Tuesday, July 10, 2018


I had a real nice time on my birthday.  My son and daughter-in-law came over and we all went to the Cheesecake Factory.  

I haven't been there in years.  The young lady who took care of us was very sweet.  As busy as she was, she didn't bat an eye when I asked if she would take our photograph. 

You will recognize some of these photos from my post yesterday.  
My Darlings made it extra special by being there. We had a lot of fun together, as is always the case.
The guys had fish tacos...
daughter-in-law had a delicious looking salad...
and I had the chicken pot pie, and this delicious chocolate cake.  I had heard a few of the staff singing happy birthday to someone, and I looked at our son and said, "No thank you!"  I knew what was on his mind.  Our young lady heard me and got the message, and her face was a question mark, like don't you want us to sing?  I said out loud no thank you with a greatful smile.  But she did bring me this, which I thought was a lovely touch, and not expected.
It was delicious, very rich and I could only eat a couple of bites.  I took the rest home to be enjoyed later.
 Gregg ordered a piece of cheesecake...
 and son and daughter-in-law shared key lime pie.
Gregg had given me two birthday cards early in the day, along with these gorgeous flowers.  
My favorite color roses.
And our son and daughter-in-law gave me the prettiest pillow.
I looked at the square shaped package and had a good idea what it was, even after our son jokingly said, "Bet you can't guess what this is Mom." I loved it and it couldn't have been a more perfect gift. I have been looking for pretty pillows to brighten our sofa.  I even turned it into a painting.
Here is my card from them, next to the pretty paper rose that came on top of the parcel.  The bulldog Bobby was a gift from our son years ago when he went to England on a school trip.  His grandfather, my father, was a 30 year career police officer in the UK. The background is part of a painting of the village I lived in.  That church is where Gregg and I were married in 1975.  I've shared all this before but am adding these little tidbits just in case there's anyone new popping in since then, and it was a long time ago that I last mentioned it. 
And that was this year's birthday.


  1. Belated birthday wishes. I am trying to catch up, so much to do after a week away!! Take care Diane

    1. Thank you Diane :) I am looking forward to seeing your travel photos :)

  2. the perfect birthday celebration and the flowers are fantastic, the pillow is beautiful. and the desserts, oh my, I think I gained a little looking at the photos

    1. I know I did eating that meal :) Back to being good now :)))

  3. You Had a great Time love From Europe

  4. I'm so glad you gave us some of your background, as I did not know this. You must have posted it before I came along. The village you grew up in is beautiful, like out of a movie. I LOVE the pillow!! Especially since we are birdwatchers! It is gorgeous. And the roses are stunning! Your pot pie looks like the best of anything to me, so warm and comforting. But I would like to give those fish tacos a try as well. The waitress did a great job with the picture!

    1. Thank you for all the sweet comments Ginny. It was a skinny-delicious pot pie too and very tasty. Win-win! :))

  5. You were celebrated! Happy birthday!

  6. Your birthday celebration with family is lovely and delicious! Your roses are so beautiful and such a gorgeous color. And the pillow is so pretty and looks great on your furniture. Of course, I love the painting of the beautiful English rolling hills. You may not know, but I adore the English countryside. It always makes my heart happy. Have a wonderful day! ♥

    1. Thank you for these lovely comments too Martha Ellen. That makes me happy knowing you love the English countryside :) Have a wonderful day also :)

  7. You are obviously much loved. Which is delightful.

    1. I feel loved EC, thank you so much for saying :)

  8. Belated birthday greetings. I'd accept another year older in return for your birthday cake!

    1. Hi Pauline, I wish I could give it to you :)

  9. Thanks for showing us the actual celebration photos after the fun post yesterday. Looms like a lovely time with family and beautiful flowers and colorful pillows. Wishing you a great year ahead, Denise.

  10. It's evident from these pictures that you had a wonderful time celebrating your birthday with your family and loved ones, enjoying good food at an amazing location. I also celebrated my birthday a few days ago with lunch at my favorite restaurant with family, and also had a party later at night with friends at the famous venue NYC.

    1. Thank you Mark. It sounds like you also had a lovely birthday. Happy Belated Birthday :)


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