Wednesday, July 5, 2017


I may be a bit scarce for a while.  Today we have company coming all the way from New Zealand.  Bill is a distant relative of mine. Ten generations ago we shared a grandfather on my mother's side.  

As far as we can tell these are our Norman relatives who went to Great Britain after 1066.  We also identified Turleys in Fairfax County where we live now, and Gregg's research indicate that these are Irish Turleys who came to America in the 1700s.  Apparently we are all over the place as there are also relatives who emigrated to New Zealand and Australia.  I have been greatly interested in Gregg's research.  We have great conversations when he discovers anything new, and now I expect we will have some wonderful conversations with Bill.

There are approximately 10,000 Turleys living in America, 2,000 in Great Britain, 250 in Northern Ireland, and less than a hundred in Ireland.   There is also a village in Wiltshire called Turley.  The name originally was Torlai, which was the French spelling before the Norman Conquest. 

One of Gregg's most fun hobbies is, as you might have guessed by now, genaeology.   He and Bill started a correspondence a couple of years back on Ancestry.Com, as Bill has been researching his family for a lot longer than Gregg has, and has given Gregg some wonderful info on my family.  When he found that Bill was coming over here, he invited him to stay.  He will be visiting for 11 days, having already been in America for two weeks visiting other Turleys. When he leaves this area, he will be flying down to Florida.  

We are very much looking forward to meeting him and I will tell you more as time goes on.

Thank you all for visiting me and for also leaving comments which I always enjoy reading.  Please forgive me if I am late getting back to you.  Also your comment may appear a little later than usual as I always moderate before publishing.

These flowers are from our last visit to Meadowlark Gardens at the end of May.


  1. Beautiful photos, Denise! I also love genealogy and am so excited to have found my cousins! I hope you have a fantastic time! Love and hugs to you. :)

    1. Thank you Linda, and love and hugs to you also :)

  2. Enjoy your family time. We will be here when you are ready to return.

  3. How much fun is that. Enjoy your visit and keep us posted.

  4. wow .
    amazing details .
    i also enjoy reading about relationships in the background of history .
    loved your beautiful photos my friend!

    1. Thank you Baili, so happy you enjoyed my post :)

  5. Oh Denise, how wonderful to have distant relatives coming to visit you all the way from New Zealand! Very exciting. We are crazy about researching our families as well. Recently discovered my hubby descends from King James VI!!!! Beautiful flowers too Denise.

    1. Thank you Marie, it is wonderful and how very interesting that your hubby is descended from King James VI. Really amazing and so much fun to discover.

  6. Always interesting to meet relatives from way back. We have found some on both sides of our family trees, we have gone back to 1500 so masses of names. The ones we have met up with have all become friends and good ones. One of them is now working with DNA samples so she may come up with a whole lot more yet :-) Have a good time Diane

    1. Thank you Diane :). It truly is fascinating isn't it? We have been talking about doing the DNA.

  7. You seem to have an interesting family on both sides. You may or may not remember what I discovered when tracing family on my father's side. Maybe it's worthy of a repeat.

    1. I would love to read your post again Valerie. I would be very interested reading about your father's side. I don't think I read it before.

  8. Hello Denise!:) Lovely captures of two beautiful flowers. Enjoy your time with your distant relative, will have a lot of catching up to do.

    I'm sorry I have not visited for a while,...we have had two weddings in the family, and my husbands birthday was last week. He always manages to have two birthday celebrations, two cakes, and I have been busy in the kitchen. Look forward to all your news later.:)

    1. Thank you Breathtaking:) No worries on you visiting here for a while. Life takes us in other directions and my goodness you have been busy, but all sounds like a whole lot of fun.

  9. Hello, lovely blooms. It is great to have your relative visiting from New Zealand. Have a fun visit. Have a great day and week ahead!

    1. Thank you Eileen, we will and the same to you :)

  10. awesome photos of the flowers, I can see every teeny tiny detail. so sharp and clear they look real to me... have fun with your distant relative.

  11. Genealogy research takes much effort and time but the rewards are high.

  12. Beautiful colours, Denise. Enjoy the visit!

  13. Enjoy your time. I'll be in the same visitor's coming boat next week!

  14. What a wonderful and interesting visit you will have! The flowers are beautiful. I hope you have a great time and post photos after the visit.

    1. Thanks Ginny, we are off to a great start. I am trying to do daily photos so that Bill's family and friends can check in and see what he has been doing. It just might take me a while to answer comments, but I don't want to get too far behind. May be slowing up as time goes on :)

  15. Oh, Denise....have fun! It sounds like a wonderful good time!

  16. Hi Denise and I hope you have a wonderful time with these distant relatives, its wonderful as to what you can trace these days, hopefully keep your posts running. All the best. John

    1. Thank you John :) I am hopeful that I will keep up with my posts. All depends on my energy level :))) All the best to you too. Denise

  17. Sounds fascinating! If you get proven links back as far as the middle ages you're doing exceptionally well, or have royal connections. But then I guess we all have somewhere! Love the flowers... :-)

    1. I agree, if we all go back far enough we would be amazed who we are related to. Thanks Mike :)

  18. Wonderful shot of the beautiful flower. I also enjoyed your other posts. I'm catching up.

  19. That's interesting Linda. To be a genealogist you become a good detective :)


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