Wednesday, May 30, 2018


I am back having been gone since the beginning of May.  Because of our schedule I knew I wouldn't be able to keep up with daily goings on while away, so I decided to put together posts for the whole of the month.  That way there would be at least something on here. 

Today, after a red-eye flight from Anchorage, we returned home.  Our son picked us up at the airport, and it was great to see him waiting for us near the baggage carousel.  

So, where have we been?  Gregg and I, and several family members went to Alaska.  We were a group of eight.  

I wrote in my journal every day  and when I couldn't, I caught up eventually.  Future posts will be about those days in Alaska, complete with photos.  We had a great time but as I write this in our own bed for the first time in many, many days, it is a very good feeling to be home.

The moose and the mosaic-style ceiling of the trees above it were seen yesterday at Anchorage Airport, Alaska, USA.

Thank you for all the great comments on my previous posts.  Connections were sketchy at times, and for a while it was hard to get on line.  Then I caught a bad cold, and then our scheduling got so busy, all I could think of was putting my head on the pillow at night.  I was either out like a light or unable to sleep with the sights we had seen that day.  For those of you who live in Alaska, or have visited this beautiful state, I think you will know what I mean.   The beauty in those snow-capped mountains, the people we met, the wildlife, were amazing.  I will never be able to capture these phenomenal sights in mere photos, but I will do my best to share what we saw.

I will also be doing a slow catch up of all your comments and blogs.  Thank you so much for keeping up with mine.  


  1. The trip of a lifetime! Let the journey begin, I can't wait!!!

    1. Thank you Ginny, it was indeed a journey of a lifetime.

  2. I am a tad jealous. Alaska is most definitely on my wish list. Looking forward to your posts and hope that cold has gone completely.

  3. That's an awesome ceiling and I like the moose!

  4. I tried in vain to get a moose to come closer. I'm glad you enjoyed your trip to that beautiful place.

    1. Thank you Valerie! Our guide gave us advice on when a moose charges. Find a tree and put it between you and the moose.

  5. Hello, a trip to Alaska sounds wonderful. I can't wait to see your photos. I have cruised to Alaska but we had hopes to visit more inland places. I love Moose. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks Eileen, we were on our first cruise and hope one day to take another. Me too on the moose. Beautiful animals! Happy day to you too.

  6. Sound like a fabulous trip,I would love to see Alaska but I would never cope with the weather, I have to have hot!!!!! Happy week Diane

    1. Ah yes, but it can get hot there too so I understand. We were there before that but have to say I am definitely not a person for humidity rather than heat, and this temperature suited me to a ‘t’. Happy week to you too Diane.

  7. Hi Linda, that’s great and happy you are looking forward to the journal. I am putting one together and hopefully will have it posted tomorrow.

  8. I have never been to Alaska, but I'd love to go there someday!

    1. This is my first time in the State, and I'm hoping it won't be the last. I fell in love with Alaska, and Vancouver too I might add :)

  9. a wonderful trip, glad you are home safe and I like that moose. waiting to see what you saw

    1. It really was and now I am happy to be home going through all the photos. I have another post on now Sandra.

  10. Welcome home! My sister is just off to Alaska today!

    1. Hi Christine, that's great. I wonder if she has been before?

  11. Hi Denise,
    Good to have you back, sounds as if you had a wonderful break.
    Look forward to the blog photo results,
    All the best John

    1. Thank you John, and I have enjoyed popping over to yours just now. All the best to you too.

  12. Welcome hime to you and Gregg, Denise. i checked your blog today and found that I have a lot of reading to do as you have been busy posting. Glad you had such winderful adventures and confess to a tinge of envy. I will enjoy reading about and seeing yiur photos even if I may not comment on every post. Hooe you are feeling better and there is nothing like sleeping in your own bed.

    1. Thank you Dorothy, it is great to be home. Finally getting back to normal here, thanks for asking.

  13. YAA! A moose! I wasn't expecting that.

    1. I wasn't either, it was in the airport in Anchorage.

  14. Hello Denise....I've come to the end of your facinating Alaska journal....Wow! Loved the amazing photos of landscape and wildlife.Thanks so much for sharing this. I've been away from my blogs a lot recently and now doing some catching up.
    Happy weekend!

    1. Hi Ruby, lovely to see you. Thanks for stopping by. Happy weekend to you too :)

  15. Hi Linda, I hope you enjoy them. Too much in one sitting methinks ;)


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