank you Margaret, I was very lucky to have this camera at such an early age, but even then my Dad knew that taking photos was important to me :)

  5. Glad you rescued Teddy from strangers. For me, it's a tiny heart pendant from my dad when I was small. I still hold it in my hands today. Moments captured in a photo are treasures, too, when what's stored in hearts and minds gets a little blurry.

    1. Hello Penelope, how wonderful! Thank you for sharing about your Dad's gift. My photos are a great memory keeper :)

  6. Like yourself, Denise, I also treasure photos and several book shelves contain framed family photos, most of which celebrate special occasions, like our parents, our childhood photos, grandchildren...etc. i also have my parents film camera and its original leather case. It is a Kodak Tourister model and I also have my father’s vintage light meter.

    1. It is very special that we have these photos isn't it Dorothy :) Nice to learn of your parents treasures too.

  7. mother had a brownie like this one, we did get some photos to keep but were to poor to afford the film and developing. i love the old camera and that photo is a true treasure... In 1959 I was 15.

    1. Thank you Sandra :) I know, we didn't take many photos even with our cameras because of the cost of developing the film. I was more than ready for the digital age :)))

  8. What a beautiful photo and I love that you have your dads old camera!

  9. Hello Denise,
    Wonderful follow on on the Teddy story with little Denise with said Teddy, how good it is to have these old family photo's to look back at and refresh the family memories.
    Also we tend to forget how cameras have advanced over the years, how would I get an image of the Osprey at well over 300 metres away on the box Brownie??. Mind having said that, Like you I still have and treasure my first camera, With my set up at the moment I paid considerably less for my first house.
    You and yours stay safe and well.

    1. Hi John, sweet of you to say. I actually took a photo of this photo with my cell phone, such an amazing little device. Oh my goodness, you are so correct, how could we have gotten as close to the birds as we do without the new cameras that we have now. We have come a long way since the old brownie cameras. Wouldn't we have been excited to have known how advanced that technology would become? :) Your last sentence made me smile. The same could have been said for my parents first home when we moved to Devon, except they didn't have the those amazing cameras we have now. I would have loved to have bought such a camera for my Dad. He would have been over the moon.

  10. Some families, like yours had a camera and used it, so you have family photos. My Mom had a camera so our family has quite a few photos

    1. Very true, we were blessed. And I am glad you were too :)

  11. A lovely old photo, 1959 is my birth year.

    1. Thank you Christine, and how interesting. I am nine years older than you are :)

  12. Replies
    1. Thank you William, I am happy you enjoyed it :)

  13. We must be close to the same age. I still have my old Brownie camera that I got with S & H green stamps! Love seeing this old photo and hearing more about your family!

    1. Hi Diane, we must be. I remember such stamps from the cooperative society which we saved up. So glad you enjoyed hearing about my family.


  14. Beautiful family photo. Such aparta is a treasure :)

    1. Thank you Lucyna, they are indeed treasures :)

  15. That is a lovely photograph.
    It's wonderful to read that you still have your father's camera.

    All the best Jan

  16. Such a sweet photo of you and your sister and Mum, and of course your beloved Teddy! It is no surprise that your Dad was an avid photographer. Like father, like daughter. I had a brownie camera as well. I must admit to loving the digital age vs. having to buy and develop film. Enjoy your evening.

    1. Hello Martha Ellen, and thank you. Thank goodness for the digital age. It let the genie out of the bottle. There was no stopping the amount of photographs I could take after I got my first digital camera :) You enjoy your evening also.

  17. I love the glimpses of your life and family details. Just fun to hear happy memories of childhood.

  18. That is a sweet treasure of a photo and with Teddy, too.


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