Thursday, September 14, 2017


(Thank you for visiting and for all the comments you leave, always very much appreciated.  I am late reading and publishing comments this week, and I might also be late visiting your blogs.  I will catch up eventually.)

Corolla, North Carolina Trip - Third Day - Part 2 
Celebration Party

The same day as our trip to see the wild horses, that evening we were invited (the reason for our trip down here) to a celebration party by a very dear friend of the family.  It was a time to meet up with old friends, and we also had fun meeting people we had never met.  Almost 70 had been invited.  Much to my delight a few four-legged friends were there also.  The little cutie at the end of my last post was one of them.  She was hiding from the other active, similar-sized little dogs that were trying to get her attention, in a very rough-and-tumble way.  She was having none of it and tried to hide most of the time.  Such a little darling, just look at that face. 

 She spent a good part of the evening under the table.  I asked her if I could join her but she wasn't very willing to share her space.  She ran for cover every time I bent down to say hello. I was told by her human to feed her a tidbit but that didn't work either.  I don't blame her really.  Don't talk to strangers and beware of those who bring you gifts!  I expect she slept well that night.

After about an hour our companions from the horse tour earlier, told us that they had just spent some time up in the crow's nest at the top of the house, that there was no one else up there at the moment.  Gregg and I took the opportunity to enjoy the views.

The steps were outside the door and they led up to this lovely seating area with a pretty amazing panorama.  This was another holiday rental house and I noticed many of the homes in the area had something similar.  We had become separated from Gregg's sister and her husband, and I sent them a text telling them where we were.  Not too long after they joined us, along with his brother and wife.  We sat there talking until it was time for the toasts to begin, and when those were finished and as by then it was getting late in the day, we decided to leave.  

It was absolutely wonderful being part of this celebration and we enjoyed ourselves immensely.  We said our goodbyes and the six of us left at the same time, each couple bringing our own cars, probably thinking we would all leave at different times.

Like the sweet little pooch no doubt, we slept well again that night.


  1. Oh my goodness!!! The sunset is so gorgeous!!! Just look at that pink. It is my very favorite picture. A beautiful way to end a beautiful day. Wonderful view, and cute little shy doggie.

    1. Thank you Ginny, glad you enjoyed the sunset picture. I have always enjoyed yours and have always thought them frame-worthy :) I wish I could have taken the shy doggie home with me :)

  2. You do take some wonderful trips. Love those skies - and the little charmer.

  3. Isn't it great to be able to sleep well, Denise? I am so glad you slept well! Your photos are all lovely, and the little dog is very cute!

  4. ... and thank you for sharing this with us. I enjoyed reading and looking at those lovely pictures.

    1. You are very welcome Valerie :) so happy you enjoy them

  5. That must have been a fun get together. the views and the weather look great.

  6. Hello, sounds like a lovely evening with your friends and the furbabies. Love the sunset. Happy Friday, enjoy your day and weekend!

  7. It sounds like you had a wonderful time.

  8. Smashing skies. Sweet pup. And so nice to see you both looking so well

  9. Nice....great pics. Poor baby hiding away like that. Lily would not hide, Dakota would tuck his tail and hide under my chair. Just like people they have their behaviors.

  10. Loved the shot of you both, Denise, and what a great time you spent from what you wrote, and the weather looked to be cooperative as well.

  11. Sounds like you had a great time. Cheers Diane

  12. You do have some wonderful trips and I do enjoy seeing the photographs you share here.
    Lovely to see the skies in many of the pictures but I also like the one of you both, and as for the dog ... what a cutie!

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, I didn't think we were going to go on another one this year, but you never know what is around the corner :) All the best to you too :)))

  13. Lovely view from the top of the house. Oh yes, that dog has a cute face and so shy too!

  14. Hi Linda, it was called Whalehead.


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