Thursday, July 11, 2019


Out and about the other day, not long after the 4th of July, we stopped behind this rider while waiting for the light to change.  It took me a second or two but I finally spotted him, the teddy bear between the flags.  Reflexes were pretty good and I had my photo in an instant.  Then the lights changed and rider and teddy bear went on their way, and hubs and I were on our way to meet up with our son for lunch, and then...
while in one of the stores with my two favorite guys, I spotted a patriotic pair of sunglasses.  I have to admit I was tempted but then I already had my own pair in the car.  I borrowed these for a second and made the peace sign and hubs had his cell phone out before I placed them back down again.  I guess I am channeling Winston Church who below can be seen sharing the V for Victory sign back in the day. 

Then Ringo Starr came along and made it into the Peace sign.  

So, happy belated birthday, two days before mine, to Ringo Starr and passing on peace and love like he asked us to, a nice sentiment that I am happy to do.


  1. Hooray for peace and love. We can never, ever have too much of either.

  2. I just watched Dan Rather interview Ringo last night, you must have seen it too! You look so cute in these glasses! Happy Birthday, I hope all your wishes come true! What a lucky capture of the teddy bear biker!

    1. I didn't see the interview Ginny but came across an article online. When I saw the glasses and the photo that Gregg took, I remembered the old Winnie pose and then came across the article on Ringo Star, it just all fit together and I always love that peace sign :)

  3. Unusual glasses, did the pattern design interfere with your vision?

    1. Thanks Valerie, when I put the glasses on they felt like a regular pair of sunglasses and I had no problem with the vision.

  4. Gostei de ver a minha amiga e os óculos ficam-lhe muito bem, aproveito para desejar a continuação de uma boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

    1. Muito obrigado :) Desejo-lhe uma boa semana continuada e fim de semana :)


  5. Photography with a teddy bear great. You look beautiful in these glasses. greetings:)

    1. Thank you so much Lucyna, and greetings also :)

  6. Hello, Denise
    I love the flags and teddy bear photo. The sunglasses are cool. I wish for peace and love too. Have a happy day!

    1. Thank you Eileen, happy day to you, and peace and love :)

  7. You should buy those shades. They're really cool.

    1. I was very tempted Red but too frugal these days, especially when I had a perfectly good pair in the car. And, you never know, if I lose those ;)

  8. Hello Denise, and Happy Birthday! Love the sunglasses . . . even if they were only worn for a second or two for the photo. Hooray for love and peace!

    1. Thank you Sara, appreciate that very much :) and hooray indeed!

  9. Love the teddy bear. Excellent shot. Keep well, Diane

    1. He was really cute. Thank you Diane, and the same to you :)

  10. Thanks Linda, maybe I will go back and get them sometime :)

  11. Belated Happy Birthday Wishes … yes, those sunglasses suited you :)

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan, and about the sunglasses also :)

  12. So, is today your this was written on the 11th, today is the 13th. Happy Birthday! My mom and dad were born in July, as is one of my daughers, and my son-in-law and our anniversary is this month. Oh, and So is Lorelei's mom and it is full month for us.

    1. It was on the 8th Rose. Thank you for the birthday wishes. That's a busy month for you then :) Happy birthday to all your family!


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