Wednesday, October 31, 2018


Last week we took a trip into Clifton for a walk around town.  We visit at least a couple of times a year.  Several of the historical homes were decorated for Halloween.
We have been enjoying this cute cow for several years now. This is the first time I have seen her at this time of the year.

This is the entrance to Peterson's Ice-Cream Depot.  You walk up that alley, turn left at the far end, and there is a kiosk where you can order all kinds of ice-cream, plus.  A place we have been to and enjoyed several times.
I didn't know they went to all this trouble to decorate for Halloween.  

The homes in Clifton have historical markers in the front. They give a short history of the people who lived in them.  We have read every one over the years, but it's long enough between visits that we forget.  There is a list here of all the houses, and if you click on the thumbnail, it will give you a short history of that particular place.
Here you can see we met one of the residents, the four-legged kind.  When a dog comes up to the fence with a bone in its mouth it makes you a bit wary.  But it didn't take long for us to realize that this sweet little darling was only interested in wagging her tail, to let us know how happy she was with her bone.  She was adorable!  The three of us made friends and she had enough scratches and ear rubs to last her for quite a while.
A closer view of the marker shown above.
We walked across the road and saw that one of the witches had crash-landed in a tree.  These witches need to be more careful, or at least ease off on that rum punch they mix in their witches brew.  
I see a lot of them in the trees at this time of the year.  I keep telling them this very important message, don't drink and drive, even if it is while riding a broomstick!
I was impressed with all the decorations.   
It certainly puts a smile on the faces of little kids and big kids alike, and especially those of us who like to take photos.

In between looking at all the Halloween decorations, we continue to read the historical markers in front of each home.
The man who lived in this house went down on the Titanic.
This is the Harris House.

The Kincheloe House

I will leave you with the two pretty dogs we came across.
Oh the joy!
Another pretty dog, a bigger one.

And a few pics I played with in Paint Shop Pro.

Have a safe and Happy Halloween and if you are driving, watch out for all the Trick or Treaters tonight.  And for the Witches, if you are flying your broom stick, no drinking while driving.


  1. What a fun outing - for you and for us. Thank you.

    1. Glad you had fun EC, and you are very welcome :)

  2. The dog with his bone is hilarious! He just will not let it out of his mouth. My favorites are the awesome cow, the bat that looks like it is really flying, and the bird made from a rake! I have also enjoyed reading about these beautiful old houses. They are so well kept! I love the one with the red door and the owl plaque. I see one house has a sick room with outside entrance. Was that to keep ill people isolated from the others, so they do not catch anything?

    1. Hi Ginny, he was such a happy dog, I am sure he wanted to share his bone, but then again...LOL! You have mentioned some of the photos that I take to every time we go. As for the sick room, I don't know much about it, I will have to check that out.

  3. I like the cow's tie and of course all the other decorations. Tell me, does your family in the UK celebrate Halloween? I don't know anyone here who does. It seems to be just another day.

    1. It reminds me of a clown's tie. No, we never celebrated Halloween but as for now I am not sure. I seem to remember my mother starting to give out a few coins when kids came to the door but not candy.

  4. Tudo preparado e decorado para receber o Halloween.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

  5. I love those houses, I would so very much like to wander down the street looking at the homes, they have really creative and wonderful decorations. some are really creative. my favorite is the silly little clown car.. I almost missed it, and the bird made from a rake. Wow... I looked at each photo and found the details. the ice cream shop did a really good job on their decorations. love this post

    1. I noticed the clown car. The clown face is a new addition and I suspect it will be removed by now. The children's bouncy car is a permanent fixture of yard art. Happy you enjoyed the post. It is the first time I have been to the town just before Halloween.

  6. Awesome decorations. No wonder you take a trip to have a look at them.

    1. Thanks Red, we love going there when the opportunity arises.

  7. That area certainly takes Hallowe'en seriously! Cute doggies!

    Happy Hallowe'en!

  8. Happy Halloween, wonderful photos!

  9. Hi Denise,
    People have really put some effort into Halloween, we are having more celebrations over here than we did when I was young but nothing on the scale of what I can see above.
    Love the happy dog with its bone.
    All the best and great post, John

    1. Thank you John, I don't even remember Halloween being celebrated when I was young. All the best to you too :)

  10. Lovely photographs.
    Happy Halloween

    All the best Jan

  11. I am glad I came back from your link today because these are amazing and I only vaguely remember them. awesome shots, all of them


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