Tuesday, December 4, 2018


(The Red Fox Inn, Middleburg, VA)

Last Friday we drove to Middleburg.  The last time we were there was two years ago with my brother-in-law.  He was visiting from Germany.  We took him to a favorite place, The Red Fox Inn. 

We had this in mind when we walked through the door, only to find out they no longer do lunch.  We were disappointed at first but while we waited for a person to get off the phone and seat us, or so we thought, I quietly took a few photos.  

Our first clue should have been that there were no other diners, but we were purposefully early just so that we would get a table before other customers arrived.  I had already picked out the table. I would ask to be seated right next to the fire.  I could feel its warmth and it felt wonderful! 
  Ah, the best laid plans of mice and men. We were shown the door, or so it felt.  Bye-bye table by the cozy fire, bye-bye peanut soup, no soup for you!

It has a lovely atmosphere and reminds me of an old English pub, but next time we will have to check on their hours.  Once outside we saw this right by the front door, but our focus was on getting inside.  I have been here many times since we moved to the area almost 27 years ago, always at lunchtime.  Ah well!

We walked up the street to Common Grounds, another favorite.  It was packed out, but we managed to find a table, and we enjoyed our sandwiches.  Below is a map showing where it is located, and also the surrounding area and then some.  Their website is being worked on, but they can be found on Facebook at this link.
Common Grounds is casual and comfy and friendly.  It took me a while for my eyes to adjust coming in from bright sunshine, and I almost tripped over a Golden Labrador, a service dog who was quietly minding her own business until I came along. She was adorable, lying at the side of one of the tables near the counter.  Our near collision caused her to look up momentarily,  and I really had a hard time not bending down to tickle her ears, to apologize.  She looked up but didn't budge an inch. She's working and I know we are not supposed to distract these very important helpers from their task, but it was hard and her lady smiled at me in understanding.  I kept my eye on her for some time as she settled back down and snoozed.  It was nice and warm inside here too, a welcome hug for those of us who had just come in from that chilly weather.

After we had eaten our sandwich we walked across the road.  The town was busy and there were no parking places nearby when we arrived, but we knew where there was a small parking lot behind the shops, and we had no problem getting a spot. 
It had also been cloudy, as you can see in the photo of the banner.  At every lamppost there was a holiday scene. 
A little later the sun was trying to peak out and the clouds were drifting away. We enjoyed looking in every window and I love the old buildings.  Many of them are made of stone.
I wanted to pop into a Christmas shop I knew, and it wasn't a long walk before we reached The Christmas Sleigh.  It is open throughout the year but I wait until the beginning of December before revisiting. The last time was with a group of friends, and we all treated ourselves to an ornament. The owner is from Germany. The shop has a German theme and its website advertises "America's Best 100% German Shop", but I noticed this time they are also selling White House ornaments.   

Though the space seems narrow, it extends back a long way.  There are racks of clothing in the last section, which I have enjoyed browsing through in years past.  Some of the ladies and gentlemen's outfits had tiny edelweiss embroidered on them, if I remember correctly. You can read an interesting story about this delicate little flower here, also more information here. When I entered the front door I saw lederhosen on display in the window, along with other very smart articles of clothing.  Added note: Since starting my post I found two very special teddy bears in my collection that have edelweiss on them. Part of my Christmas decorating includes teddy bears that I place around the house. I have collected them for years, but have slowed down considerably.  I still enjoy the ones I have, especially at this time of the year when I take them out of storage. Many are on display all year round in one of the bedrooms upstairs.  These have been gifts and have great sentimental value.  The two below were given to me by my family in Germany many years ago, and I realized that they have Edelweiss on their clothing, one embroidered and the other is a pin. 
These are two of those bears that have the greatest sentimental value.

Getting back to the shop, Gregg spotted a selection of German confectionary and he said to take a photo so that we could share it with our niece, but I already knew the rule and later he saw a sign with a few do's and don'ts and there it was, "no photos".  It was a fun browse and I could have spent another hour.  There were two ornaments purchased also, as you can see above and below the teddy bears. (I took these photos after I had added them to our Christmas tree.)

I detected a certain something in the air when connecting with the people we met, and I wondered about it. We learned at the Christmas Shop that it is Parade Day tomorrow. You can read all about that here.  We have never been to one, nor will we be going tomorrow.  Who knows, maybe next year.
For now I am enjoying all the decorations on the doors.
The child's sculpture was in front of a book store.
One last banner on our way back to the car.  This was my favorite.

Near the entrance of the parking lot we found our handsome dog. No danger of me tripping over this one.  

We also passed by holly bushes loaded with bright red berries.  

The last photo in Middleburg was from the parking lot.  

Earlier we had driven by an old abandoned house a little worse for wear.  We stopped on the way home.  

Always interested in these old places, it was sad to see it knowing how once it was someone's pride and joy.  I can still see the beauty of the home, with the old trees and weeds surrounding its walls, and imagined that a wrap-around porch with its rocking chairs had disappeared a long time ago.

One last stop at the coffee shop.  A latte for me and an iced tea for Gregg.  Not long after that we were home.  

Enjoy your day and thanks for stopping by.


  1. What a great place to visit! Never had any idea that they had such amazing buildings in the states, and it's quite fascinating. My mom taught me to read when I was just a kid, so I can totally relate to the sculpture outside the bookstore. It was cool to see all the other places you were able to visit too. Thanks for the post! Hugs...RO

    1. Thanks RO, I loved to read when I was a kid too. In fact, my most favorite Christmas Gifts were two books, the Bunty and Judy annuals. Glad you enjoyed the my post. I was wondering which country you are in RO, Canada, Australia, the UK? I will have to check when I visit your blog. Hugs back to you also :)

  2. It looks like a genuine British pub - but how sad that they don't do lunch!

    1. Hi Lady Fi, yes, not quite sure why they changed all that.

  3. What a pathetic little house. I,too, like to imagine run down houses when they had much better times...who lived there, how many owners they had, and what happened. The town seems to have a theme with their wreaths, they look like maybe bay leaves. I do love the pictures with foxes! Your teddy bears look like the real authentic kind! They are so sweet.

    1. I know Ginny but driving around over the years, we see others and I always wonder about them. Foxes are a favorite of mine also but teddy's are the stars for me ;)

  4. You do take us on some delightful outings.
    I am sorry that you missed out on your preferred lunch venue but thoroughly enjoyed the rest of your day (as I hope you and Gregg did).

    1. We are very fortunate as there are many places within a short driving distance, like this town. I'm looking for a recipe for peanut soup :)

  5. Middleburg is a great town! Thanks for sharing your visit.

    1. I expect you've been there a lot Linda. You're very welcome :)

  6. Pity about not getting lunch in the first place but thanks for showing us around this town and all the lovely different decorations

  7. Lovely post, Denise. Wondering why the door was open at your first stop if they didn't intend serving. I like to see the decorations, they are much better than we have in the UK. There is one house in the road that bothers to decorate the front door but that's all! Since Joe died I haven't bothered with decorations. It's hardly worth the effort just for me.

    1. Thank you Valerie, that's a good point, we just walked right on in. I have gone through spells when I don't decorate as much. For years we were always away with a large family gathering but I am thankful for our quiet Christmas' as I get older. We would have to travel and our son and daughter-in-law were never able to join us because they were both working up to the last minute. It is a joy to spend a quiet holiday with them now, and this year we will have a close friend joining us..

  8. Estou a gostar de acompanhar este passeio e das suas belas fotografias.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros


    1. Obrigado Francisco. Estou feliz que você tenha gostado das minhas fotos tiradas em Middleburg. Um abraço e uma boa semana para você. Sua amiga Denise :)

  9. Hello, Denise! It is a pretty town. I love the stone buildings. Sorry you favorite restaurant was not open for lunch. The Christmas shop looks wonderful, I like your cute Teddies. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day! Thanks for the b-day wishes on my blog.

    1. Thank you Eileen, I will enjoy lunch there another time. We had so much to see elsewhere. Enjoy the rest of your birthday week :)

  10. love those old buildings, such an historic town, so sorry you missed your peanut soup, the red fox inn looks to be jsst the place I'd enjoy visiting for a meal

    1. Hi Linda, we have had many enjoyable meals at the Red Fox, not apparently in the last two years though. Never thought to check on the hours.

  11. Thanks for sharing this lovely trip, enjoyed your photos.

  12. That's a major tour of the area. Now when I was in Washington in 92 part of the tour took us to a special dinner that had something to do with George Washington. It was a super roast beef dinner with all the trimmings and pecan pie for dessert.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it Red. I wonder if you went to the tavern at Mount Vernon. It sounds very much like something they would serve up.

  13. this looks like a great area denise. the first restaurant looked so cute, it's nice to see the pictures when the restaurant is empty...but in this case, it would have been nice if they had been open. i too would have selected a table by the fireplace!!

    your courtesy toward the service dog was great, perfect...as it should be!!!! so many people don't know to be careful!!

    beautiful captures of the decorations, statues and buildings, this is such a pretty town/place!!

    1. Thanks Debbie, yes, we need to take care of those service dogs so that they can take care of their human companions.

  14. you take the most amazing towns and your photos are awesome and make me feel like I was there with you. so sorry you missed eating by that gorgeous fireplace... it is hard to ignore service dogs even though necessary. thanks for sharing your beautiful photos

    1. Hi Sandra, glad you enjoyed seeing the place and you are very welcome. I agree, hard to ignore.

  15. The town looks like a marvelous place to stop at!

  16. That is sad when you plan on a great lunch somwhere you know. Has it changed hands maybe. Love all your photos though. Keep well Diane

    1. Hi Diane, funny how we look forward to something so much, and how disappointed we are when it doesn't work out. Maybe it has changed hands, I will ask next time we go, after making a reservation first. I was going to do that and I should. That would have saved us, not the trip because we were going anyhow, but the expectation. You keep well also :)

  17. Hi Denise,
    Another wonderful outing with some super images.
    Love the Red Fox Inn, it would look completely at home on any English street, sorry however you had to miss your meal by the fire.
    Enjoyed the visit around the rest of the area and the decorations.
    All the best, John

    1. Thank you John, I think you would like the Red Fox, they have a lot of British food on their menu. Glad you enjoyed and all the best to you too :)

  18. What a lovely trip, and journey, I've been on with you.
    I enjoyed seeing all of your photographs, thank you.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan and happy you enjoyed seeing the place. All the best to you too :)

  19. Let us know if you ever head out that way Linda, we'll meet at the Red Fox :)

  20. How lovely, Denise. We haven't been to Middleburg in years. Sorry about the disappointment with the Red Fox. You certainly enjoyed a wonderful day in spite of that. The German shop looks wonderful. I love your bears--just beautiful! I love seeing a teddy bear on a bed! Thanks for the tour. ♥

    1. Hi Martha Ellen, I hope you get there sometime, such an enjoyable place but don't forget to make that reservation at the Red Fox, lol!

  21. Looks like despite a disappointing start and no peanut soup, you managed to salvage a nice visit to Middleburg, Denise. I would have enjoyed seeing the ornaments in that shop. O have two German-made nutcrackers that were purchased as gifts for my late mother. She never really seemed to enjoy them, but I am happy to display them throughout the holiday season and it makes me think of her as well.

    1. Hi Dorothy, in the grand scheme of things the peanut soup was miniscule. I would like to treat myself to a nutcracker one year. How nice yours are a connection to your Mum.

  22. Oh what a delightful place to eat! If only it was open for business! I love, love, love authentic old places like that. New ambiance can not compare with the original and old.

    But everything else was delightful, about your visit.

    Thank you for taking us along with you.

    1. You would have loved this place then :) And I have to say I do find it a real treat to dine in such an old place. Glad you enjoyed Middleburg :)

  23. Middleburg looks like it has a wonderful olde worlde atmosphere. Shame you couldn't have lunch at your regular eating place, but all the street decorations and the shop selling those lovely ornaments must have made the visit enjoyable.

    1. We'll be back for that soup, with a reservation next time :) Always an enjoyable experience visiting this town.


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