Sunday, October 21, 2018


Sharing a few duck photos from our holiday in May.  I don't think I have shared these particular ones before.  
gave me an ID on these pretties.  They are Gadwall ducks.  Thank you Margaret, much appreciated.

A Red-neck Grebe

Mew Gull

Our weather has turned colder.  For the first time today I felt the need to wear a coat.  I have been in sweaters for the last few days.  A lovely day but breezy.

We had company from out of town this week, one was family and the other old friends, and happily our son dropped by.  Great to see them all.

I have caught up on housework and letter writing, errand runs.  Nothing too exciting but it has been a pleasant week.  I am going to catch up on my blogging, but first I am putting the kettle on for a cup of tea.  I made banana bread earlier on and a slice will pair nicely.

Have a great week everyone.


  1. Bottoms up, as they say!

    I've been wearing coats for a couple of weeks now.

    1. I'll be looking forward to your photos of the iced-over river William :)

  2. Hello, love the ducks and gull images. The Grebe is a beauty. The banana bread sounds delicious. Happy Sunday, have a great new week ahead!

  3. Beautiful birds - and I do like the butt shots as well.

  4. A great selection of photographs here Denise, thank you.

    A sit down with a cup of tea sounds an excellent idea - think I will go and put the kettle on too!

    All the best Jan

    1. You are very welcome Jan, happy you enjoyed them. Great minds think on putting the kettle on :)

  5. That sounds like fun Linda. Glad you were able to spend most of your photo shoot inside.

  6. Love the shots you captured of the ducks! Yes, this if definitely putting the kettle on weather! Have a great week ahead.

  7. Weather here is still great for this time of the year anad long may it last. By the way those ducks are Gadwall and lovely shots of them. Have. a wonderful week ahead

    1. I'm glad you are having good weather. My brother-in-law in Germany is too. Good to hear. Thank you Margaret and a special thank you for ID'ing these pretty ducks. Have a wonderful week also.

  8. It is colder in the UK now... and Christmas looms. Can't complain after the unusually hot spell we suffered in. Loved today's photographs, Denise, especially the last one which I think is adorable. Ah, gone are the days when I watched the grebes.

    1. Thank you Margaret, as I type this my fingers feel a bit chilled. Time for another nice hot cup of tea I think :) I love watching the birds like this but it isn't a daily treat so I am always thrilled to see them.

    2. I've been into the sherry again Valerie ;) Kidding of course, lol!

  9. Hi Denise,
    Some super duck images and the Red-neck Grebe is a beauty but my favourite has to be the Mew Gull, such a super eye.
    I will join you for a cuppa and a slice of the banana bread.
    All the best, John

    1. Thank you John, the Mew Gull does have pretty eyes I must say. Yes, please come on over for a cuppa, and the banana bread was a new recipe and a keeper. I think you would enjoy it :)

  10. Replies
    1. Isso me deixa feliz, muito obrigado Francisco. Um abraço e um beijo da sua amiga Denise :)

  11. I was going to say bottoms up but I see William has beaten me to it !!

    I am trying slowly to catch up after my hard drive crashed out completely, will be sometime before I am back to where I was. Cheers Diane

    1. You can say it too Diane. The sight always makes me chuckle. Always entertaining these sweet birds. I do hope you are able to come back soon. Having been through this, I can truly sympathize. Cheers, Denise :)

  12. every single photo of the ducks is really beautiful, i love all the details of their feathers that show in your awesome photos. I am glad this is your weather and not mine. to bbbbrrrrr cold for me. we are enjoying our COLD spell today, perfect at 67 when we woke up and going to 85..

    1. Sandra, I appreciate your kind comments and so glad you enjoyed these beautiful birds. 85? Maybe I will be taking a trip down that way, lol!

  13. Now it's getting colder and sweaters are being pulled out of closets it's good to know that the birds will have their downy feathers to keep them warm. :)

    1. I agree Penelope, it certainly is a good job :)

  14. Anyone who is caught up with housework errands and letter-writing deserves at least two slices of banana bread. yum. love the ducks, especially the one with part of his dinner dribbling out. And I am trying to learn more about IDing gulls. So yours helped.

    1. Hi Sallie, I will head for that second slice soon. The kettle is back on :) I am always learning too, and I get a lot of help from my blogging friends. Margaret ID'd my ducks today.


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