Wednesday, August 15, 2018


As we drove up to the Thornton Gap entrance of Skyline Drive, there were many Barn Swallows flying around.  I have seen them there before but there were many more.  In fact, it looked like a Barn Swallow convention. They were too fast for my slow reflexes, but I did manage to get two relatively non-blurry photos as we waited in line.  They did not sit still for long.
Also, for all the non-welcoming spikes to prevent them nesting, I immediately thought of this quote.
I also look for the nests I have noticed many times as we drive under the overhang that protects the entrance kiosks from the elements.  
We bought a lifetime pass several years' ago, and it is safely tucked away for every time we come here.  We have also used it on all our road trips across country.  Even if we lost it now, it has paid for itself over and over again.  As we shared it with our friendly Park Ranger, whom we now recognize as we greet her, I stuck my head out of the passenger side window, and took photos of the babies.  
She saw me with my camera and volunteered that there had been a mother bear and her cubs nearby yesterday, to keep my camera ready.
We didn't see any bears - or deer - that day but I was very happy to get these cute little Barn Swallows.
Then there was that incredible drive with the magnificent views overlooking the Shenandoah Valley, and the wildflowers.  Breathtaking!  I will have more to share from our drive soon.

Enjoy your day everyone 
and thank you for stopping by


  1. They are just adorable!! Wonderful photos! I hope the spikes did not hurt any of them.

  2. How absolutely beautiful. Many thanks.

  3. Those swallows seem to have a huge grin on their faces...smiles maybe!

  4. Hello, I love the swallows. They are so darn cute. Did you see a bear on the drive?
    Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

    1. Hi Eileen, no we didn't get to see any bears unfortunately. Happy Wednesday to you too and have a very enjoyable day.

  5. help, I am smiling and I can't stop! these little birds are way beyond adorable!!! great shots of all these sweeties. I love that where there is a will shot.... still smiling over that

    1. Always happy something here gives you a smile Sandra. It was hard for me not to when I saw these cuties. Thank you :)

  6. Barn swallows are very active interesting characters to follow. They build nests that are easy to observe.

    1. Hi Red, I see them at another park. They are like tiny jet airplanes zipping over the water, skimming flies off the surface. So entertaining!

  7. Never in a million years would know what type of birds these are(lol), and for you to get so close and take these great pics is pretty phenomenal! It's always wonderful to see nature. Hugs...and Happy Wednesday! RO

    1. Hi RO, I am happy to introduce you to them. Hugs and a Happy Wednesday to you too.

  8. Love the photos of those three Barn cute!

  9. Hi Denise,
    Super set of images of the Barn Swallows, they are such a lovely bird.
    Davids last post was of his Barn Swallows being ringed and having trackers fitted, super to see.
    All the best John

    1. Thank you John, I would love to see David’s photos.

  10. What great photos and I love the facial expressions. Well done. Have a good day Diane

  11. hi denise, you captured some awesome pictures, they have the cutest faces!!

  12. Great photographs, they look so cute!

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan, they do don’t they? All the best to you too :)


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