Monday, October 7, 2019


I get here as often as I can but today I am sharing my son's photos  He came over last week when hubby was out of town for a few days. I was just getting ready to head over to the garden for a walk, and when son called asking if I was free and would I like some company, I asked him if he would like to go with me.  I was very happy when he said, "Sure Mom, sounds like fun."  He's a good egg!
He also gets a lot of enjoyment taking photos, and I am sharing the ones he took that day.  The plant in the photo above is called Jimsonweed.  Other names are Thorn Apple, Moon Flower, Devil's Snare and Angel Trumpet.  The Jimsonweed is poisonous but in Chinese medicine it is used as an anesthetic or painkiller.  It can also purify air but definitely don't keep this plant inside, as according to my plant app it has hallucinogenic effects.  Well, there you go, forewarned!
These were taken with our son's cell phone.  I am always impressed with the photos they take.  The bee is on a flower called Plumed Cockscomb.  It got its name because of the special folding characteristics on its petals resemble a rooster's crown.  When it is not in full bloom the flowers are more feather-shaped.
You might recognize the little beauty in the next photo as I have shared him before.  He is getting bigger.  I've seen him many times on my trips here, and started nicknaming him Sunshine.  When we got back to the visitor center after our walk, I introduced Sunshine to our son who told me he was a bearded dragon.  
Next we drove over to a place I know, a British shop owned by a man from England.  It is called The Pure Pasty Company and we (hubby and I) go when in the area.  This is the first time for our son.  I pick up a few British food items, and I asked our son if he would like to try a pasty for lunch.  He did and thought it was excellent, and I agreed that they make the best pasty's.  If you look at their menu, you will see they have all kinds of fillings.  Their cottage pies are also the best and their other pies too. 

We had a lovely time and this was a nice ending to the day.  Not only is he great company but I appreciated him sharing his photos with me for my blog.  Thank you son!


  1. What a wonderful day for you both! He surely gets his photography talent from you! His photos are wonderful! I have seen this Jimsonweed, but never knew what it was.

    1. Thank you Ginny, he has always had a good eye for taking photos :)

  2. It sounds like bliss - for you both. And huge thanks to both of you for taking us along.

    1. You are very welcome from both of us EC, always happy you enjoy your visits here :)

  3. You have a wonderful son, Denise... who takes very lovely photos for you. Jimsonweed, hunh? Interesting.

    1. Thank you Kay, I am very proud of him. I have always enjoyed the look of the seed pods of this plant. I hasn't been too long since I discovered its name.

  4. This is such a delightful post Denise!
    I love all those photos - and can feel your happiness at having your Son with you for the walk. Its lovely when they happily share their time with us isn't it. He takes good photographs too (like his Mum :D))
    Ooooh, pasties - we love them too! Your shop sounds like it is a beauty. So nice to be able to buy a good one. Once, in desperation, I resorted to trying to make a batch but they were never as good as the real thing.
    Cheers now and enjoy the rest of your week. Hugs xx
    You're very knowledgeable with all the correct names of plants and creatures. One I did know was the Bearded Dragon - our SIL has kept one for a pet from a tiny baby, it relates to him and the other members of the family so well.

    1. Thank you Sue, it was a very special day and yes it certainly is :) I have fun looking at his photos afterwards, and always enjoy them. Pasties are hard to beat aren't they? I have also tried making them but I couldn't make them as good as these. How neat that your SIL has one for a pet. I think every living thing has a personality no matter what it is and you can see it emerge if you're around them long enough. Cheers to you too Sue and enjoy the rest of the week also :)

  5. Wonderful photos. Your son is as keen as you on photography, thank you for sharing these beauties

    1. Hi Valerie, thank you and he certainly does. Glad you enjoy his photographs :)

  6. Replies
    1. Muito obrigado, desejo-lhe uma boa semana continuada :)

  7. Hello, thank you to your son for sharing his photos. They are all beautiful. I love the flower/bee image and the bearded dragon. What a lovely day, spending time with your son is nice. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week.

    1. You're very welcome Eileen and thank you :) Spending time with together is always a gift isn't it as you probably know from being with your own son? Enjoy your evening and week also :)

  8. You have a wonderful son, enjoyed his photos!

    1. Thank you Christine, I feel that way and so glad you enjoyed his photos :)

  9. It seems to me that I read a few westerns where jimsonweed was prominent in the setting Now I know why. it can be nasty.

    1. That's interesting Red, I hadn't really come across it before.

  10. the bearded dragon all by himself would be enough to get me there. I once petted one, the owner held it. they are adorable.. that Jimsonweed pod is gorgeous and my favorite. all the photos are reallybeautiful

    1. Hi Sandra, what I find is when we visit he likes the company and always looks very focused on us. Beautiful lizard! Glad you enjoyed :)

  11. How enjoyable to have a son who visits and who shares your interest in photography. He has taken beautiful close up photos. Love the bearded dragon. I like it you've given it a name and personality.

    1. Thank you, we always have a great time and yes that bearded dragon is a beauty, and looking in its eyes you get the feeling he is more aware than we realize. In nature I truly believe we are all connected :)

  12. It's a fabulous place …
    Love your sons photographs and your blog post :)

    All the best Jan

  13. I love pasties. I need to find these places you have spoken about her on your blog. Cottage pies, I do like too.
    These cell phones take wonderful pictures these days. The one your son is using is especially great. The bee on the flower, can almost touch it.
    I think the Jimson weed is pretty in bloom. I grow Gabrielle's trumpet as Mom always calls it. Trumpet flower is the same way but we've never had any problem with it. I have picked the flower and put it in a bowl to scent the bathroom. I make sure the kids know not to fiddle with it. I just think they are just so pretty. I have read old stories in books about it.
    Happy week ahead to you

    1. Hi Betsy, the address is 128 Church St NW, Suite C, Vienna, VA 22180 and it is nearer the Lawyers Road end. You have to watch out for the entrance to the parking lot as it's easy to drive by. Thank you for the extra info on the flower. I didn't realize it had such a nice scent. I've never read any stories about it. I should check that out. Thank you and a happy week to you too :)

  14. Pretty shots! That is one formidable bearded dragon!

    1. He looks impressive doesn't he? Thank you William :)

  15. How nice that your son joined you on the walk, Denise, and seems he was a good companion in Gregg’s absence. Enjoyed the photos he shared as well.

    1. I love it when he can get away from his work. Our daughter-in-law was busy with her work and so we were able to get together for a few hours. Unexpected treats like that are magic, though I am happy to see we get to see them both on a regular basis. Glad you enjoyed his photos :)

  16. Your son sounds like a great guy...and he is a good photographer, too.


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