Tuesday, January 8, 2019


Our son told us an extraordinary story a few days ago.  He had been contacted by someone on Facebook who sent him a photograph of a wooden ornament.  She said she had found it in her aunt's box of Christmas ornaments.  It was a Santa Claus and on the back was a name, date of birth and weight.  Her aunt told her that she had bought it from a garage sale 28 years ago, that she had liked the face on the ornament.  

What is extraordinary is that this was an ornament I painted for our son 30 years ago.  It even has my name on the back, done in tiny letters on the bottom, my signature that I put on every ornament I ever painted, with a tiny heart over the name.  

This lady's niece was curious and decided to do a search on Facebook, and up popped son's name.  She messaged him, sent him two photos of the ornament, front and back, and asked if he was the person whose name was on the ornament.  He told her it was and that his mother had painted it!

When he told me I was shocked because there was no way I would have given that ornament away to anyone.  It would have been hanging on our tree for years.  I remember painting the ornament, I remember hanging it on our tree, and then strangely it disappeared out of my memory until now. 

Gregg has a theory. In those days we used to buy live trees, and he thinks we may have overlooked the ornament still hanging on its branches, and that he took the tree to the curb to be picked up for disposal.  Maybe someone found it at the local garbage dump!  

Whatever the story is, it was found at a garage sale by this lady's aunt, in a town between here and Richmond, not too far from Fredericksburg, 65 miles south of us.  This lady is going to send it back to our son, and our son said he will bring it over as soon as he gets it.  Amazing!  

And I would like to say to that lady, thank you so much for returning this to us after all these years, and please thank your aunt for buying it in the first place. You have both done us an incredible kindness.  If there is a return address I will be writing to thank them personally.

Hope you enjoyed our little mystery tale. 
Thanks for stopping by.


  1. I imagine Gregg is quite correct about how that happened.

    1. Yes William, the more I think about it, it seems the most logical answer.

  2. How wonderful. And yes, Gregg's theory sounds entirely logical. It is lovely that it is coming home to you.

    1. Yes EC, certain he is right and yes I am happy it's coming home.

  3. Oh, gosh, this brings tears to my eyes....what a happy thing to happen! Be sure and take a pic of it and show us when you get it back in your possession.

    1. That is sweet of you Rose, I still can't believe it and I promise I will take a picture of it when it is returned :)

  4. Very COOL!

    My mom painted ornaments like that for us. I still have them! I think it was early 1970's.

    1. Thanks Sandi, how nice to know your mom also painted ornaments for you all. I started painting mine in the early 80s.

  5. Wow! That's really something and a great story.

  6. Great story. You wonder how much more there is to the story.

    1. Our son said that without this technology we have these days, we might never have known about it. And yes I would love to know more of this story.

  7. This is totally amazing. God works in amazing ways. As the hymn says "God works in mysterious ways; His wonders to perform.".

  8. So, there's something to be said for Facebook after all!
    Oooh I feel all emotional. What a marvellous and continuing story. I do hope the lady wraps your Santa up well for his journey back home.

    1. I guess so Valerie, I have an account but haven't been to it in yonks! I let hubby and son do all that now. Who knows, maybe I will get on it again one day. As for your last comment, me too but the story alone brings me joy :)

  9. I can't wait to see it. I do hope you will post a photo of it when it comes. amazing and oh so sweet story and yet another one about how small our world really is. wow.. love this story

    1. Thanks Sandra, as soon as I get in in hand, I will take a photo immediately and post it asap.

  10. So wonderful that you will soon have this special ornament back in your possession! It's an amazing story of lost and found!

    1. Thanks Barb, still feeling a bit mind-boggled about it all :) The world is indeed getting smaller.

  11. What a great story with an even better ending, Denise. The world truly is an amazing place and I totally believe in serendipitous happenings like this one. Kudos to that lady for reaching out to your son.

  12. Oh Denise, this is wonderful.
    I think Gregg could well be correct on his theory too.

    A lovely post.

    All the best Jan

  13. That is amazing, Denise! How wonderful this special ornament has made its way back home! ♥

  14. i'll bet greg is correct...it is a beautiful ornament and i am so happy you got it back - it's a treasure. did you ever realize it was missing??

    1. After all this time I found your comment Debbie :) I was browsing through my Christmas posts 🎄. Thank you! I had wondered where my ornament had got to originally but then my brain shuttled it away until it turned up all those years later, and then it was like yesterday.


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