Wednesday, January 30, 2019


At the end of Monday's recipe post here, I made an addition along with those extra recipes at the end, where I mentioned that it had started snowing again.  
It was the kind of snow that,  just like last time, covered all the trees making them look picture postcard perfect.  It was really beautiful but...
there's a spring out there somewhere.



  1. Yes, there is a spring, and you have uncovered it! So pretty! Is this your yard? I love it, especially the big mushrooms.

    1. Looking towards my neighbor’s yard but the trees are ours in the second photo, and the spring flowers were taken at a local garden last spring :) I love those mushrooms too.

  2. Ooooooh.
    Thank you.
    I continue to melt and these photos are cooling heart balm.

  3. Oh wow! I love the warm kind of snow that sticks to the branches and make them so pretty.

  4. Yes the snow shots are lovely and spring is still in hiding but appear to appear in ful bloom very soon.

  5. Snow came here but only managed a small layer.... I am hoping it is easily satisfied because the flowers are itching to burst open.

    1. It's sunny right now but a little windy. It is blowing the snow off the roof tops in showers of fine mist :) Hopefully those flowers will stay quiet until it warms up a bit.

  6. Replies

    1. Obrigado, estou feliz que tenha gostado das minhas fotos da neve. Desejando-lhe uma boa semana também.

  7. Hi Denise,
    Had a look at your previous post and liked the recipe, thought it would be perfect in this weather to take in a flask with me birding, even the dumplings that I love.
    We have at the moment joined you with the snow, something I would prefer to miss even though it looks nice.
    As you say Spring is out there and hopefully will arrive soon.
    All the best, John

    1. Hi John, a great idea to take a flask of food along. Hope your snow isn't too deep. All the best to you too :)

  8. Hello Denise, pretty snow covered trees. We had snow yesterday, all day. I am looking forward to the spring flowers. Wishing you a happy Wednesday!

  9. Hope you are keeping warm Denise. The weather reports for your part of the World look awful at the moment.

    1. Things aren't as bad as they are in other parts of the States Roy. Thank you for your concern. -44 where our family is in North Dakota :(

  10. snow is beautiful but only when it is in photos someone else took. I am a spring person..

    1. Hi Sandra, I am looking forward to the spring also, but I am enjoying the snow. The sun is out right now, that helps a lot :)

  11. Snow has beautifully wrapped the trees, but I would prefer to see the views as in the last picture. :)

    1. Hi Giga, yes the last picture is full of warmth :)

  12. Yes, a lovely snow.

    Unless it is heavy and breaks things. ,-)

    I would worry about those 'signs of spring,' if they come up, and are snow covered....

    We up here, have snow, ice, snow!!!!! But we are hardy and used to it. -grin- If we didn't have snow, in the winter, we wouldn't have water, in the summer.

    ✨ ❄ ✨ ❈ ✨

    1. Hi there, not too heavy this time, out in the middle of the States, I worry about those folks. Take care on that ice. I also know from family in ND that snow is important for the summer crops.

  13. Your photos are lovely, Denise. All we got was a rain/snow mix with no accumulation, but plenty of cold air. Stay warm! ♥

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, glad you didn't get too much and you stay warm also :)

  14. I’m not a fan of cold (as anyone might guess and you know) but you make it look magical!

    1. Hi Sallie, thanks Sallie, I am happy you are in the warmth :)

  15. Replies
    1. From what you have said William, I know you enjoy your snow. I do too but will be looking forward to spring :)


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