Friday, July 28, 2017


This is an old post that I forgot to publish.  I hope it wasn't a ghost copy or you may have seen these before, keeping fingers crossed.  I was going through a few forgotten drafts when I found it.  These photos were taken in April 2016 at Huntley Meadows Park in Alexandria.

You can learn more about him here

A couple of collages that I came up with at the time.


  1. Oh, how wonderful!!! Those look like cattails that have gone to seed. Red Wings just love to sit on the very top of tall weeds. But I have never been able to get a postable picture of one! How on earth did you get these marvelous and sharp pictures? I love the one where he is singing and his wing is spread out. I even love the cattail field!! Everything is perfect. Can you tell I am a birdwatcher? Of your two collages, my favorite is the first one.

    1. Hi Ginny, taking photos is very much a matter of luck :) I always seem to take them with my cell phone lately but for these we have a camera with a zoom lens, and the Red-wing was a very cooperative bird that day :)

    2. Beautiful photos, Denise! I see them here in the Montreal area from time to time and they are lovely birds!

    3. Thank you Linda and how lovely that you can see them up your way too.

  2. They are dramatic and beautiful birds - that I would love to see in life and am grateful to see in the blogosphere.

    1. I feel the same way and see all your wonderful native birds EC :)

  3. Wow, that is a pretty bird - so lovely colouring on her wings! The mosaic is stunning.

    1. Thank you Riitta, I am happy you liked them.

  4. Hi Denise and what a stunning Blackbird, love the singing image, as you say getting a decent image is a matter of luck but we can do things to assist the process. All the best, John

    1. You take such incredible photos John, and I know there is more than luck involved. I know only a modicum of what it is to take a good photo and rely on luck most of the time. I can only hope to learn from blogging friends' expertise with the camera. I feel I learn something every time I visit your blog. All the best, Denise:)

    2. Hi Denise As long as we are still learning we are getting somewhere, must admit at times it seems we have a considerable amount to learn, I've found a large lens is a wonderful help, just the weight is a problem. Thank you for your reply. All the best, John

    3. Thank you John. Just out of curiosity, what size lens do you have? Hope that is not too nosy a question but I am curious :-)

  5. Third one down is my favourite, Denise. I can just imagine a pretty song coming from his open beak.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one gets muddled with drafts... I've had to devise a plan - which works! I'm always fearful of putting one post on twice ...grins.

    1. I have several drafts that don't get published, then when I go back and look after a few months I go, "Oh yes, l forgot all about that." LOL :) Then I go back again and try to see if it is a duplicate.

  6. Hello Denise!:) The American Red Winged Blackbird are stunning, and your captures are all wonderful. I like the creative way you framed them too.:)

  7. Hello, lovely red-wing Blackbird images. The framed mosaics are pretty. Happy Friday! Wishing you a great day and weekend!

  8. he is a beauty and I love both collages a LOT

  9. Red-winged blackbirds are just so beautiful...and always know spring is near when I start seeing them and hearing them.

  10. You've shown the Red-winged blackbird on his favorite perch...the last year's cattail.

    1. They seem to always be popular with the birds

  11. I love the collages, they are so well done! It is a pretty bird. Have a good day!

  12. They're beautiful birds. Very territorial too during nesting, but that's a few weeks.

    1. Indeed William, interesting about the nesting.

  13. Oh you got some great shots of these birds that elude my lens!

  14. It almost looks like he was posing for you that day, very nice.

  15. Oh wow...beautiful. Never seen one before.

  16. Such a beautiful redwinged blackbird! Awesome photos.

  17. Great photos of a pretty bird. The splash of colour makes for a lot more interest. Diane

    1. I agree, the red and yellow epaulettes make him a star :)

  18. Fun photos! They are harbingers of spring, hereabouts.

  19. Great photos of these beautiful birds. I love to see them in the meadows.


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