Thursday, October 25, 2018


"It was a mistake to think of houses, old houses, as being empty.  They were filled with memories, with the faded echoes of voices.  Drops of tears, drops of blood, the ring of laughter, the edge of tempers that had ebbed and flowed between the walls, into the walls, over the years.  Wasn't it, after all a kind of life?  And there were houses, he knew it, that breathed.  They carried in their wood and stone, their brick and mortar a kind of ego that was nearly, very nearly, human."

~Nora Roberts, Key of Knowledge~


  1. Oh yes. No arguments from me. Walking into some places you know whether it was a happy home or not.

  2. Every home has it's own atmosphere. I was once told that I could sense the people who owned property just by looking around their property. When I thought about it I guessed they were right.

    1. Also interesting Valerie, a lot to be said by being an empathic observer.

  3. Replies

    1. Eu concordo, mas há muito tempo eu acho. Eu só posso imaginar esta casa quando foi construída pela primeira vez. Deve ter sido muito bonito e a casa dos sonhos de alguém. Obrigado Francisco, um abraço e uma boa semana para você também. Da sua amiga Denise :)

  4. Yes, all homes have many memories. Hopefully more happy than sad memories. I like the quote, Nora Roberts is one of my favorites. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

    1. I agree Eileen. I haven't read Nora Roberts but know of her. This quote definitely spoke to me. A happy Thursday and an enjoyable day to you too.

  5. Nora truly has a way with words, perfect with this lovely old house...

    1. She certainly does and I'm glad I found this quote.

  6. True for old abandoned houses.

  7. Unfortunately that one seems to be beyond repair.

    1. I think so William but if only walls could talk. What a story they would have to tell.

  8. I love this quote! Oh, this poor house. I wonder if there is even an owner now, and why it is not taken down. Probably beyond fixing it up.

    1. Thanks Ginny, I do too. And yes that poor house. I come across these old abandoned homes, usually out in the countryside. I always wonder who lived in them.

  9. Thank you Linda, and I must pick up one of her books.

  10. I wish I knew more aout our house. It used to be 3 houses and is over 200 years old. Take care Diane

    1. A 200 year old house sounds marvelous to live in but I expect there is a lot of TLC involved. You take care too Diane.

  11. Hi Denise,
    Wonderful old property probably past redemption unfortunately. Old properties all have memories, a mix of good and bad.
    The front section of our house was built in the early 1800's and seems a happy house.
    Love the words by Nora.
    All the best, John

    1. Hi John, I think you are right, way too beyond repair, always sad to see. How lovely to live in a home partly built in the 1800s, with happy vibes too. Glad you liked the quote, and all the best to you too.

  12. A wonderful quote and really makes you think about houses like this. It looks so sad.

  13. That quote sums it up well. I often wished the walls could talk and tell us their history.

  14. Yes, houses have memories and they will always have that.
    If the houses are empty for a long time, you still feel the "atmosphere" that once existed in that house.
    Very nice picture.

    Greetings, Helma

    1. I agree Helma. Thank you and I hope all goes well :)

  15. Homes have memories and a certain feel about them which you know as soon as you step inside!

    All the best Jan

    1. There is definitely a feel you get in such places. Thanks Jan and all the best to you too :)


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