Wednesday, June 21, 2017


We had parked in an underground parking lot a few blocks away from the convention center.  Because there were thousands of people attending Awesome Con, I feel we were lucky getting a space in this one.  There are very good signs on each floor, indicating how many spaces are left.  Over each space is a light, red for not available, green for available.  When you are looking down a very long line of cars, that green light is clearly visible and you head towards it, hoping the space will stay empty until you can  reach it.  There are usually other cars driving around hoping for the same.  We drove into our 'green' spot and watched the light turn red as two cars passed by looking for their own green light.  

We took the elevator up into a large square (The Plaza, CityCenter) where there were shops and restaurants, and these lovely sculptures.   (We took our photos when we were heading back).

There are other sculptures around the city, and if you go to this site you can read all about them.

The artist is Hung Yi. 
From the above link you will read the following:

"Dromedary Camel (The Plaza at CityCenter) Hung Yi's Bactrian and Dromedary camels, aka two and one humped camels, represent travel, survival and journeying.  Bactrian, the two humped camel is named after the area once known as Bactria, or Central Asia, from where they originated.  Dromedary camels have one hump, and are native to African and Middle Eastern Deserts.  Not only did Hung Yi take two already unusual, almost mythical animals and make them even more wild and whimsical, he also is encouraging unity between the diverse cultures these two camels represent."

This link will give you even more information.

If you click on this you will learn what there is to see at the Plaza.  

In the following photo there are beachballs strung overhead.  These decorations change with the seasons.  The restaurant we went into was on the right just out of sight.

The same on the other side of the Plaza.

You can't really tell from the following photos but all those baubles are moving around at a fast rate of speed, up the wall, over your head and onto the other side, and then they appear again as if in a circular movement.  These also change design.  I saw a man floating through the air after this.  

I wish I had thought to take a video so that you could get a better idea of what it looks like. 

You can just about make out on the left the glass walls of the elevator shaft, which took us down into the parking area.  

Next time I will show you the views as we were heading out of the city.


  1. This is all awesome! I would never want to leave! I was born in D.C., and lived there for many years. But it was nothing like it is now, we didn't have any of this.

    1. Hi Ginnie, that's wonderful that you were born in DC. I haven't met many people who are from there originally. I'm sure it's changed a lot. Like when I go home and see the changes.

  2. Interesting photos.

  3. Very colourful camels! The bubbles remind me of something I saw on a screen during a street festival here on the weekend.

    1. Those bubbles were mesmerizing. I have never seen anything quite like this before.

  4. Really great to see all those sculptures, decorations and wall art Denise. What a vibrant place for people :D)

  5. Wonderful series of photos, Denise! I love the giraffes and artistic talent here! And when I saw the water in the Montreal area, they have closed all the wading pools which I fondly remember using when I was a little girl, and they have replaced them with water sprays and spouts like in your photo. I sure wish we had these when I was a kid. I even went into a park one day and it was so hot, I joined a few children for a couple of moments just to let the water spray and refresh me. It was that hot! :) The mothers got a kick out of this and smiled, so it's all good! I hope you are having a great week so far.

    1. Thank you Linda, so glad you enjoyed everything. I love the image of you enjoying the water spouts and why not? :) On a very hot day it would be heaven.

  6. I like the camels, specially the first one. But oh, I so love those bubbles.

    1. They are great aren't they? Seeing them just swirl and move around like they did was fascinating to see.

  7. Thanks for sharing the photos, haven't been to Washington DC.

    1. You are very welcome Christine, happy you enjoyed it.

  8. Now that's good stuff to see after driving around to find a parking space. Very colorful.

  9. The artistry here is impressive, I bet even more so in person.

  10. This is so much fun! Chicago did something like this with cows a long, long time ago. We tried to find as many cows as we could find.

  11. Love those fun sculptures and installations. And aren't those red/green car parks great?

    1. Me too EC and yes, love those red and green lights. This is only the second time I have seen them, the first was at a shopping mall just across the river. They are a wonderful visual aid.

  12. Great decorations! Did your neck ache with all that looking up?

    1. I'm sure it would have if I had stayed any longer Valerie :)

  13. Hello, I love the cute sculptures and all the beachballs. The baubles looks neat. Great series from D.C. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and weekend ahead.

  14. Hi Denise and what a wonderful visit you had, love the camels, sorry for the absence, still feeling rough. Super post, All the best, John

    1. Thanks John and no apologies necessary. I do hope you feel better soon. All the best, Denise:)

  15. Interesting post. A video would not have helped me as our connection is too slow but I get the idea. I love those statues. Diane

    1. Thank you Diane:) I am thankful for our fast connection via cable. But I remember when it wasn't always the case.

  16. What a post!
    Just lovely, lovely, lovely!
    So colourful, your photo's are great.

    All the best Jan

  17. Thank you Linda, it was fun to look around here.


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