Tuesday, November 6, 2018


It is Voting Day today and we will be at the polls this morning.  We generally leave a little later.  No doubt there will be a crowd of folks who will drop in on their way to work.  

I am always interested in the process.  We say hello to candidates and their supporters, and no matter which party they are for, we shake their hands and wish them the best of luck.  They put their heart and soul into these very important days, and they certainly deserve to be recognized for it, and treated respectfully.  The bake sale tables with students and parent volunteers will be out front also, raising funds for various school activities. We never fail to stop by once we have voted, as we like to support them also.  Rain and thunderstorms are in the forecast, but we'll all be there no matter what the weather is.  We'll just remember to take our brollies.
And now on with my post.
Last week we went on an overnight road trip and drove into Pennsylvania.  We stayed in a lovely old hotel with a lot of antique-looking collectibles.  I loved looking at them and in a quiet moment, and as there was no one else around  at the time, I took my cell phone out.  
The painting was a reproduction of a Monet, and the dogs were on each side of the mantle above the fireplace.
This painting was over the mantle but I don't know the artist. 
These were in the bookcases on each side of the fireplace.
A nautical flair in one of the hallways.
The colorful glass fruit and pine cones were a nice touch.
The Victorian-style tassels on the window shade and the old lamp seemed to go together.
I will share more in my next post.  

Have a great day and as always, 
thank you for stopping by.


  1. Happy voting day. Sausage sizzles are a standard here rather than bake sales.
    That hotel looks charming. Looking forward to seeing more.

    1. Hi EC, thank you. Sausage sizzles sound great!

  2. I love everything about this place! The decorations are wonderful. We will be out voting as well. It is only to rain in the morning, so we will go later. You got such good and sharp pictures!

    1. Glad you enjoyed them Ginny. We voted and we got rained on but it was fine. No line either, and we stopped by the bake sale on the way out. More importantly we voted! :)

  3. Lovely photos of your trip! And I wish everyone would show the same respect as you do on voting day.

  4. What an interesting place to stay with lovely tings. love the painting of the houndsand lady.

    1. Hi Margaret, I loved all these pretty visuals :)

  5. It's nice that the voting day creates an opportunity for groups to sell refreshments for a good cause. Here we just go into our parish church hall, vote and then go home again. I expect you know the system. My Dad used to be a counter at our town hall and it was responsible voluntary work. It was exciting waiting for the results. The hotel where you stayed looks wonderful. I would have enjoyed the atmosphere with all the interesting antiques to look at. I have those same Staffordshire pottery dog spaniels, but the little ones are also cute. They're painted by hand so each one is unique and gives them character. Have a lovely day Denise.

    1. My sister-in-law told us that people vote in churches in her area too. She is in California. Thank you for sharing that lovely memory of your Dad. I used to volunteer when I was still in the UK. I remember it having a bit of a festive atmosphere. I hope you share a photo of your Staffordshire pottery dogs sometime :) I especially love the hand-painted ones just for the reasons you mentioned.

  6. Love the post. It will be interesting to see the vote results!! Cheers Diane

    1. Hi Diane, the results are always interesting. Cheers to you too :)

  7. A lot of our votes are given by post these days, for which I am truly thankful.
    I like the pictures you showed, especially the hunting dog and the fruit.

    1. Hi Valerie, thousands of people vote by mail here too. At this point in time we enjoy going up to our school to vote, even on a very rainy day. We went out to a restaurant afterwards and rewarded ourselves with a nice breakfast :)

  8. Replies

    1. Estou feliz que você tenha gostado deles Francisco. E um dia feliz para você, da sua amiga Denise :)

  9. Hello, Happy Voting Day. Your Pennsylvania trip looks great, the hotel and decorations look lovely. I like the painting with the dogs. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

  10. my eyes went straight to the glass bowl full of glass fruits/veggies. I love glass and these are amazing. what a beautiful place and I would have been merrily snapping away myself.. we voted 2 weeks ago, have not been on election day in about 10 years I think. we have early voting the whole 2 weeks before election , 6 days a week. no waiting, no lines

    1. Hi Sandra, they were in a lower lit area and those colors really stood out. Several of my friends voted early also. I was happy that there were no lines when we voted. We still enjoy the process and see some of our neighbors there also.

  11. Replies
    1. Hi William, it was lovely driving through the State :)

  12. It's a big day! I enjoyed your photos today.

    1. Thanks Christine, so glad. Yes it was a very big day.

  13. Very pretty! I voted early two weeks ago because I knew it would be crowded today.

    1. Hi Lois, smart thinking knowing it would be very crowded. Ours wasn't so bad, we were in and out.

  14. You are like us, we vote no matter the weather! We voted this morning between rainfall and we had a good turnout. Your trip looks lovely and I'm looking forward to hearing more. Have a lovely day! ♥

    1. Kindred spirits Martha Ellen! You have a love day also :)

  15. Hi Denise,
    Hope all goes the way you want with the vote.
    Your trip appears to be another success and the glass fruit in the bowl is stunning.
    Love the Staffordshire pottery spaniels.
    All the best, John

    1. Hi John, voting all over and done with now. It was interesting seeing the results come in last night. Glad you liked my post :) All the best to you too.

  16. That was a lovely place to stay! Besides the yummy food (in the later post)..... So interesting to me that candidates are there to greet you at your polling place and that there is a bake sale. Oregon has had all mail-in voting for many years but even way back before that, I don't remember anything like that when we went to the polls.

    1. Hi Sallie, I didn't bump into any candidates yesterday. Might have been inside or at another time of the day. It was also pouring like the dickens. I heard that in North Dakota you don't even have to register, you just show up. I also learned that as soon as you turn 18 in Oregon you are automatically registered. I wish other States would do that. It seems such a great idea.

  17. Hi Linda, I expect it rained where you are too :)

  18. It certainly was Linda. I wonder how far it is away from you?


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