Wednesday, October 10, 2018


at least until the next time we go there.

There is a small carousel ride near the general store.  
It looks quite old but with age comes character.  I can imagine when it gets dark and all the lights are turned on, with the music playing, it turns into a magical ride.
It is a 1920's Hirschhorn carousel and went under extensive restoration during the winter and spring this year.
After looking at the carousel and all the animals that you've seen in my previous posts, we walked down to the visitor center.  It was at the end of this long road, with two large fields on either side.  We passed another entrance on our way to the farm that takes you directly to the center, and you can park there also.   
Events are held here. We saw a large birthday party going on in one of the rooms, but the museum side was still open.
It was very interesting to see the old photos.
I will add the small captions I found at the side of each photo.  Above it read:
"The Championship Team of Floris Vocational High School, 1924-1925.
"The Floris Home Demonstration Club won the County Championship for most effective club in 1930."
"The community has a picnic dinner after a soybean meeting on better methods for soybean production."
"Playtime on the farm."
"Kids aboard the Cockerill family's mule before the day's plowing began."
The display above shows parts of farming life with old photos, a couple of which I shared in this post. On the door is a list of chores for children on the farm at various ages. 
A closer look at those chores.

and under the pinafore was an old cookbook open to the pages shown below."
More displays showing its dairy farm heritage.
Winding down our outing, the last thing we did was go to the general store.  I liked the old door knocker.
Inside Gregg is deciding on what he is going to purchase.  We came away with bread and butter pickles for Gregg and a blueberry flower honey for me.
This horse print caught my attention also.
A close-up.
I am finishing off with a collage of several animals we saw that day, some you have seen in my other posts.  
And that was our very enjoyable outing to Frying Pan Park.  To family and friends old and new, thank you for taking the time to visit and look at my posts.


  1. How unique this flag horse is! The lead little boy on the mule, I can't tell if he is crying or laughing! These chores are something else! I can't see any children today doing any of them!! Except for children of farmers, of course. So is the carousel still being used? Does it have certain hours and an operator?

    1. I agree that it was an enjoyable outing... I enjoyed it very much. Seeing the children on the 'horse' roundabout reminded me of when I was little.... yes, I can go back that far!. My memory is of screaming the place down when my father tried to give me a ride on the horses! Heehee I wouldn't do it now!

  2. What an interesting post and I love the door knocker. Have a good day Diane

    1. Glad you enjoyed Diane, have a good day too :)

  3. Replies

    1. Estou muito feliz que tenha gostado Francisco, obrigada. Um abraço e uma boa semana para você também. Sua amiga Denise.

  4. Hello, the carousel is pretty. As a child I always loved to ride the carousel horses. The flag horse is great. I like the critter mosaic. Wonderful tour and photos. Enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.

    1. Thanks Eileen, and the same to you. How nice you have lovely memories of riding the carousel.

  5. Those farm chores for the kids are so interesting.

  6. this is such and amazing place and you captured all of it. that list for children, all but 3 or 4 were on my list. no cows to milk, or tractor to drive. love the fence shot, love ALL the old photos of people, especially the 1930's women, smiled at what they were learning and doing and glad we are free of all that now unless we don't want to be... I have really enjoyed your post on this place

    1. Happy you enjoyed it Sandra and your comments about farm life for you when you were young was very interesting.

  7. Thanks for all the detail on your tour. It would be an interesting place to visit.

    1. You are very welcome Red, so glad you enjoyed.

  8. The museum artifacts particularly draw my attention. And yes, the old carousel does have character.

  9. Hi Denise,
    Such an interesting place to visit with so much to see.
    The old photo's are fascinating with such wonderful subjects people were involved with.
    I was surprised not to see you and Gregg on the carousel.
    All the best, John

    1. Yes John, I love the old photos and no you wouldn't get us on a carousel these days, lol!

  10. What a great place. Those old-time photos are so precious. You did a great job recording those points of interest Denise, thank you :D) xx

    1. I agree Sue, love the old pics. Thank you so much :)

  11. That was an interesting visit. Poor kids had to work hard. You have a looking great blog. How do you make the fancy collage?

    1. They certainly did. The collage is from an app that I use on my iPad called PIC. They have all kinds of templates for collages.

  12. The carousel is great.
    As a child I always liked this as well :-)
    The photos taken in the museum are very nice and it is geod to see this :-)
    Greetings, Helma

    1. Thank you Helma, I didn't see too many carousel's in my childhood. Greetings from me to you too :)

  13. I would like to visit that museum Linda. Must go there one day too. Thank you :)


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