Wednesday, August 8, 2018


As mentioned in my last post on the Hummingbird Moth, last Sunday (the 5th) we went to a park we haven't been before. Gregg saw it on a local TV channel a couple of months ago and made a note of it.  When we were trying to decide where to go he remembered this place.

We headed to Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens in Washington DC.  

We didn't explore even a third of it.  The truth of the matter is it was incredibly hot. Our first clue when we arrived at the parking lot, was a lady who had already had her walk and was getting into her car.  She looked exceedingly tired and she told us it was way too hot for her, as shown by the overheated look she had, and the way she sat into the driving seat with a thud.  

We looked at each other and knew that I would have the same trouble with the heat, and I did.  Hubby's warning, "Now remember, as far as we walk in, that's how far we have to walk out." Oh wise sage, he is always right. He is and always has been my Jiminy Cricket. I can get that look in the eye like I am going to climb a mountain, and right now I would have a hard time climbing an ant hill.  

Yes the writing was on the wall, but we had both enjoyed a lovely walk around a couple of the ponds and for now it was enough.  And here is my wise sage.
Even that short walk exceeded all expectations, and we will be going back in the cooler weather.

I think we saw the flowers and plants at their peak though.  These are the kind that love this weather, and it may be past the prime time for water lilies and lotus by the time we get back.  Thankfully we took lots of photos between us.

Everywhere you look there are the most beautiful lotus, and water lilies, and other pretty flowers too.

There were three artists on the other side of one of the ponds.  By the time we got there two were on their way out, but what I saw of their work was lovely.  
I asked the lady in the photo below if she sold her paintings.  She said yes, that she would have them displayed in a gallery soon, and gave me her card.  I was told that if I looked on the website given, it would have a list of places we could view her work.
A small crowd had gathered.  She was very nice and was patiently answering the questions of a young girl, whose mother proudly stated she was very artistic and liked to draw.   Pastels were this lady's medium.  What I could see on her easel I would have loved hanging up in our house.  Hopefully we can get to one of her gallery showings.
We are not too far from our car and there is blessed shade.  The heat goes down at least 10 degrees and I spot another shade lover.
It was loving the shade as much as I was, and as soon as I left another lady walked into my spot and started taking photos.  She saw that it had its own kind of beauty, just as I did.
When we reached the car we drank a river of water, which was still lovely and cold.  We drove through Washington DC and I took more photos of the lovely old homes and tree-lined streets.
As we pointed the car home, Gregg asked me if I would like to eat at a Vietnamese Pho Soup restaurant he used to go to before he retired. He found it as though his last visit was yesterday, and we had a nice bowl of beef and noodle soup.  Why not, hot weather and a hot bowl of soup?  It was excellent and we had no problem with it.  I wish I could remember its name, but I took no further photos.  Next time, as I am sure we will go the next time we visit Kenilworth.  It was a very nice ending to the day.

There will be more photos from here at a later date.  

Thank you for stopping by and have a great day.


  1. I am with you about on the heat front. And on overestimating my capacity.
    I am so glad you have a sage to protect you, and look forward to more photos of these beautiful gardens at a later (cooler) date.

    1. Thank you EC, sounds like we are kindred spirits :)

  2. You took gorgeous and such professional pictures!!! Your photos of the actual lotus up close are so gorgeous that they look like they came out of a magazine. I often do more than I should. Isn't it nice that we have our hubbys to remind us not to go charging off too much! When I walked, it was always hard for me to judge how far I could go, and still be able to make it back. I really need to try Pho, it always looks so good!

    1. Ginny, you always say the sweetest things, thank you :) Yes, our hubby's do take care of us don't they? I am having a little trouble with walking any length of time right now, and my problem is I still think I can do what I used to, in my head :) I think you would enjoy a bowl of Pho, you add ingredients that makes it to your own taste.

  3. I really liked this post, Denise, and the third picture down had me going back for another look. Yes, really artistic. Greg is a wise man and it's good that you heed his warnings about the heat. I have been stuck in the house for fear that if I venture out into the garden the sun will get me - with a vengeance!

    1. Thank you Valerie, so glad you enjoyed all the pics. Yes Gregg is wise and sounds like you are too. I am getting there I hope :)

  4. your photos are incredible and that place is spectacular and I want to see it myself.

  5. Thank you Linda, they are rare sightings for me. Glad you liked the photos. Hopefully I can buy one of her paintings, will have to wait and see. Hope your summer is going well :)

  6. I'd go back for another walk in this place too. I hope you go back and we will see more, but be careful in the heat.

    1. Thank you Red, I will follow your advice too :)

  7. We are having the same trouble here Denise. And my husband is exactly the same as Greg. Always the one warning me and always reminding me the same exact thing, just remember as far as you go in you have to go out! Good thing we have such wonderful husband.

    Your images are gorgeous and I enjoyed the story about the artist!!!!

    1. Thanks Debbie, glad you enjoyed and I agree, it’s a good job as I tend to get intensely focused on the visual.

  8. Ha! My husband has accused me of making hot soup on the hottest day of the year once or twice or more in our married life. That is a gorgeous place to explore and I hope you can get back to it on a cool day. It's wise to heed good advice. Hope you are having a good week.

    1. That’s great Ellen, I am having a good week thank you.

  9. Beautiful shots! A good idea to go back in a month or so.

  10. Hi Denise,
    Sounds as if you have been having similar weather to us, luckily to heeded Jiminy and kept the walk sensible. I had a visit out on Monday evening and at 18.00 hrs it was still 30 deg!!!
    What a beautiful place to visit and explore, and the camera equipment has taken some super images, some really stunning flower images.
    Look forward to your next visit in less tropical temperatures.

    1. My goodness John, exceedingly hot over there too. Thank you for the lovely comment and I will be sharing more photos from this trip in the not too distant future.

  11. Lovely photos on your short, sensible walk!

  12. Beautiful photos of a lovely place. Walking far in hot weather is not fun though. Take care Diane

  13. Those gardens sure have some spectacular flowers. I love that you know the names of all of them.
    How come the best gardens are incredibly hot in the summer?

    1. Hi Yogi, I try to ID flowers when I can, I know some already but there are still many I don’t. Always enjoy learning however. Yes, how come they are so incredibly hot? :)

  14. A great walk, you saw a lot of beauty and discovered a new artist -- what more could you want in heat like that. Believe me we've taken a few of those way too hot walks in Florida .... best to settle for a short one and plan to come back in better weather -- which as you say, yo and Greg will do at this beautiful place.

    1. Hi Sallie, agree with you, a shorter one now and a longer walk in cooler weather. I remember my walks in Florida but we were there in January. Love that State!


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