Monday, June 19, 2017


I truly didn't realize when our son invited us to see him speak on a panel for three writers, that we were actually going to Awesome  Con.  He has a full time job but writes articles in his limited free time.  

When we arrived we were a few minutes late.  There were no parking spaces and several underground parking lots were already full.  We finally parked in one three blocks away, so not so bad but we were driving around a while before we found it. 

We were very proud of our son.  When he was younger he used to be an introvert, more like me, but now he has done a 180 and is a confident speaker in front of a large audience, like his Dad :)
We had a lovely surprise.  In the audience there was a friend of his from way back in their high school days.  He had read about this event and decided to attend.  I hadn't seen him in years.  He introduced us to his wife, a sweet young lady originally from New York.  Our son was happily surprised when he saw his old friend.

We didn't hang around too long at the end, as there were people waiting to ask him more questions.  So we gave him a big hug and said our goodbyes.  

I was surprised at how much I enjoyed this event.  There were hundreds of people walking around in costumes (cosplay).  It was fun to see them and you couldn't help but admire the effort they had put into whatever they were wearing.  Everyone we saw was very pleasant and happy to be there.  The atmosphere was definitely catching. 

I had to laugh when I saw this fun photo they sent us later, my son and daughter-in-law.  I probably should know the dragon, it seems familiar but can't place him. 

I could not help myself, I was walked over to this group and asking them if I could get a photo taken.  They were happy to oblige.

Here are a few more we saw walking around the convention, and also on the street outside.

Even the little guys!

 Now this I did recognize.  A young girl wearing a Tardis telephone box dress, from Dr. Who.  David Tennant, one of the Doctors, was attending today. 

This sweet little boy was very interested with the flashing lights on Green Lantern's pole.  Or is it the Riddler?  I will have to ask those in the know.

So there you go, it was great fun!  I have always had a great interest in costumes, whether it be from these today, or from around the world.  I am drawn to those down through the ages also.  If I had my dream job, I would be in the costume department at the New York Met.


  1. Beautiful costumes. Glad that your son was so articulate.

  2. I love seeing you hanging out with the Storm Troupers and Darth Vader!! Let's see...I also recognize The Joker from Batman & Wonder Woman. What a fun post! Your son is so cute, and I bet he is a great speaker. He also looks to have a great sense of humor.

    1. Thank you Ginny, he does have a great sense of humor as does his wife.

  3. Great photos, Denise! Lovely costumes! Thank you so much for sharing, and I hope you have a great week ahead!

    1. Thank you Linda, and you are very welcome. Happy week to you also :)

  4. Big smiles.
    Lots of work and ingenuity went into some of those costumes.

    1. Thank you Linda, I was impressed with those costumes.

  5. Great event be proud of your son

  6. Fabulous costumes, Denise - just don't ask me to pick a favourite! I tried Googling Awesome Con but got nowhere. What exactly is it? Congratulations to your Boy, you must be very proud of him.

    1. Thanks Valerie, I tried to find a website for you but they are already onto 2018. I did find this explanation as I really wasn't that sure myself.

      Awesome Con is Washington DC’s Comic Con. It is a place for fans of popular culture. At its heart, Awesome Con is a comic-con that embraces all aspects of geekdom and pop culture, with a wide assortment of comic books, collectibles, toys, games, original art, cosplay, and more. Special events include discussion panels, costume contests, trivia contests, gaming tournaments, and tons of activities for kids.

      Quite a few TV and movie stars turn up to these things. I didn't see any but then we were only there to see our son. We saw quite a lot on our way to the room he was in also. It was a long, long walk ;)

    2. A lot of movie stars from years ago too, and that's always fun :)

    3. Thanks, Denise. Sounds like a fun place to work. I hope you enjoyed reading all about it.

    4. Any time Valerie, it does and I did :)

  7. Wow that really looks like fun. We did visit Washington but never got to see anything like this. Have a great week Diane

    1. Hi Diane, something we normally don't get to see. We enjoy going into DC throughout the year but usually we head for the museums or the botanical garden :)

  8. Hello Denise, congrats to your son. Loved the photos. This post reminds me of the show Big Bang Theory. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

    1. Thanks Eileen, I will pass on your congrats, and yes there is a quality of the Big Bang Theory here. Enjoy your week also :)

  9. You have every right to be proud of your son being on the panel. The costumes are incredible.

    1. Thanks Red, he is a wonderful young man and yes, I know I am prejudiced ;)

  10. Hi Denise, I remember that monster he used to live under my when I was little. Looks like everyone was having fun. I am so glad you got to hear your son speak, an absolute privilege we don't get to see our kids doing stuff like that very often do we?

    The detail some of those cosplay guys go to is astounding. I have never understood it but I love to see them all dressed up, we need to sort you out a stormtrooper outfit for the next even. XXX Don

    1. Hi Don, lovely to be chatting again. I think we all had one of those under our beds ;) No it doesn't happen too often but when it does it is a blessing. I laughed at your last comment Don, I don't think that is ever going to happen :))))

  11. Good for you for shooting all the cool people. You must be proud of your son! A fine day to post about, D

    1. Thank you Cloudia, they were all very cool people and to us our son was the coolest :) Proud mummy talking ;)

  12. Wow! Such fun! Proud of your son too, for you!

  13. Looks like fun and you must be so proud!

  14. Hi Denise and I can imagine you are very proud of your son and to stand up in front of all those people is really something. Some people have done some serious work with the costumes, your turn next year.???? All the best, John

    1. Thank you John, truly am. I wouldn't be able to speak in front of so many myself. Nope! Not going to happen (about the cosplay, lol). All the best, Denise :)

  15. I recognized a few as son and I often go to the movies together. We have similar tastes for the most part. He is a big movie buff and writes along those lines. He also has a pod cast that he does with his wife and two of his friends.

  16. You have every right to be as proud as can be for that wonderful son of yours. I'm just loving all your photos. So much fun!

  17. Hi Denise, that whole day looked like a blast, your son and daughter in law was really getting to the swing of things with the dinosaur, very impressive that he was speaking on the panel I know you are proud and rightly so.

    1. Thanks Jimmy, I love the fact that they can let their hair down and have fun.

  18. Wonderful costumes! That is definitely the Riddler.

    I have been to a comiccon here- didn't take any pictures. The dragon for posing with might well be the same one that was here in May.

    1. Thanks for ID'ing the Riddler for me William. I am going to have to find out where I have seen that dragon before, and interesting that it may have been up your way.

  19. Wow that's fun to step outside your norm for a little while! We went to see WonderWoman with our Colorado kids ...I loved it. Had never seen a comic book based superhero movie before ... our son and DIL said it was one of the best ever. I bet next year the cosplay events will have a lot of characters from that movie. What did your son speak about?

    1. I agree Sally and my son also took me to see the Wonder Woman movie. It was great and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I saw a couple of young people wearing her costume but from the television series from years ago. The new costume will no doubt tale its place next year. My son is a movie buff and his articles center around those. He also does pod casts where he has interviewed a director here and there. No one I recognize but he has established connections and they are sent his way. No doubt there are people who would recognize their names. The talk was about giving advice on how to establish yourself in the writing world, I was truly surprised at how much he knew and how many people wanted to talk to him afterwards. As parents it was a lot of fun to see him in the groove.

  20. Those are wild outfits! My younger daughter works in the comic book industry but she did not go to this particular conference, unfortunately. I would have like to have seen her and she does not get back to Virginia very often.

    1. I hope you get to see your daughter soon Linda. My son will find that very interesting that she works in the comic book industry.

  21. That was beaut seeing all those pics. What a thrill for you seeing your Son up there on stage :D)

    1. Thanks Sue, it was almost surreal seeing him up there so comfortable with his fellow panel members and that large audience.

  22. You must be so proud of your son. It really looks a fun day.
    Some great photo's you have shared here, the costumes are simply wonderful.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan, happy you enjoyed them and yes we are :)

  23. What a fun event, Denise, and even more so because your son was there to speak. We will be having a comic-con event in Nashua at the library later this summer. After reading this post and seeing the elaborate costumes, I may decide to go and have a look. Kudos to your son!

    1. Thank you Beatrice. They are fun events, probably would have missed it if it hadn't been for our son.


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