Tuesday, January 15, 2019


White Noise 
Barbara R. Vance

In all the world
There's nothing like
The sound of falling snow.

The only noise
I've ever known
That makes the clocks move slow.

The only sound 
That sweeps away
The din of city streets

And wraps around
In soft embrace
Most everyone it meets.

A sound that's 
Not a sound at all
A quiet, soft and dear

That comforts all
The sleepy souls
Who sit, and watch, and hear.


 The snow stopped as predicted, the plough came around all our streets and yesterday we met up with our son for lunch.  We  had a very nice afternoon together, did a bit of shopping afterwards and got home around 6.00 p.m.  Traffic was light, schools were out and so were federal workers. I hope all returns to normal for everyone real soon.  The photo above was taken at night when the snow was still falling, you can hardly see it but it was quite heavy.  I will leave you with one more snow photo that I took of the tree in front of our home.  Pretty blue skies are back again.  

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you all have a great week.


  1. I love that last photo. wow oh wow on the the blue sky, the tree painted with snow. love it... that poem is so true. I remember I woke up to my first snow covered world at age 10 and the silence is what we noticed first. it was like it put the whole world under a quiet blanket

    1. That's my favorite too. I like the moody photos but can't beat seeing a pretty blue sky :) Thanks for sharing your memories, the silence always seems ethereal.

  2. Such a lovely poem, Denise. I love the quiet that comes with snow. Your tree looks so pretty with the outline of snow on the limbs. We noticed the same on our walk today.♥

    1. Hi Martha Ellen, so glad you enjoyed :) It does seem a real pretty snow this time. I think it's because of its moisture content, it allows it to stick a certain way on all the tree branches. Makes them all look like a painting.

  3. Beautiful thoughts and words Denise :D) xx

  4. Soft and beautiful - like the poem. Thank you.

  5. love the last photo. we enjoyed a pretty snow and now I hope we don't have anymore. :)
    happy new year to you and yours.

    1. Hi Marie, so happy to see you here. I hope you get your wish. We may get some on Thursday but it's only set at a 40 percent chance.

  6. Beautiful poem, it is peaceful isn't it.

  7. I love your last photo! White snow on black branches with intense blue in the background. I also really like the poem, especially "a sound that's not a sound at all". I love that part!!

    1. Me too Ginny, I just love that combination of words, and the last image :)

  8. Your shot of the tree limbs stands out beautifully.

  9. Oh, Denise, you often introduce me to poems I have not read but that I love...and this is one. And I love the photo above it.

  10. Well, I could make a remark about your snow but I won't. I realize that you have a difficult time with snow because you're not prepared for it. I realize that accidents happen and can be very dangerous. So I'm glad your snow is over and that you are safely at home.

    1. I was up in the Yukon in May Red. Yep, I know you have a lot more snow up there, lol!

  11. Snow sure looks pretty with blue skies

  12. Replies
    1. Obrigado e desejo-lhe uma boa semana também. Sua amiga na Virgínia, Denise :)

  13. Hello, love the snow poem. We came home from Florida to a little snow in our yard. I am already looking forward to spring and warmer days. Enjoy your day and week ahead.

    1. Hi Eileen, thank you. I look forward to seeing your photos from Florida. Must be quite a shock to come back to this. You have a great week what's left of it :)

  14. I enjoyed the poem, and your last photograph is lovely.

    All the best Jan


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