Tuesday, March 12, 2019


 I am sharing a regular visitor to the garden, the White-breasted nuthatch.  I think this is a male.  They both look the same but from what I read the female has a grayer cap, whereas the male has a  dark black cap.
I often watch them drill a hole with their beaks acting like a jackhammer.  They fly down to the birdseed, pick one, fly back up and bang the seed into a hole.  They do this over and over again.
You can learn more about them at this link, and if you would like to hear what they sound like, go here.

Enjoy your day everyone and thanks for stopping by.


  1. You really did get some great close-ups of the nuthatch, Denise, and thanks as well for the information and the link to find more.

    1. Thank you Dorothy, so glad you enjoyed my post :)

  2. Hi Denise,
    What a super set of images of the Nuthatch, such a busy little bird. Looks like a male with the darker cap,
    All the best, John

  3. Lovely photos of the nuthatch. They look like clever little birds.

  4. cute liitle bird and it is in my favorite color scheme, black and white. storing up seeds for when the feeder is empty I assume

    1. They do have a pretty color don't they? Thanks Sandra :)

  5. Oh, I didn’t realize that nuthatchers had the woodpecker characteristics of pecking at trees, although I did know of a few nuts that have been hatched. :)

  6. Smooth feathers and movement make the white breasted nuthatch a very majestic bird.

  7. He is adorable! I love the way they walk down trees head first. Great pictures!

    1. Hi Ginny, when they do that it intrigues me. They are very entertaining.

  8. I love watching nuthatches...the way they go down the tree, head first.

  9. Fabulous series of photograph, such a lovely bird.

    All the best Jan

  10. What lovely photos of the handsome nuthatch. They are most interesting heading down the trees. Nature is amazing!

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, you're right, totally amazing :)

  11. Wish I could see them here. Great photos. Diane


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