Wednesday, April 19, 2017


Wednesday, April 12th, 2017

Odometer reading is 49223

9.00 a.m. we left our hotel in Meridian, Mississippi.  Gregg has just taken us a ride through downtown.  

We saw two prisoners dressed in prison garb.  The name of their correctional facility was on their shirts - didn't see what it is - and their trousers had wide, light green horizontal stripes.  They were using leaf blowers and cleaning up in front of the courthouse, doing general gardening work.  

We went by an old train station, nothing to do with the top photo but Gregg had read about it and wanted to take a quick look. I don't have any photos.  It had a railway car and a museum.  Gregg read up at the hotel about Meridian, and told me a few things as we drove through the city.  It was very interesting and I told him he would make a great tour guide.

11.20 a.m.  Meridian is behind us and we are on a very LONG road, Route 63.  Hardly any cars, the occasional crossroad but no towns visible.  Very flat country.  

11.24 a.m. we passed two more prisoners on each side of the road - recognized those green striped uniforms from the ones in Meridian.  They were picking up trash. A truck 30 yards away from them piled high with trash in the back.  The roads do look really clean around here.

1.12 p.m. we took a very nice walk along the Bayou Heron Road.  Beautiful trees and very happy butterflies, who didn't quit flapping their wings or settle long enough for a photo, but I got a wildflower.  I have to admit I wasn't getting a lot of success with photos along this trail.

But first we visited the 
and Grand Bay National Wildlife Refuge.  We were  in Mosa Point, Mississippi.  We had read about it.  You can click on the above link for information.  

We followed a couple of horseriders for a while and they moved onto the side so that we could pass.  One of the horses seemed very skittish, even before they knew we were there.  I was a little concerned, but the lady riding him was obviously very skilled as they waved for us to pass them.

The building is quite big.

There was a relatively short trail at the back 

and we did see bright green lizards....

dragonflies.....and the mosquitoes seemed to be getting bigger!

No birds yet.  The gentleman at the visitor center said they were late arriving.  

1.41 p.m. and we are going through Pascagoula, Mississippi.  We are seeing every fast food franchise imaginable, which includes waffle houses.

3.21 p.m. Gregg and I have just finished lunch at a restaurant called Snappers Seafood.  

It is on the Gulf of Mexico in Biloxi, Mississippi.  Gregg had a seafood gumbo which included one of his favorites - okra.....

and I had fish and chips with coleslaw.  

Our meals were very good but we absolutely loved the appetizer, cheese puppies.

They are not like a regular hush puppy.  On the outside they look like one but when you take a bite the melted cheese takes you by surprise, and it is delicious.  Added to the mozzarella/cheddar cheese mix, are little bits of Jalapeño. A little heat but not too much.  

I could not bring myself to try the alligator meat.  You can enlarge the menu and the red arrows I have added point to that particular item.  I truly wanted to try it but I am not an adventurous soul.  I would be very interested if anyone out there has and can tell me what it tastes like.  You can enlarge the photo to see other items on the menu.

On a somber note, this area was hit very hard by Hurricane Katrina. We still see signs of the devastation from 10 years ago.  The restaurant we were in was new.  On the wall is a photograph of what the restaurant used to look like, and right next to it is a photo of how it looked after Katrina.  There was nothing there, it was completely blown away, gone!  Inside it also showed a line painted on the wall where the surge of water reached, and we were on the second floor. 

The new place is now built on stilts.  In fact, many of the buildings we passed were built on stilts.  There was also a lot of open ground where buildings once used to be and have not been built on since.  I remember our son coming through Biloxi a year after Katrina and he was greatly shocked and saddened thinking of how awful this hurricane must have been for so many.  I still remember his phone call that night.

We are on our way to Lafayette, Louisiana.

4.40 p.m. We just passed into Louisiana and the mileage is 49473.  We have also just crossed the Pearl River.

5.58 p.m. we passed through Baton Rouge, the capital of Louisiana.

6.00 p.m. just saw a huge billboard for Angola Prison Rodeo? Click on the red link to learn more.

6.01 p.m. we just crossed the Mississippi River.  Gregg said we did this with my Mom and Dad when our son was 2 years old.  I remember the trip but I don't remember the bridge.  We are now officially in the west.

At 6.11 p.m. we have just driven 1400 miles.

6.23 p.m. a sign says Whiskey Bay 1 mile.

6.25 p.m. now passing over the Whiskey Bay Pilot Channel.  (I am going to be looking up and reading about all these places once I get home.)

We have been traveling on a road that is elevated 30 feet above swampy ground.  Not only have we been driving over swamps but have also been crossing rivers for at least 20 plus miles.  

Now we are driving on regular roads next to rice fields.

(I guess I didn't write any more after this.)  


  1. Love the lizard and the dragon fly.
    Sadly I think some people will never recover after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. Just too much grief and loss.

    1. Thank you EC and I think you're right, so many lives lost.

  2. Thank you for taking us traveling with you, Denise. Hmmmm... Alligator meat. I haven't this foggy memory of Art trying it in New Orleans. Big mosquitoes? No thank you!

    1. You are very welcome Kay and interesting about Art trying it in New Orleans.

  3. Another really interesting post, I love the lizards and the dragonflies.
    A seafood restaurant, it can't get much better than that. I have never tasted Alligator but crocodile meat is good, I would guess they taste much the same.
    Still enjoying this virtual holiday, Diane

    1. Thank you Diane, interesting about the crocodile meat.

  4. Gosh and Wow! There's so much to take in - all of it interesting.
    I am going back to re-read and have another look at all that lovely food.

  5. Hello, Denise. I would love to visit the wildlife refuge. Pretty wildflowers and a nice boardwalk. Love the cute lizards. The seafood restaurant and food look great. Enjoy your day!

  6. I had sautéed alligator tail 30 years ago, I ate one piece and it was not bad but I could not get out of my head what it was. LOVE the brilliant green lizard... you are having so much fun.. glad they put it on stilts, Katrina was and is still such a horror to me

    1. That's interesting Sandra, I think I would be the same way. This trip brought everything about Katrina back to me in a flash. We had a good long conversation about it that night.

  7. Oh wow, those Cheese Puppies!!! Our cleaning lady is from the south and I showed her those. :-)

    It sounds like a good idea, to have prisoners doing some simple jobs. They probably like getting out in the fresh air and outer world too.

    Be safe!!! Have fun!!!!!

    1. Thank you LC, and I am sure the prisoners enjoyed that fresh air.

  8. What a fun and fascinating tour, Denise! I love lizards! Here in the Montreal area, as you can imagine, I don't get to see them at all. I do visit a nature park (many, actually), and in one particular park there is an indoor area with a greenhouse, some beautiful cage birds, koi fish, and yes, an iguana! And I love fish and chips with coleslaw, that meal looks delicious. I love the facade of the restaurant and their welcome sign as well.

    And the cheese entree looks delicious, too! I don't think I would want to try the alligator meat myself, either. Gregg's seafood gumbo also looks very wholesome and tasty.

    I enjoyed your entire series of photos, Denise. Thank you so much for sharing. :)

    1. Thank you Linda, I could just go for fish and chips now :) Your indoor greenhouse area sounds like fun :)

  9. I just love your lizard photos and the beautiful dragonfly. Those are my favorites. You are having quite an adventure. I would say that you ARE adventurous, because you are taking this trip. But really, alligator? I would not touch it, either! Good for you for not giving in! That would be a bit TOO much of an adventure.

    1. Mine too Ginny. Such cute little things. Thanks for the lovely comment.

  10. That trail really appeals to me!

    I imagine the prisoners would be low risk offenders.

    1. I was a lovely trail and I agree on the prisoners :)

  11. wow, what a road trip! love seeing all your photos. my uncle had birdhouses like the ones in your pic.
    I met a woman here in NC that lost her daughter to a riding accident. just typing this is bringing on tears. her daughter was taking riding lessons and the trainer had them close to a road. her daughter's horse became skittish and jumped out in front of a semi. the semi couldn't stop in time. I cried and hugged the mom when she shared this with me.

    1. Oh that is so sad. I am very sorry to hear that Marie. It is so hard to comprehend a parent losing a child.

  12. "seafood gumbo which included one of his favorites - okra....."
    Yes, I'm sure it was delicious!

    Lovely series of photographs for us all to enjoy.
    You are travelling some miles.

    Take Care

    All the best Jan

  13. I think I've actually eaten at Snappers. My dad used to live in Biloxi.
    I love the green anole.

  14. Fun trip...wish we were following in your footsteps...a lot to see!

  15. You are rocking the photos on this trip. Great colorful shot of the lizard. Keep it up

  16. Kudos to you Denise for being abke to keep such a detailed and informative log on your travels. We are just a wee bit envious of all the interesting places you are seeing and the unusual foods as well. Thise cheese balls looked delicious!

    1. Thank you Beatrice, I am trying. If I don't write it all down I forget only too quickly.

  17. Wow - such a chock-a-block post Denise, it's great sharing your adventures.
    I loved the lizard photos and the wildflower. It's really interesting to see all the spots you visit. Your restaurant meals look tasty... I've heard that alligator tastes like chicken ... ha ha, seems to me anything unusual is said to taste like chicken ;D)
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Glad you are enjoying them Sue. Chicken? I thought that was rattlesnake, lol! Thank you :)

  18. I love the Gulf Coast. The freeway west of Baton Rouge is elevated for a long ways, as you know by now. I always imagine lots of snakes and aligators down there.

    1. My first trip to the Gulf and I thought it was gorgeous! The thought crossed my mind too :)

  19. Denise, what a wonderful road trip. Thanks for sharing.


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