Friday, February 12, 2021


On Tuesday (the 9th) we decided to go for a walk over the Manassas Battlefield Park.  It is a most serene place to spend time, though its history of the two Civil War battles obviously belies the scenes that we see today.   

We passed by this huge tree towering over us, loaded with bright red berries.  I had to stand on my tippy toes with my arms stretched high above my head to reach its lowest branches for these photos.  It is the American Holly and is always a welcome sight at any time of the year, but I love it when it is adorned with those bright red berries.
This is a tree (below) that we have been passing by ever since we discovered we were so close to the battlefield nearly 30 years ago.  
Several years ago we visited and were concerned when we saw it almost splitting in two.  The park people had pulled it together with cable and also staked it to the ground.  It had lost several large branches off the main trunk.  
It looks a bit lopsided but is surviving and we are thankful.  I truly hate to see these old trees go.   
I don't think it is a Witness Tree but it is very old.
Instead of our usual Chinn Ridge walk, we went on the opposite side of the road where the visitor center is.  Their parking lot is quite large and we found a spot away from the other cars.  

There were several young people gathering at the entrance (the above photo shows the back of the visitor center as we look from the old Henry house.) It looked like they were waiting to get on the small bus parked nearby.  A few adults were with them, probably teachers and parents .  
We avoid indoor spaces and didn't intend to go into the center.  We decided to walk over to the Henry House, to enjoy the fresh air and the exercise.  Apart from one couple and a man on his own far ahead of us, we had the place to ourselves.  It was very cold and between the hat and mask I wore, they gave me a lot of warmth and at least my face didn't feel cold.  Sweet other half was similarly dressed and was very comfortable.  I joked that I was well prepared, pulling my hat down over my eyes.  He laughed and could not resist taking this photo.  
The old Henry house can be seen on the right of the next photo.
Here is a closer shot of the Henry house.  There is a short history of it here, a sad tale about 85 year old Mrs. Henry and one I know well by now.
First the back of the building, and the one below shows the front.
A close up of the windows.
It has had work done on it since the last time we visited.  The stain is new.
This is the Henry Hill Memorial next to the house.
The cold finally got to us and instead of going further along the trail, we turned back towards where we parked our car.  
It was a wonderful walk and we will be back in warmer weather.  No matter how many times we have visited, we never tire of our walks here.  

The skies were beautiful as you can see.

Our weather is rain and snow showers for the next few days, so we probably won't be out walking until next week.  

Thanks for visiting and enjoy your weekend.


  1. I have never been here; such an interesting place. The old tree is amazing!

  2. It is a nice place. The battlefields always impress me because they are so peaceful now.

    1. Thanks Linda :) they truly are very peaceful places.

  3. Smiling at your photo.
    It does look a beautiful and serene place - which I expect it has been for most of its history.
    and I love that the tree has been saved.

    1. Thanks EC, I sometimes do get in touch with my inner child ;) Glad you enjoyed this area.

  4. You certainly were well geared up for the cold and wind in that outfit Denise and what a lovely walk you had

  5. A place to remember the fallen.
    Looks a nice are looking attractive in that gear to keep your warm :)

    1. Thank you Margaret, it is a lovely place and my gear has been through a few winters now. I am always happy with it.

  6. Replies
    1. Muito obrigado. Um abraço e um bom final de semana para você também.

  7. the house by itself was a plain jane with the tree and cannons added so beautiful. a super great place to visit during the pandemic. lots of walking and no people. laughed out loud at your masked self

    1. Glad I gave you a chuckle Sandra :) The house is more interesting than it looks in photos. From the original photo there were two chimney stacks at each end, if I remember correctly.

  8. Hello,
    Love the holly berries and the big tree! The battlefield is a great place to explore and spend some time. You look very warm, I hope this cold weather goes away. Great photos. Take care, enjoy your day!

  9. You were definitely ready lol! Thanks for taking us along with you :)

    1. I was ready :) You are very welcome Martha, and thank you!

  10. I always like walking around these sort of places, so much history. A few years back we toured the war graves here in Europe. It was interesting, but so sad, and I have to admit to shedding a few tears along the way.
    Keep warm and safe, Diane

    1. I have done that also Diane, these sacred places can be very evocative. You keep warm and safe also :)

  11. The battlefield seems so peaceful. I must visit it for myself someday.

    1. Thanks William, I hope you come down and see it for yourself :)

  12. What an interesting spot! The holly is beautiful!

  13. Interesting to see the large open areas.

    1. Yes, so many of them around this battlefield. It stretches across well traveled roads. Thank you :)

  14. I'd love to go visit. Such huge sacrifice there way back when.

  15. Thanks for sharing your outing, if cold!

    1. You are very welcome Christine, we were itching to get out but look forward to some warmer weather :)

  16. Replies
    1. Thank you Anne, it is a lovely place for a walk :)

  17. There are so many places like that aren't there Linda? :)

  18. It was interesting to experience the history of this trail through your excellent photos. One gets a sense of the open terrain and atmosphere. The house with wood panelling is attractive and I love the old tree with its gnarled trunk. You certainly were wrapped up well for your walk.

    1. I wrap myself up like a mummy on these walks :) Glad you enjoyed this place through my photos. Thank you Linda :)

  19. How interesting! And such terrific images taken. Now I always wondered why bank lobbies haven't opened yet...after seeing what you could do with your hat (and mask)...we all will be using drive thru for some time for fear of bandits!
    (just kidding)

    1. Now that made me smile about the banks Anni. We've thought the same thing. Thank you and we'll be using the drive thru also :)

  20. I would want to walk there often too. It’s a gift to live where you can visit something this historically important on a regular basis. Also, It’s a good post for today, getting close to Lincoln’s Birthday. .... the picture of you made me smile (even though I couldn’t see your beautiful one.)

    1. Hi Sallie, thank you! Yes, there was a smile under there. Mr. Lincoln will be remembered on his birthday :)

  21. That tree is something else. How nice that you braved the weather and went outside for a walk. Lots of history there. Happy Valentine's Day and Presidents day weekend to you!

    1. Thank you Ellen, so glad you enjoyed. A Happy Valentine's Day and President's Day weekend to you also :)

  22. What a great place to take a walk among history, Denise! Love your photos and the one of you! Glad you were wrapped up warmly.

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, it was way too cold to go out today, even well wrapped up :)


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