Saturday, January 26, 2019


Looking Back
by Edgar A. Guest 
1881 to 1959

I might have been rich if I'd wanted the gold
Instead of the friendships I've made.
I might have had fame if I'd sought for renown
In the hours when I purposely played.
Now I'm standing today on the far side of life,
And I'm just looking backward to see
What I've done with the years and the days that were mine,
And all that has happened to me.

I haven't built much of a fortune to leave
To those who shall carry my name,
And nothing I've done shall entitle me now
To a place on the tablets of fame.
But I've loved the great sky and its spaces of blue;

I've lived with the birds and the trees; I've turned from the splendor of silver and gold
To share in such pleasures as these.
I've given my time to the children who came;
Together we've romped and we've played,
And I wouldn't exchange the glad hours spent
With them for the money that I might have made.

I chose to be known and to be loved by the few,
And was deaf to the plaudits of men;
And I'd make the same choice should the chance
Come to me to live my life over again.
I've lived with my friends and 
I've shared in their joys,
Known sorrow with all of its tears;

I have harvested much from my acres of life,
Though some say I've squandered my years.
For much that is fine has been mine to enjoy,
And I think I have lived to my best,
And I have no regret, as I'm nearing the end,
For the gold that I might have possessed

Edgar A. Guest was born in Birmingham, England, brought to America when he was ten years old, and died in Detroit, Michigan, at the age of 77.  You can read about him here.

(I am also sharing a few old photos from my archives)

Happy Sunday Everyone!


  1. Overflowing memory banks are MUCH more important and valuable riches than the more commonly accepted wealth.
    Love your photos too.

  2. I love this poem, and have a few of his quotes. But your pictures, WOW, they are GORGEOUS!!! What is the large black & grey crested bird? What is this odd tree? Beautiful peacock portrait, and joyful happy boy. What a splendid post this is!!

    1. Thanks for all the sweet comments about this post Ginny, I am very happy you enjoyed it. I was also happy when I came across the poem. Always enjoy sharing those. The bird is called a Steller's Jay. You can read about him here:

      Sorry, I don't know about the tree but this photo was on one of our trips to Hawaii several years ago.

  3. The poem is so true. Enjoy life, family and friends and have the memories to go with that instead to running after "gold". money never "satisfied anyone but all these other things will. and you will have more peace an.d joy

  4. What a lovely poem and beautiful shots too.

  5. Oh I loved this, Denise. It wasn't until I got to the end of the reading that I remembered that I hadn't looked at the photographs. I guess I didn't want to lose the thread of the poem. i did go back to view them and they were worth going back for.

    Very much enjoyed reading your responses to my recent blog item.

    1. Happy you enjoyed this poem Valerie, and the photos. Thank you so much! I enjoyed visiting you Valerie, and your post was very interesting to read :)

  6. this is one of few poems I have read that I can say I love it. I don't usually care for poems but this one speaks volumes for us to read and hear and under stand. beautiful photos and the peacock is awesome

    1. That's great Sandra, thank you for letting me know.

  7. Replies
    1. Obrigado, desejo-lhe uma semana muito agradável.

  8. Hello, I love the poem, it is so true. The photos are wonderful, great selection for the poem too. Have a happy day and a great new week ahead.

    1. That's great Eileen, thank you and I hope your day was a happy one and wish you also a great new week.

  9. awesome selections denise, beautiful, colorful...meaningful!! it is an awe-inspiring poem, and so true!!

    1. Glad you enjoyed them Debbie, I felt the poem was awesome enough to share.

  10. Gorgeous old photos!!!!!!

    And lovely poem too.


  11. That is a lovely poem and so true! Your photos are beautiful.

  12. Denise, wonderful combination - poem with photos. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Beautiful shots to accompany the poem!

  14. Hi Denise,
    Some wonderful images and beautiful words.
    The Peacock is such a beautiful bird.
    All the best, John

    1. Hi John, I agree about that Peacock, a real beauty. Thank you. All the best to you too.

  15. Beautiful words. Have a good week Diane

  16. What a great poem this is and I liked the photographs used.

    All the best Jan

    1. So glad you enjoyed Jan, all the best to you too :)

  17. And such beautiful illustrations for this lovely poem.

    1. Thank you Sallie, I enjoyed finding my old photos to go with this poem. I haven't been out to take any lately.


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