Sunday, December 2, 2018


Wishing you all a happy and peaceful Sunday.

(I expect many of you will know what this is.  If not I will let you know in the comment section.)


  1. This is a sunflower that has gone to seed. In fact I think most of the seeds have been eaten by the birds.

    Thank you for the comments left on my previous posts. I haven't had much computer time lately but I will be catching up with you as soon as I can.

  2. yes i knew what it was as i have them in my garden.

    1. Thanks Margaret, I hope to grow my own next year.

  3. I was right.
    I hope your weekend was lovely.

    1. Great! It was thank you EC and I hope yours was too.

  4. I reconized it and it is a truly beautiful photo. it makes me think of a bee hive

  5. Hello, I guessed right, lovely photo! Enjoy your day, have a great new week!

  6. Replies

    1. Obrigado Francisco, e o mesmo para você. Desejando-lhe uma ótima semana pela frente. Sua amiga Denise (Google Translate :))

  7. What a fantastic maze! This close up shot of a sunflower would make an excellent design for some great-escape movie plot.

  8. Why it's an empty sunflower head . I hope the birds ate all the seeds.

  9. A good puzzler! I knew it was the center of some kind of flower. But having no seeds threw me off.

    1. Hi Ginny, I would have a hard time if I hadn't have taken the photo :)

  10. Denise, good for the lucky birds. Thanks you for sharing.

  11. Replies
    1. Denise is this your photo as I think it is a work of art!

    2. Yes it's my photo Christine, it is an old one but I remember taking it. I just wish I remembered where :)

  12. I didn't, but it is a lovely photo.

    My poor husband has tried and tried to grow sunflowers. Either the 'critters' eat them, as seeds. Or they eat them, when they have grown a bit. -sigh-

    And all the lovely photos which are seen in Blog Land, of all the lovely stands, of lovely sunflowers, all over!!!!! ,-) Poor man! ,-))))

    Thank you for telling me, of your friend in the UK, who is experiencing bothersome building, near her. Poor thing, I feel for her. I'd really like to know the link to her blog. We could "cry on each other's shoulders" about our similar situations.

    Oh and, thank you for saying I put up pretty illustrations. I do love to seek them out, and it's so nice, when a Dear Reader notices.


    1. Thanks you W of W, I hope I have some success when I try growing them. Sorry to tell you but my friend doesn't have a blog. I have known her for a very long time before I even had a blog. She will have a lot of sympathy for you though. Very similar situations. The illustrations you choose are a delight, I look forward to revisiting. Have a great week :)

  13. it is a beautiful picture denise...i knew it was a sunflower, they are so interesting at this stage!!!


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