Tuesday, January 7, 2020


would be right next to the tail of an alligator, don't you think?
These are from a trip to Florida January 2014.  We visited the Homosassa Springs Wildlife Park.  There were two ways to get to it from the main entrance, a boat or a tram ride.  We took the boat and this is a sight that we were greeted with not five minutes into the ride.  Turtles sharing a log with an alligator.

Since the busy pace of the holidays we have settled into a slower one.  Between colds and company I haven't done a lot of photo taking, and it's snowing today!  

Sounds like it will be our first significant one of 2020.  I hadn't looked at the long range weather forecast and a friend called up this morning and said it was snowing where she was.  She lives out towards the mountains about an hour from here.  No sign of it as I looked out the window.  

I got busy with a few chores and when hubs came home he said that it was snowing.  I looked outside and by this time there were big fluffy flakes coming down.  (I wish we could send it over to our friends in Australia, as I am still thinking about you all out that way).  Will it stick?  I won't have a clue until I look at our local weather and I want to finish this beforehand.  

The only sign of wildlife outside is a squirrel eating the birdseed I put out there.  He is welcome as all the birds have battened down the hatches.  Yesterday I saw a squirrel running across the grass with a mouthful of dead leaves.  We have two squirrel nests up in our tree and no doubt they are being insulated for the snowy weather.  A sign I should pay more attention to and I will from now on, that and looking at the long range weather forecast.  

All this being said I am a homebody and have no intention of going anywhere, at least for today.  I am convinced that if you put me in a small log cabin on the top of a snow-covered mountain in the middle of nowhere I would be happy.  It is a family joke that we have bandied around for years, and hubs always adds yes, as long as they've got electricity and wi-fi!  Maybe!  But that's what candlelight, good old-fashioned books and a log fire is all about isn't it?  What say you?  I can dream can't I? 

And as I get back on track and case in point, I have not been outside to take any photos, so to amuse myself I looked at old vacation photos from way back.  I found these of the alligator and turtles, shared before but maybe it's been so long that you don't remember, or won't mind seeing again.  


  1. Love the alligator and the turtles - and yes I envy your snow. Thank you for thinking of us.

    1. Maybe one day science will allow that to happen EC. I do hope so!

  2. That wouldn't be my fist choice to nap šŸ˜‰

  3. No, I don't remember ever seeing these pictures. Now I wonder, don't alligators eat turtles? Snowing here, too. And I am not about to leave the house either. Good reflections, too! Stay warm!

    1. You too Ginny, our snow has stopped now and a lot has melted.

  4. That is an amazing sight, Denise. My husband and I are both looking at this photo and find it so interesting! I guess alligators don't like to eat turtles. I'm a homebody as well. Except for our daily walks, you can find me inside by the fire. We had some snow as well, but I think you have more. Enjoy the cozy days of winter.

    1. Hi Martha Ellen, actually I remember a turtle having a tooth mark in its back about the shape of an alligator tooth. I remember thinking he had a close call :) Enjoy your cozy evenings too.

  5. Apologies to Titus John White found at this blog as I accidentally deleted your message:


    I think the gist of it was this:

    "Hi Denise, Not the best of places to rest, super images, but I am sure they have done this many times previously. Not envious of your snow, just hope we don’t get it. All the best, John"

    I was too finger push the button happy on the wrong button today John :)

  6. I do like the alligator and the turtles...
    We have a lot of rain at the moment, I so wish we could send it over to Australia.

    All the best Jan

    1. Me to Jan, I do so wish. All the best to you too :)

  7. I can be a homebody too especially in winter and with wifi! Great capture of turtles with alligator

  8. I'm someone who likes to be alone a lest some of the time. yes, I could read.

  9. Replies
    1. Seria bom se todas as naƧƵes pudessem ser assim. Um abraƧo e uma boa semana continuada :)

  10. Hello Denise, I love the gator and turtle photos. They seem like friends sharing the space. It snowed here yesterday, the most we have had this winter. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great week ahead.

    1. Thank you Eileen, they do look very comfortable with each other. Have a continued good week and a great weekend :)

  11. those shots of gator and turtles are totally AMAZING, all of them. there they are, sharing the sunshine.. you did a fantastic job of taking the shots.. I like reading but not in cabins in the woods with snow. a cabin in Florida with bright sunshine, and wifi and electricity would make me happy. something far away from people

    1. I was amazed when I saw them Sandra. Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed them. Florida would be a good place to read in a cabin :)

  12. I love the reflection in the water. I think these turtles have crossed this bridge before. It all looks under control.
    Or maybe they are playing a game of 'I dare you' or 'chicken.'

  13. It's been a while since I last saw snow -- back in early 1975 in New York City. I don't miss it. The cold just gets to me after a while.

    1. That's quite a while ago Gigi. If I lived in Hawaii I might not miss it either :)

  14. I was thinking the same when I actually saw him :) Now your property sounds lovely.

  15. Quite an odd spot for those turtles.

    1. I agree William, they made me a bit uncomfortable!


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